Are You Enjoying Your Spiritual Journey?

Are You Enjoying Your Spiritual Journey?

I admit it … there are moments I wish I had taken the “blue pill”. You know – that infamous pill that puts you back in the matrix where you can “believe whatever you want to believe”. The blue pill that allows you to go back to your life of unknowingness.  I can remember sitting on the floor in my office crying uncontrollably because I believed the Divine had let me down. I had recently listened to the Divine and taken action on securing a new apartment. I asked for a space that would nurture and fulfill me, and I found it!  Then I gave notice to my current landlord.  She wouldn’t let me out of my current month-to-month agreement without 90 days notice. How could this happen?! Connection was supposed to be fun and I was supposed to benefit by being connected to the Divine.

Mind you, if we could take that blue pill, we wouldn’t really get a better life – we would just return to the place where we don’t know any differently, and so have the illusion of not suffering. Guess what?  There was suffering.

There is so much that metaphysical teachers don’t share with you as you embark on a path of awakening and consciousness. Here are some of my truths about the spiritual journey and some tools that may help you enjoy it more.

It takes courage

Being aware and conscious is a courageous act. You get to practice loving yourself, speaking your truth and really evaluating where you are feeling separate from your higher self and the Divine (which means you are creating your own struggle).

Many of us that choose this journey are used to being the strongest person in the room, and that can be truly exhausting. Know that it takes more courage to ask for support than it does to “go it alone.”

Whenever I forget and am in that feeling of separation, I connect to my Soul and the Divine and ask: “if I were courageous and felt free, what would I say and be for myself today?”

It takes a tribe

Honestly, transformation is boring by yourself. We are human. Humans like humans. Being part of a group that “gets” you encourages your spiritual development. A community provides additional insight, support, individuals to celebrate with and individuals that will help you polish your diamond.

It is about choice

We all have great themes of challenge. These themes are your instruments to help you turn toward the big truths  .  .  .  that you are one with the Divine, you are enough, you are worthy.  When you experience a challenge, you can choose to be consumed by those thoughts of separation, or choose to remember that you are whole and complete.

All of your challenges will be linked back to your big theme, whether it is: not enough, trust, fear of failure, etc.  These come up only to illustrate where you feel separate and don’t believe that you are whole and complete. So when a challenge arises, I often try and remember that though it may feel like I have “worked on this before,” it is my opportunity to accept more of my essential nature and utilize more of that power.

It is all energy

Even in the world of spirituality and metaphysics the words we use can often create separation and judgement. It’s all energy. How we focus and use this energy creates experiences that we deem positive or negative.

Trying to monitor all those positive and negative thoughts can get exhausting. I simply ask myself: “is this thought, feeling, action going to bring me closer to my higher self or push me further away?”

For me, closer is the right direction so actions, thoughts and feelings can be observed without judging or condemning them.


It is supposed to be fun

Connecting to your Soul and your higher power (God, Universe, Divine, Source, etc.) is supposed to be fun. It is supposed to be joyful! So often, individuals are looking for guidance about how to connect to their Soul…you are already doing it! You might just want to identify your pathway for connecting consciously.

Tuning into your Soul and your higher power is supposed to give you comfort, ease and grace. If you are in a battle of trying to “get it right,” I would suggest you activate the knowing that connection is fun by simply stating: “Divine Intelligence, fill me with the feeling and knowing that connection is fun!”

It is your journey

You truly do have all the answers inside of you. There have been many times where I sought assistance from mentors and healers to support my finding those answers. All you need on this journey is a way of understanding what is in your greatest good and is yours alone. When you have that, you can truly understand what resonates with you and what doesn’t.

Remember an experience when you just knew that something wasn’t in your greatest good? How did you know it? Did you feel it somewhere in your body? Did the knowing just pop into your head? Make some notes and start to play with this knowing when making decisions. Keep in mind that resistance to something is much different than not resonating with your Soul.

Resistance feels icky and sticky in the body. We often are agitated or angry when we are in resistance. For me, I feel like a little kid, stamping my feet and wanting to scream or cry.

In order to understand what is best for our journey and really determine what is in our greatest good, resistance needs to be cleared or we won’t be able to make a truly clear decision.

Let Go of the Fight

When we are able to remember at the end of each day (or even at the end of each minute) that we are loved and supported by the Divine, we don’t have to fight our way through our experiences.

The perfect way to transform anything is to love it!



Jennifer Urezzio is the founder of Soul Language and a master intuitive who uses her intuitive skills to help raise consciousness. Soul Language is a paradigm to put tangibility to Soul. She is the author of two books (available on Amazon): Soul Language Consciously Connecting To Your Soul for Success and A Little Book of Prayers. You can learn more at:


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Jennifer Urezzio

Jennifer Urezzio specializes in helping people connect – to themselves, to each other, and to the Divine. She founded a new paradigm, Soul Language, which provides guidance for understanding our true nature and tools for accessing deeper levels of awareness. This new insight into how the Soul expresses itself is being embraced by top healers, lifestyle coaches, and CEOs all over the world as a method for helping people recognize their purpose and live from a place of power and truth. Jennifer is the author of two books: Soul Language – Consciously Connecting with Your Soul for Success and A Little Book of Prayers, both available on Amazon. To learn more visit:

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