Tips For Organising Your Wardrobe by Katie Louise Whitbread

Tips For Organising Your Wardrobe


Tips For Organising Your Wardrobe
By Katie Louise Whitbread

No one likes a messy wardrobe but if you are not careful then it can be really easy to let things get out of hand. Here are a few tips to help you keep your wardrobe looking good and your clothes fresh, neat and ordered at all times:

Hang Up/Fold Up Clean Garments Right Away

When we are in a rush it can be easy to just pop our clean laundry on a chair or on the bed with the intention of putting it all away later, only to leave it there for several days. Leaving clean washing out allows it to get all crumpled and CWM ORGANIZING WARDROBEcreased. Instead of doing it later, do it right away, then you will be able to keep your clothes neat and tidy and your wardrobe in good order. It will also make it easier to find what you want to wear.

Group Clothes That Go Together, Keep Things Modular

Is your wardrobe in a muddle? Is is difficult to find anything in there? Are you often to be found holding a skirt and tearing through your wardrobe trying to find your favourite top to wear with it? Clothes that are to be worn together should ideally be kept next to or at least very close to one another. It is a good idea to keep things modular so that you have fewer clothes, but more outfit options whenever you open your wardrobe.

Store Winter Clothes Less Accessibly Over Summer1U68PK9DJ0

Especially if you are short on space, it makes sense to keep clothes you will only wear in the winter months safely stored in moth proof storage over the summer months when you will not wear them at all. By keeping bulky jumpers in boxes on top of the wardrobe or under the bed, for example, you will be able to find your summer clothes more easily.

Use Clever Solutions To Maximise Space

Clever solutions come in all shapes and sizes but if you only have a small bedroom and are scratching your head when it comes to where to put all your clothes and shoes then there will surely be answers out there that allow you to make the most of every inch of space, including wasted space up the top of the room, and awkward corners.

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

At the end of the day though, if you are endlessly losing items of clothing and fighting a losing battle to close your cupboards and drawers then you will just have to face it – you have too many clothes! Reduce impulse purchases, buy only things you really want and need. Send old clothes you no longer like or which no longer fit to charity shops and recycle material on worn out items to make a whole raft of useful things.

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