Paula’s Real Talk Guide to Rebuilding a Life You Love 2.0

This year I am experiencing a greater level of expectation and excitement, but I have to be transparent. I’m more than a little intimidated by what God is showing me about the future. This time in my life has never been more right for new collaborations and projects. I’m meeting new people and connecting daily with talented people all across the globe. Since we have such amazing technology, we are globally connected to dynamic and innovative leaders who are looking for fresh ideas and powerful connections. I consider this season a critical part of the divine destiny that God has planned for me, yet there is still some work I need to do on myself. I need to become more disciplined, more focused and fine-tuned. I believe that when you began to hone in on the gifts and talents that God has given you it can be the start of something great, but the real work begins as you begin to develop yourself into the person who can carry out the vision.

CWM WOMAN THINKING ABOUT LIFEI’ve experienced firsthand what it feels like to step out on big faith and pursue your passions and dreams. I’ve also felt the sting of being ill prepared for an opportunity and watching it vanish before my eyes. My prayer is that we all continue to take those bold faith steps to develop ourselves into the best person we can be in our businesses, careers and in life. I believe that every one of us is endowed with the ability to dream, imagine, and believe the best. The more we visualize ourselves walking into our greatness, the more determined we should be in gaining the skills and tools necessary to bring those dreams to pass. Many of us talk about the things we want to accomplish, but success comes with a price. Only in giving yourself fully to the process of becoming better can you understand the true value of the reward at the end. Sacrifice and hard work are second nature to some, while others fail to count the cost before creating change. Those who are in tune with their hearts desire have the ability to count the cost and take the risk even in the face of opposition and fear. Part of this cost is learning to let go of baggage, people, and obligations which no longer serve us in the journey. Is there an attitude that is holding you back from being more genuine in your relationships with others? If so, that very attitude could cost you dearly in the end.

Another key component of personal success is having a group of people who can help you see blind spots in areas of growth. No one becomes their best selves without a great mirror all by themselves. We must be willing to share our lives with those who can pour into us and make us better. One of the fastest and most effective ways to grow personally is to work with an accountability group or partner. This could also be a mentor or coach. It’s also important to be sure that you are being mentored by someone who has reached to level in life that we aspire to reach. If you want a thriving marriage, find someone who has a successful and healthy marriage. Do you aspire to own a business or nonprofit? You should connect with those who are successful in those areas. Always remember, a good mentor/accountability partner is willing to sacrifice your temporary friendship in order to secure your future. They will say the hard things and be willing to share key areas of potential growth and adjustment in your character. Find someone who can give you the practical and the spiritual counsel needed for balanced growth. Remember, you may already have a mentor within your current circles. Use your networking tools and ask those around you if they are aware of or if they are open to the possibilities of accountability opportunities.

There are no excuses when it comes to gaining the knowledge of your particular situation and developing the proper mindset. We have access to an unlimited amount of information through conferences & workshops, books, audio, the internet and other forms of technology. Take advantage of these powerful tools and remember the best investment you can make is in yourself. You deserve it. If you want to create a blueprint for the future you desire, this also means that you must write down your goals. A goal is simply a dream with a deadline. Put those dreams and goals in writing and review them often. Speak out loud about them as if they were already done. There is power in your words and your thoughts. They reveal a hidden motivation which comes from seeing things manifest before your eyes. Manifestation can only be preceded by planning and the enlargement of your territory. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. While failure is a part of your personal growth, some of it can be avoided with the proper amount of planning and preparation. Part of enlarging your territory is expanding your mindset to move beyond your current situation. If you think broke, you will always be without money. If you think sick, you will always be ill. Make it a habit to see yourself in a totally different way than where you are now. What if all of the circumstances in your current situation were completely opposite? Your mind will believe what you envision if you just program it with the right material. Think and grow better!

Finally, when it comes to developing the skills necessary to move forward in your life, one of the most important is the ability to shift your mind to the solution instead of the problem. When you are trying to achieve sort of change, there will be obstacles in your path. If you are solution-driven those obstacles can be addressed with a sense of optimism instead of dread. Develop a habit of seeing the possibilities instead of negative outcomes. Maintain a can-do attitude by filling your mind with positive affirmations, scriptures and music. Take the time to cultivate healthy mental habits so that your automatic response becomes “I CAN”! There is nothing like having a winning attitude to propel yourself forward into a bright future. If you take the success tools and apply them to your life you cannot lose. That’s the true essence of a winner!

Go forth, be blessed and prosper.


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Paula McDade

Paula McDade is the CEO of Stellar Creative and Founder of Captured and Crowned, a Christian lifestyle ministry. An inspirational speaker and writer, her latest release is Captured and Crowned, a devotional and journal for Christian women which is featured on YouVersion Bible app. Paula co-authored Igniting the Fire: Setting Ablaze in Ministry, Business and Life, scheduled for August release. Connect with her at

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