Is Your Spirit Being Taken?

Is Your Spirit Being Taken? by Jennifer Urezzio

We live in a world of intuition, energy and spirit. I live in a world of transformational leaders and thinkers. I have lost count of how times I heard, “I gave my power away, they took my power, and/or I feel like my spirit has been taken or broken.”

Here are a couple of truths:

  • No one can take your power away
  • You can’t really give your power away

What you are really saying in the case of those two statements above is, “I feel powerless.”

You and you alone control your energy and what you do with it. You and you alone control your choice of how you feel, what you think, and how you use your God particles. What is truly happening is that you have divided your energy. Imagine it as a plane circling the airport and because it is circling that airport, you can’t use that plane to manifest and create your dream. Here’s the thing to remember about that plane circling. You still own that plane. It is still yours.

Is Your Spirit Being Taken? Photo by Annie Spratt
Is Your Spirit Being Taken? Photo by Annie Spratt

So how do you move from the feeling as if your spirit has been taken to feeling once again full of power and clarity? And, more importantly, how do you stay in that level of consciousness?

Calling Back Your Power

On the spiritual journey, one can spend a lot of time trying to understand what got us in the current situation. In my world, this is called reflection.

Reflection is good and has immense benefits. There is a delicate dance with reflection. Too much reflection creates a feeling of being stuck and not enough creates spiritual by-pass.

Before calling back your power, I suggest that you consider journaling the following dynamo reflection questions.

  • How do I feel?
  • What do I need?
  • What belief in this situation led to the feelings of powerlessness?

Why do I collaborate directly with energy? It can do the heavy lifting for us (and by us). We hold our power in our own hands and words. There is nothing that says this more powerfully then this line, “Ask and it is given.”

So now, think about that situation you feel powerless around. And, as you say the statement below, imagine all those bits and pieces of your energy, your Divine essential nature back in your control.

“With Divine Love, I call back all the power I believe I gave away consciously or unconsciously to this situation, person, belief, time and problem. I call back my power with Divine Love, Divine Will and Divine Grace. I accept that I am and will always be enough and it is safe to be my powerful self.”

Standing In Your Power

So now that you have your power back, so to speak, you want to be able to stand in your power. Most of us are afraid of standing in our power.

We are afraid of (to name a few):

  • What others will think and feel
  • Hurting others
  • Being rejected

It is important that you understand that it is your right to utilize your energy the way you choose. It is your right to be a powerful spiritual being. And, you require a tool to remember that, feel safe standing in your power, and keep allowing your gifts and talents to be in the spotlight.

There is no better individual to share how to do this than you! Your Soul knows all the answers about you and your power. So I suggest that you journal around these questions to understand and stand in your power:

  • What do I get to activate, turn on like a superpower, to know that I am safe to utilize my power?
  • Why is it in the greatest good of all (including myself) to utilize my power and my gifts and talents?

Your Spirit can never be taken. You are a Divine being in charge of how you wish to utilize your essential nature. And remember, feelings of being powerless are just that, feelings.




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Jennifer Urezzio

Jennifer Urezzio specializes in helping people connect – to themselves, to each other, and to the Divine. She founded a new paradigm, Soul Language, which provides guidance for understanding our true nature and tools for accessing deeper levels of awareness. This new insight into how the Soul expresses itself is being embraced by top healers, lifestyle coaches, and CEOs all over the world as a method for helping people recognize their purpose and live from a place of power and truth. Jennifer is the author of two books: Soul Language – Consciously Connecting with Your Soul for Success and A Little Book of Prayers, both available on Amazon. To learn more visit:

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