The Importance of Personal Self Protection – How to Defend Yourself

The Importance of Personal Self Protection – How to Defend Yourself

The Importance of Personal Self Protection – How to Defend Yourself
By Jan A Yoder

As a woman the fear of being mugged or assaulted is very real and the problem is growing everyday. The importance of personal self-protection is a must and knowing how to defend yourself will definitely bring you peace of mind..

I have always chosen the path of least resistance. Part of it is denial and part of it is lack of interest. How stupid is that! The statistics show 1 in 3 women in America will be attacked during their lifetime. That definitely got my attention, I needed to get my head out of the sand and become pro-active about protecting myself.

So I began my research on how to defend myself. I needed to find my Rambo side.

Martial Arts:

My son had taken Taekwondo and it was a great experience for him. He gained confidence in knowing he could defend himself. There are several different styles of martial arts for you to explore. For me I knew this was not a viable route. Bad knees, painful legs and poor wrists were just a few things that hindered my training.

Any form of martial arts can be beneficial for protecting yourself. The classes are great social gatherings for discussing your moves, needing help and making new friends. Join the whole family, you can build confidence together, it opens up communication and brings you closer. What a great way to have fun.

Personal Protection:

Pepper Spray

I have no personal experience with products that use pepper spray or stun guns, but I have been considering a pepper spray product to carry with me. I discovered very quickly making a selection was not going to be easy.

In early history red chili peppers were used by China as self-defense. As time progressed pepper spray became useful in torturing criminals and slaves. It wasn’t until the 1980’s that pepper was finally developed as a pepper spray and recognized as a non-lethal weapon by the law enforcement agencies.

Now comes the confusing part. When pepper spray became available for civilians to purchase there were a few things you had to consider. Each state has laws and guidelines for its use. Such as:

The state forbids pepper spray

The brand or type of pepper spray

Restrictions of use


Stun Guns

The concept of stun guns has been around for quite a while. The earliest use of sending a jolt of electricity to the body was with the electric chair. You also had the electric cattle prod, In the 1950’s and early 1960’s a U.S. designed stun gun appeared and was used by the law enforcement. Going forward the stun gun gained popularity as a self-defense device.

Improvements have been made in the style and ease of operation for anyone considering purchasing a stun gun. Remember though each state has laws on ownership of a stun gun.

Both options (martial arts and self-defense devices) are totally capable of protecting you from harm. My personal choice will probably be the pepper spray. They now have it available as a bracelet, lipstick case and flashlight. Most importantly be aware of what your state laws are regarding the pepper spray and stun gun. Be smart and be safe.

My name is Janice Yoder, the author of this article. Being able to defend yourself, knowing what technique or device will work for you if attacked is a very important issue.that needs to be discussed. Visit my website for more information on self defense.

Article Source:—How-to-Defend-Yourself&id=8799005

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