WHO IS SHE? – Tracey Love Graves


Tracey Love Graves is a multi-talented actress who thrives in front of and behind the camera. As a certified Yoga Instructor, she is teaching women by example,- in living her own life unapologetically, trusting the process and finding a moment to just BREATHE. Let’s meet her…


You were born in Queens, New York and grew up in Richmond, Virginia. Where are you based now, and did you initially relocate to pursue your acting career or was it your career in general?

I currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia, and while I’ve been visiting almost every year since college for various reasons, I chose to move permanently in 2021 for my family and career. Previously, I had booked two roles shooting in Atlanta while living in New York City and then Los Angeles, but when I booked the third project, I had to make a real decision. My return to Los Angeles in the fall of 2020 proved that the city had not been the same one I had left when I joined the Peace Corps. It was time for me to head back south, follow creative opportunities, and be closer to my family. By the grace of God, 1.5 years into my new ATL life, my grandmother began her ordeal with greedy developers on Hilton Head Island, and I’ve happily put a few thousand miles on my new car driving the 5-hours back and forth. I would not have been able to be as close to my family during this time had I stayed in Los Angeles.


When you think back to your college days, where did you see yourself in the future versus where you are now? How did you learn to trust the journey and just enjoy the ride?

When I was in college, I saw myself exactly where I am professionally. I’ve just co-written my first feature film that premieres in Germany and Austria this Christmas season. I was just a part of the phenomenal Exorcist: Believer, which opened at number 1 worldwide. In my VCU days, I dropped classes during my sophomore year because I knew I had to fulfill my childhood dream of moving to LA as soon as possible. That decision only lasted until the Fall semester due to the realization that I should at least get “a” degree just to say I have one. I returned to school, changed my major from Pre-Nursing to Sociology, graduated, and moved to LA exactly one year later. Enjoying the ride is something I’ve always done, and maybe a little too much. I see actresses my age and younger who are light years ahead of me in experience and exposure, but a still, small voice has constantly reminded me that no two paths are the same and that there’s no value in the comparison. Those same actresses would have never taken two years off to join the Peace Corps, opting to stay “in the game” to stay relevant.


Trusting the journey means knowing that what’s mine is mine no matter what. The phrase, “Que será será” lives rent-free in my head and I remind myself that no human can take away what God has set aside for me. Even me.






Were you ever afraid of things not going the way you wanted? How did you set aside any fear or apprehension when it was time to make decisions?

I’ve absolutely experienced fear of failure all arenas of life! Career, relationship, education, and now philanthropy. When it’s time to make decisions, the thought of not making a choice scares me even more so than making the wrong choice. At least when I make the wrong choice, I can learn and grow from it, but making no choice keeps me stagnant, and in terms of acting, an actor who makes no choices has already died.

Tell us about SilberLove Productions and the types of projects you bring to life.

Yes! SilberLove Productions is a production company started by myself and my husband, writer, producer, and director, Chris Silber, and we endeavor to highlight real stories on stage and screen. The best advice I’ve ever received about writing is to “Write what you know” and that “The world needs all of our stories.” SilberLove Productions, as writers, has written about the blending of our interracial family in a Christmas film entitled “A Rainbow For Christmas,” which can be seen on TV for Christmas in Germany and Austria and streaming in Germany starting November 2023. Our next film is an adaptation of the events surrounding my now 94-year-old grandmother, Josephine Wright, and her battle with wealthy land developers on Hilton Head Island entitled “Leave Her Alone.” This one is particularly close to my heart, not only because we’re dealing with my grandmother but because it’s a thesis on what happens when four generations of women come together to heal generational trauma and the superheroes they become because of it. I can’t wait to see this one through completion.


How did the podcast, Love Life Hacks come about and what is one bit of relationship advice you wish you had known in your early 20’s? What platforms are you on?

Love Life Hacks came about because Chris and I have a heart for relationships, service, and how the two intersect. Separately, we have both been approached throughout our lives for relationship advice, and we felt like it would be valuable to have a home where we could have these conversations with our audience all at once. More importantly, we both noticed our loved ones holding themselves back from serving the world due to their dysfunctional relationships at home. We feel that healed hearts heal others, and our duty is to help as many people heal their hearts as possible. In my 20’s, I really wish someone would have told me not to be so accepting, and that red flags are bright red for a reason. Most likely due to coping mechanisms and the excuses I made for the adults around me, I had this strange idea that it was cool to be “cool” and roll with everything I was given. It took me many years to be honest about my true feelings. Making the conscious choice to surround myself with people who can give and receive unconditional love helps tremendously. Love Life Hacks can be found on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram @lovelifehacksshow.



As a former Peace Corps Volunteer, what would you say was the most amazing part or takeaway from the entire experience?

The most amazing takeaway from my Peace Corps experience was witnessing true happiness, love, and community from humans who would be considered “poor” by Western standards. Let me be clear, I did not live and work in villages with “poor” people. I lived and worked with families rich with culture, contentment, and grace who openly shared what little they had at every chance they could. The pure joy and pride that I observed from those with very “little” revealed to me the faults in our capitalist, consumer society and redefined what it means to “need.” It wasn’t exactly a departure from who I was. I wasn’t the type to need designer clothes, shoes, or bags, but until then, I had been quite self-conscious when I couldn’t play “the trend game.” Today, I value sustainable shopping, but more importantly, I know who I am at my core, and I am content with the love and light that I have to give to the world, even if it’s not wrapped in the shiniest package. I can be loved for who I am, not for what I have and I can give the same love in return.


Tell us about The BREATHE Approach.

Absolutely! I recently hosted a Healing Yoga Session for the community on the land to bring love and healing energy back into a land that has been interrupted and surrounded by disruption due to the developers building around it. After the session, there was a moment where I looked up, feeling the sun on my face, and my neck felt relief from the all-day posture of looking down at phones, and I released a breath of relief, gratitude, and love, fully surrendering to that moment. It made me think of how many of us carry the weight of the world within our bodies and have no idea why we feel unbalanced, uneasy, or unable to move forward mentally.

So, as we begin the holiday season, I wanted to remind everyone, especially us women who often carry many burdens in silence to BREATHE.

B: Balance: The holidays can be a whirlwind, but balance is essential for mental and emotional well-being. Whether through a simple yoga practice, meditation, or self-care rituals- make time to BALANCE your body and your mind.

R: Relax: Stress can quickly become a companion during the holidays. As you schedule meetings, holiday shopping, and caring for others, schedule a pedicure or massage or run a bath with candles and your favorite journal to recap your night.

E: Empower: In the midst of the holiday frenzy, we often lose touch with our inner selves. I encourage you to consider breathwork and mindfulness. There are actual breathwork techniques to help you release stress and even improve your health! Taking time to learn breathwork and mindfulness will help you align with your core values and intentions, fostering a sense of clarity and purpose.

A: Alignment: Alignment could make the difference between feeling a sense of purpose and feeling busy and overwhelmed with no reason for “why.” To experience alignment, it’s a mixture of mental awareness, movement, and breathwork. Visualize your invisible crown, sis! Head up, shoulders back, chest striving to touch the sky, and breathe slowly.


T: Transform: Transforming your life is an act of habit. Take these techniques beyond the holidays and prioritize your dreams and self-care. It’s not just about physical things like getting your hair done or a manicure. It’s about your well-being and loving yourself as you desire and deserve to feel and be loved.

H: Heads UP: So many of us walk, work, and live with our chins buried in our chests. Whether from the mindless scrolling on our phones or the constant work on computers or tablets, Tracey wants to remind us to bring our heads UP. Relieve the tension in your next and breathe through the movement.

E: Elevate: As women, we handle a lot, go through a lot, and oftentimes carry all of that with us without releasing the pain and trauma. To elevate your life, we have to see ourselves already there! See yourself where you desire to be by being the woman you desire to become right now.

The BREATHE technique isn’t just for the Holiday Season, but it’s a place to start creating a habit of intentional self-care and love. When we begin to love and care for ourselves deeply, it becomes easier to recognize when others are (and when they are not).


How can women best begin to apply these techniques in coping with stress related to the holidays, relationships, health issues, career hurdles and more?

Breathing is second nature to us, but how many times have we truly stopped to recognize the rhythm of our breathing? It’s one of the most simple acts of living, but it’s the most vital act of living, because without it- our time on Earth is complete. One way I recommend the BREATHE approach is to schedule 10 minutes of your day (at any point of your day) to me mindful of your breath. During this time, close your eyes and connect with your body. You can be seated or standing but take a moment to check in with your shoulders, assess your thoughts for the day and ask yourself questions like:

  • What have I been thinking about today?
  • What’s bothering me? Is it something I can control? If not, how can I release it and surrender?
  • Have I done something for myself today? if not, what can I do? (no matter how big or small)
  • Am I resisting anything?

As you think about these things, allow yourself to feel the heat from your nostrils and release gratitude for life. Each technique is connected to intention and prioritization. Prioritize yourself with love and care, and be intentional with perspective and approach.


Do you offer coaching or training to women in this method?

At the moment, I do not. However, you have me thinking! If someone is interested in support, I will find a way to assist you. As a certified Yoga Instructor, I offer private yoga and meditation sessions to clients who desire a loving, supporting space through their journey and practice– and the BREATHE technique is no different.


If there is anyone interested in gaining support, please do not hesitate to contact me. My DMs are always open, and I love connecting with beautiful souls in human form.

We salute you in your amazing support of your 93-year-old grandmother in her fight to keep developers from taking her land. Tell us how this has changed or empowered you.

Thank you so much! Yes, this has changed and empowered me tremendously. I always knew I wanted to run a foundation or non-profit like Rihanna’s Clara Lionel Foundation, but I never knew what cause I would support or when, I just knew I would let God lead me to the right one. I had some idea of the past unethical land grabbing suffered by my people across the nation but this ordeal has opened my eyes to the prevalence of this happening in the present day. Grandma Josephine is not alone in her fight. She is a mere representation of an underhanded system designed to turn a blind eye to business practices that keep entire generations of black and brown people impoverished. I am overjoyed to watch my grandmother stand up and fight for what’s hers, but most of all, I’m thrilled to watch the younger generation, especially girls, witness her strength and learn how easy it is to say no. It took me years and many bumps and bruises to stand up for myself, but for them, they are being raised with this courage, which can only be beneficial for many generations to come. Also, it’s not lost on me that the Josephine Wright Foundation is also named after my grandmother, like Rihanna’s.


How can people support your grandmother in her ordeal?

Everyone can support our efforts by donating to the Josephine Wright Foundation through GoFundMe by searching “Fighting Injustice on Hilton Head.” You can also get updates about her there, as well. We can also be supported by prayers, commenting, liking, and sharing her story when and wherever you can.

Tell us about your family life outside of work.

I’m a mother of 3 bonus kids, a 23-year-old boy who lives in Berlin, a 14-year-old girl who lives with us in Atlanta and is low-support autistic, and a 6-year-old feisty Cheagle dog. I like to say that I have two children, but someone else carried them! I have two sisters, who I am in between in age, and we have an older brother. My parents, God bless them, are still with us and healthy. I am number 40 of Grandma Josephine’s 40 grandchildren, so I grew up surrounded by young people, never really enjoying quiet moments. This is probably why I enjoy spending parts of my birthday alone doing activities like spa days and silent retreats. It’s the only time I can unashamedly take entire days to completely reset. That’s not to say that I don’t take entire days for myself throughout the remainder of the year, I just don’t feel bad for it on my birthday.

As an actress, is there anyone you would really love to work with that you haven’t yet or any subject matter you would love to tackle on film?

I gotta get my acting weight up, but I have this crazy idea for a story about a love triangle between myself, John David and Denzel Washington. If anyone wants to hear the pitch, call me! Unrelated, or related… I’m open, I would love to tackle subject matter surrounding sex work and human trafficking that cross genres. Think, a Pretty Woman comedy remake or horror story about the first brothel in America run by the formerly enslaved.


Tell our readers how they can find you online and support?

Please keep up with me on my website www.traceylove.com and check me out on Instagram @traceylovegraves.

Do you have any upcoming projects or endeavors to promote?

Yes! You can catch me in the new film Exorcist: Believer in theaters and streaming on Peacock and in On-Ten, the series streaming soon.

Anything to add?

Thank you for having me. Don’t be afraid to show love. Reach out to me and I would love to connect. Stay safe, and God Bless.



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Connected Woman Magazine is an online magazine that serves the female population in life and business. Our website will feature groundbreaking and inspiring women in news, video, interviews, and focused features from all genres and walks of life.

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