Hazel Simpson is an Independent Film Director who puts her passion and vision into her projects. It hasn’t always been easy but it’s definitely worth it. Let’s meet her...

How long have you been working in the film industry? What was your first role (producer/director/writer etc.) and how did you land the opportunity?

I have been working in the film industry since 2011. My first role was as a writer, driven by my passion for storytelling.

Where did your interest come from? Were you coordinating plays in high school/college or have an educational background in similar areas of interest?

My interest in the film industry and storytelling was sparked during my upbringing, where I engaged in imaginative pretend play and storytelling with my sibling. In school, I explored this passion by taking drama classes, participating in plays, and gaining insights into the behind-the-scenes aspects of theater. As I grew, my fascination with storytelling extended to the world of cinema, leading me to pursue a formal education in screenwriting and film studies, which equipped me with the necessary skills to pursue a career in the film industry.

Why is it important for African Americans to not only create in these spaces but also important that the powers that be create the spaces for them to create? What are the diversity struggles you have witnessed?

It is crucial for African Americans to not only create in these spaces but also for the powers that be to create opportunities for them because representation matters. By being active creators and contributors in various industries, African Americans break stereotypes and show that they are capable of achieving success in spaces that have historically been dominated by others. Additionally, when the powers that be create opportunities for African Americans, it fosters an inclusive environment that promotes diversity and empowers marginalized communities.

As an African American female, I have personally witnessed several diversity struggles. One of the most prominent challenges is racial discrimination, where biases and prejudices may hinder opportunities for people of color. Communication issues can also arise, as different cultural backgrounds may lead to misunderstandings or lack of proper representation in decision-making processes. Moreover, stereotyping and assumptions about African Americans can limit their access to opportunities or lead to misconceptions about their abilities and potential. Addressing these diversity struggles is essential for creating a more equitable and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive regardless of their background.

Can you share a negative experience in the industry you had that you either overcame or have seen significant improvements in your career?

In my career, I faced a significant challenge with the lack of support when my product or content wasn’t already a household name. In the film industry, getting recognition and attention for your work can be tough, especially if you’re not backed by a big studio or have well-known connections. I found it disheartening to witness how certain projects received preferential treatment simply because they had more prominent names attached, while smaller, independent projects often struggled to gain visibility.

However, I am pleased to say that I have seen some improvements in this aspect over time. With the rise of digital platforms and social media, independent filmmakers and content creators now have more opportunities to showcase their work to a broader audience. These platforms have opened up avenues for undiscovered talent to gain recognition and build a dedicated fan base. Additionally, there is a growing awareness and appreciation for diverse and unique storytelling, which has led to a more inclusive environment in the industry.

Men dominate the film industry in general. What do you think needs to happen in order to bridge the gap between men and women in order to create a more level and equal playing field when it comes to opportunities, pay and power?

Creating a more level and equal playing field in the film industry requires taking proactive steps to address gender disparities and promote inclusivity. Here are some key actions that can be taken:
1. Equal Opportunity: Providing equal opportunities for both men and women is essential. This includes considering candidates based on their skills, experience, and qualifications rather than gender. Encouraging diversity in decision-making roles, such as hiring and casting, can help ensure a more inclusive industry.
2. Pay Equity: Ensuring that men and women receive equal pay for equal work is crucial. Closing the gender pay gap is not only a matter of fairness but also fosters a more respectful and balanced work environment.
3. Representation and Visibility: Actively seeking out and supporting female talent in all aspects of filmmaking, including directing, writing, producing, and technical roles, can help increase representation and visibility. This might involve providing mentorship and networking opportunities for women to connect with industry professionals.
4. Challenging Stereotypes: Encourage storytelling that challenges traditional gender stereotypes and promotes diverse narratives. Breaking away from gender norms in film can lead to more authentic and relatable portrayals of women and men alike.
5. Inclusive Policies: Implementing policies and initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion within film studios, production companies, and organizations can help create a supportive and equitable environment for all.
6. Education and Training: Providing resources and training opportunities specifically aimed at empowering women in the film industry can help them develop their skills and confidence.
7. Transparent Reporting: Collecting and sharing data on gender representation and pay within the industry can create awareness and accountability, encouraging positive changes.


How important is it for you to properly depict the African American experience in your projects as well as present the female view on topics and issues that matter to us?

As an independent film director, it is of utmost importance for me to authentically depict the African American experience in my projects, as well as to present the diverse and meaningful female perspective on various topics and issues that matter to us. My goal is to showcase the relatable challenges women encounter while infusing elements of humor and spirituality. Through my work, I aim to emphasize the strength of unity and support among women, irrespective of the struggles they confront, thereby fostering a sense of empowerment and understanding for all female audiences.

How do you weave serious topics that matter to you- and should matter to everyone- into your projects?

In my projects, I ensure that I

weave serious topics that matter not only to me but

should matter to everyone. To achieve this, I focus on incorporating current and relevant themes that resonate with the audience. I


carefully choose relatable topics that viewers can connect with on a personal level, evoking emotions and encouraging self-reflection. By presenting these serious issues in a compelling and relatable manner, I aim to create a meaningful impact on the audience, prompting them to ponder and engage in discussions about the subjects addressed in the films. Through this approach, I hope to foster a greater understanding and empathy towards these important topics, sparking positive change and awareness in society.


What subject matter would you cover in your next project, If given an automatic greenlight and money was no object?

If I were given an automatic greenlight and money was no object, my next project would focus on mental health. The film would delve deep into the complexities of mental health issues, shedding light on the various aspects of emotional well-being, psychological struggles, and the stigma surrounding mental illnesses. It would aim to humanize these conditions, portraying the experiences of individuals facing different mental health challenges with empathy and authenticity. Through a compelling narrative and powerful storytelling, the film would encourage open conversations about mental health, breaking down barriers and fostering understanding and support for those affected. Additionally, the project would collaborate with mental health experts and advocates to ensure accuracy and promote awareness of available resources for those seeking help. Ultimately, the goal would be to destigmatize mental health, inspire hope, and inspire positive change in how society views and treats mental health issues.


Tell us about Hazel Visions.

Hazel Visions is the online platform and website created by me, Hazel Simpson, to showcase and house all of my creative content, including movies, books, and more. It serves as a central hub where audiences can access and explore the various projects I have worked on. From independent films that depict diverse perspectives and experiences to thought-provoking books that tackle important themes, Hazel Visions aims to offer a wide range of engaging and meaningful content. The website provides a space for individuals to discover my artistic journey, connect with my storytelling style, and stay updated on upcoming releases and projects. Whether it’s delving into the African American experience, exploring female viewpoints on relevant topics, or delving into serious subjects like mental health, Hazel Visions is dedicated to delivering captivating and impactful content that resonates with audiences worldwide.

What project are you most proud of or did you enjoy the most?

As an independent film director and creator, I find joy and pride in all of my projects, making it incredibly difficult to choose a single favorite. Each project holds a unique place in my heart, as they represent my creative journey, passion, and dedication to storytelling. From depicting the African American experience to presenting female perspectives on various issues, and exploring themes like mental health, I invest my time and energy in crafting stories that resonate with audiences. The satisfaction comes from knowing that my work has the potential to impact and connect with people on a personal level, sparking discussions and evoking emotions. While I cannot pick a single project as the one I am most proud of or enjoyed the most, it is the collective body of work and the positive response from audiences that truly drives and fulfills me as a filmmaker and storyteller.

Who has inspired you on your path to success?

On my path to success, one of the biggest inspirations for me has been witnessing the hard work and entrepreneurial spirit of my parents. Seeing them dedicatedly pursue their dreams and overcome challenges has instilled in me a strong work ethic and determination to achieve my own goals. Their resilience, passion, and unwavering support have been a constant source of motivation throughout my journey as an independent film director and creator. Their example has taught me the value of perseverance, creativity, and taking risks, which has been instrumental in shaping my approach to my work and life. Their belief in me and the encouragement they provided have been pivotal in giving me the confidence to pursue my passions and forge my path toward success.

What role do you think the recent industry worker strikes will have on overall industry or women in general?

The recent industry worker strikes can have significant implications for the overall industry and women in general. These strikes represent a collective effort by workers to address issues related to control and rights, highlighting concerns such as fair wages, working conditions, and job security. Depending on the outcomes of the strikes and the responses from the industry, several potential impacts can arise:


  1. Industry Dynamics: The strikes may lead to changes in industry dynamics, prompting companies to reevaluate their labor practices and policies. This could result in improved working conditions and better treatment of workers, leading to a more positive and inclusive work environment.


  1. Women’s Empowerment: Since women are a significant part of the workforce, any improvements resulting from the strikes can positively impact women’s empowerment in the industry. It may lead to more opportunities for women to access higher-paying positions, better work-life balance, and an improved representation in leadership roles.


  1. Labor Movement Strengthening: The strikes may strengthen the labor movement, encouraging workers to stand up for their rights collectively. This could lead to more frequent negotiations, better worker protections, and increased advocacy for labor-related issues in various industries.


  1. Technology and the Future: As the industry adapts to the changing landscape influenced by the strikes, technology can play a crucial role in finding innovative solutions. Embracing technology can lead to more efficient workflows, improved communication, and increased transparency in labor practices.

In the long run, I hope that the strikes will bring about positive change and that the industry and workers can reach a resolution that benefits everyone involved. It is essential to prioritize fair treatment, respect workers’ rights, and foster an inclusive and supportive work culture for both men and women. This collective effort can lead to a more equitable and sustainable industry that values its workers and embraces technological advancements in a way that benefits everyone’s future.







So many women get discouraged in their journey in the film industry and put their dreams on a shelf. What would you say to encourage a promising writer/creative to try to make a way?

To any promising writer or creative facing discouragement in their journey in the film industry, I would say this: Never give up on your dreams. If filmmaking brings a smile to your face and ignites your passion, keep pushing forward, no matter the challenges you encounter. The path to success in the film industry, especially for women, may not always be easy but remember that perseverance and dedication are key to making a way for yourself.

Believe in your talent and unique voice as a writer or creative. Embrace your perspective and experiences as a woman, as they can add depth and authenticity to your storytelling. Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your passion and can uplift you during difficult times.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and explore new avenues in your creative endeavors. Failure and setbacks are natural parts of any journey, but they can also be valuable learning experiences that help you grow and improve as an artist.

Seek out mentors and role models who have succeeded in the industry, especially women who have overcome similar challenges. Their guidance and encouragement can provide you with valuable insights and strategies to navigate the film industry effectively.

Tell our readers about the I Am Awards.

The I Am Awards is a prestigious award show that recognizes and celebrates the outstanding achievements of female entrepreneurs who are dedicated to giving back to their communities. Held annually, this special event aims to shine a spotlight on the remarkable contributions made by women in various fields. The awards ceremony honors seven to twelve exceptional female entrepreneurs who have not only excelled in their respective industries but have also made a significant impact through their philanthropic efforts and community engagement.

What’s up next for you?

As an independent film director and creator, my next endeavor involves writing another movie. Building on my passion for storytelling and the desire to connect with audiences through powerful narratives, I am excited to embark on the creative process of crafting a new film. This project will be an opportunity to explore fresh ideas, delve into compelling themes, and bring diverse perspectives to the screen. As always, my aim is to create a thought-provoking and impactful story that resonates with viewers and sparks meaningful conversations. I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of my craft and continuing to grow as a filmmaker, and I can’t wait to share my next cinematic journey with the world.

How can our readers connect and support?

Thank you for your interest in supporting my work! To connect and show your support, you can watch my movies on various platforms. You can find my content and updates on my website, www.Hazelvisions.com. By watching my films and engaging with the stories I tell, you are not only enjoying the art but also contributing to the success of independent filmmakers like myself. Your viewership and feedback mean a lot and play a crucial role in motivating me to continue creating impactful and meaningful content. Additionally, spreading the word about my films and website to friends, family, and on social media can help reach a wider audience and further support my work. I am truly grateful for your support, and I hope you enjoy the stories I have to share through my movies.



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Connected Woman Magazine

Connected Woman Magazine is an online magazine that serves the female population in life and business. Our website will feature groundbreaking and inspiring women in news, video, interviews, and focused features from all genres and walks of life.

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