WHO IS SHE? – Angela Donadio

Angela Donadio is a ministry leader, a compassionate humanitarian, author, speaker, and host of the Make Life Matter Podcast. Her wealth of knowledge assists all that she encounters in living purpose driven lives rooted in the Word. Let’s meet her.

You are an author, speaker and podcast host. You are also a church leader, wife and mother. How do you maintain a healthy balance when being pulled in so many directions and how does faith provide the foundation for it all?

 One crucial thing for me is to allow God to lead my life and my decisions. We can’t do all the things all the time, so it’s important to seek God’s heart for each season of our lives. It’s important to always remember that God sets the agenda; we steward the assignments. We will live most fulfilled when we surrender our plans to God.

Tell us about Voice of the Voiceless.

As the Founder of Voice of the Voiceless, we champion women through empowerment and education initiatives in Africa and around the world. We also provide opportunities for men and women to engage in international ministry and missions. We make our lives matter for the kingdom one act of obedience at a time. I love helping others connect to kingdom purpose and use their voice to impact the world. I’ve traveled to Africa over two dozen times as well as ministered in Israel, Romania, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, and El Salvador.

What does a work-free day look like? What does Angela enjoy in her downtime?

I love to travel and spend time with my husband, Dale on our free days! Sometimes we just hang out at the house and cook together and watch a movie, and other times we take day trips. I love working out at the gym and hanging out with my two young adult kids when we can!

Do you feel like your legacy represents who you are at your core?

This is such a great question. Legacy will outlive us, but it is determined by the way we live now. I want to invest my life into people in ways that impact eternity. When we choose a life of obedience to God, He determines the outcome. That frees us from focusing on the particular outcome of a situation and focusing more on being who He calls us to be and doing what He calls us to do. I love pouring my life into others through resources I write, international trips, and collaboration. I believe those kingdom connections will outlive and outlast me.

Pain. Purpose. Fear. Life. When you look back at your journey, how did you not only survive but transform, pivot and heal from your own valleys in life and how did that prepare you for the work you do today?

 God can transform pain into purpose if we will allow Him. In 2001 and 2003, I experienced two health crises that nearly took my life. They shifted the trajectory of my relationship with God and others. God taught me that doing flows from being, and not the other way around. When we learn to rest and abide in Him, we will find that our purpose flows from our presence with Him. After nearly dying, I began to shift my perspective and ask God to help me see things His way. Two questions that can help us reframe adversity are asking God, “What do you want me to learn from this?” and “How can You use this for Your glory?” He never wastes anything we go through and He will redeem and repurpose even our hardest moments for good.

Tell our readers about your podcast.

I host the Make Life Matter Podcast featuring compelling conversations with leading voices. We talk about their journey in faith, resources that encourage and equip us, and how to ground our worth in the Word instead of the narrative of the world. The conversations are authentic and rich and one of my favorite things!

Tell us in summary about your books and where they can be purchased.

My first book, Finding Joy When Life is Out of Focus is a study of Philippians for Joy-Thirsty Women. My second Bible study, Fearless – Ordinary Women of the Bible who Dared to Do Extraordinary Things, is part study and part story and helps us find our voice in a loud world and stand strong for God. It features a video guide I filmed is Israel. Astounded – Encountering God in Everyday Moments offers 52 Devotions filled with Heartfelt Stories, Humor, and Hope. And my most recent book was one of the greatest gifts of my life. I wrote it with my hero, my dad, veteran pastor Hubert Morris. Brave Enough to Believe – How the Life of Doubting Thomas Answers Our Hard Questions helps us discover Jesus’ invitation to come closer when doubt tries to drive us away. I also have some free resources available – and you can download those and purchase my books at angeladonadio.com. My books are also available wherever books are sold.

Why is the empowerment of women important to you?

We are so much stronger together. I encourage women to choose confetti over competition. When we choose to celebrate each other and collaborate, not only do women win, but the kingdom of God wins. We can use our gifts and talents to lift up others, speak life, and see dignity restored in broken places. I believe God wants to use women in our generation in powerful ways if we link arms together, love Him, and love others well.

Your resources have been defined as helping others” ground their worth in the Word rather than the narrative of the world.” For women specifically, why is it imperative that we hold on to our faith and use it as the framework for our daily lives in order to block all negative barriers to peace, joy, and happiness that come at us from the world?

 It’s hard to find our voice in a loud world. We wrestle with nagging questions that chip away at our worth, uncertain if we’re up to the challenges around us. It’s exhausting carrying pain from the past, pressure from the present, and fear of the future. But it is possible to rise above the doubts that kill our courage and move forward into God’s call on our lives. The women of the Bible have a lot to say about the complex dilemmas we face today. Our faith in God is the stable foundation that everything else builds from. When we know who God is and who we are in Him, we can overcome challenges and embrace God’s best for our lives.

Tell our readers where they can find more information about you and support your endeavors.

My website is angeladonadio.com.  I am also on Instagram @angeladonadio and Facebook @angeladonaiovov

Any upcoming projects or events you would like to promote?

We are leading a team to Greece for Paul’s Journeys in 2024! I would love for people to get their signed copy of Brave Enough to Believe or join us in Greece at angeladonadio.com.

Anything to add?

You can also download FREE resources at angeladonadio/free.


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Connected Woman Magazine

Connected Woman Magazine is an online magazine that serves the female population in life and business. Our website will feature groundbreaking and inspiring women in news, video, interviews, and focused features from all genres and walks of life.

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