Trials to Triumph: Meet Antoinette Logan

In our Meet the Entrepreneur segment, we are introducing entrepreneurs and giving our readers the opportunity to meet and support some amazing and empowering women. In our holiday special edition called, “7 Days of Connection”, CWM would like to continue to normalize women supporting women and giving them a platform to be seen and heard. Next up …


Antoinette Logan is the epitome of empowered and motivational. Her relatable journey from pain to branding consultant, author and speaker is filled with adversity and hurdles that she did not let define or derail her. She survived it all and is still here to tell the story. Let’s connect with this Atlanta based dynamic woman..

 The Entrepreneur

 Official Bio: As a branding consultant, strategist, author, and sought-after speaker known by her brand name, “Ask Ms. Logan,” Antoinette Logan embodies inspiration and empowerment. Her interactions with audiences are more than mere engagements; they are immersive journeys filled with practical insights and motivational guidance.

Antoinette’s passion lies in unlocking individuals’ potential, enabling them to navigate both personal and professional realms with resounding success. Her purpose? To spark positive change by guiding others through self-discovery, obstacle navigation, and goal achievement via motivational speaking, coaching, and entrepreneurial mentorship.

Branding herself as a beacon of authenticity, honesty, creativity, leadership, empowerment, resilience, and success, Antoinette stands tall as an emblem of triumph against adversity. Her speaking repertoire spans diverse topics—from personal development and resilience to entrepreneurship, leadership, and effective communication.

Her accolades speak volumes: The Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, The Global Woman of Choice Award, The Black Excellence Award, and The Gold Medal at The Black Business Olympics. She’s graced major stages, podcasts, and magazine features, imparting wisdom on personal growth and entrepreneurship to eager audiences worldwide.

What sets Antoinette apart is her unique fusion of motivational speaking, coaching finesse, and entrepreneurial triumph, coupled with an unfiltered, relatable approach. Affectionately known as the “cussin consultant,” her personal touch creates an engaging, authentic experience. Her life’s journey, overcoming early challenges of growing up without parental guidance, and forging her path through hands-on experiences and mentorship from industry giants, fuels her unparalleled expertise.

A published author of empowering books tailored for niche audiences, including “It Starts With I,” “Water for her Soul,” “Self Mastery Masterbook,” “You Are The Icon Leadership Book,” and “Phenomenal Woman Anthology Cutting The Cost in Business,” Antoinette offers transformative insights and actionable strategies for personal and professional growth.

For Antoinette Logan, it’s more than a career; it’s a surrendering of her gift to every opportunity. Her website,, is a gateway to explore her transformative insights, coaching services, and the roadmap she offers for personal and professional metamorphosis. Embrace the journey; she’s here to light the way!  #AskMsLoganTransforms

What is the name of your business(es) and when was it established?

The AIM Agency- 2016

Iconic Speakers Network-2022

International Icon Inc. Nonprofit – 2023

 What services do you offer?

The AIM Agency- Branding & Marketing

Iconic Speakers Network- Education, Community, Advertising & PR

International Icon Inc. – Awards for Leaders and Changemakers & Event Planning, Support & Management

Tell us a little more about your business endeavors. What is your most popular (bestselling) product/service?

PR Services and Branding Services are neck to neck.

What products/services do you provide?

Branding, Marketing, Advertising, PR

Does your type of business allow you to service customers outside of your general location?


Do you have a brick-and-mortar location or is your business online-based?


How do most of your clients hear about you?

From other clients. We get amazing testimonials and results each and every time we serve a client. We have an amazing testimonial strategy that becomes a gift that keeps on giving. The honest and authentic words of our clients from years ago still get new clients today. THERE IS POWER IN ONE’S VOICE.

How do you connect to your ideal client?

I build communities full of my ideal client as well as go to where they hang out at to connect. We also create attractive content and messaging that leads them to us also. The majority of our clients come from previous clients telling a friend.

How can someone subscribe to your podcast?

It launches soon and details will be in my link

How can someone subscribe to your newsletter?

Once they enter our funnel via a product or offer. We don’t actually send out a newsletter to all the same ppl, depending on where they connected with us.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years in your business?

Still serving the community. Having bigger awards shows for more people and responsible for more growth of my Brandbabies. I am only as successful as I make those we serve.

What is your Instagram username and/or URL?

Instagram com/AskMsLogan

How would you define your 2023 in business and what are you looking forward to in 2024?

SUCCESSFUL, considering I am still grieving the loss of my life partner a little over a year ago. Received some major awards and partnerships. We achieved every goal we set and some. This year also taught many lessons and gave me a new perspective on life. Came with some health scares and some sit downs but those moments gave me lots of clarity and direction. GRATEFUL for where I am because I am not where I could’ve been. FOREVER CHANGED as I have evolved spiritually, mentally, and emotionally thanks to 2023.

Unbreakable Woman

Tell us about a time in your life that would have broken most women that you survived?

Given away at 2 days old and moved around from house to house until my adulthood was rough. No parental guidance, living on the streets, doing anything to stay afloat and constantly abused in many different ways. Grew up, had a baby, tried to get close to my mom and the mom that gave me away had my son taken away. Went through the darkest time accepting my reality and I finally got it together with the help of my “prince charming”. We had a good life together until he was tragically taken away from us. My entire life has been a journey of survival, but I am here thriving and changing lives.

How did it change you?

I learned to look within and trust the Most High and fully rely on myself. I was shown that anything I want to do, I can, I have, and I will continue to do so. The power is within us all. IT STARTS WITH I.

Looking back, what accountability did you have to grow into- in terms of your responsibility in creating the mess you were in?

Due to me raising myself, I grew an independence that sometimes led me astray. I didn’t always know how to make a good decision, so I often made wrong ones (which aren’t all that bad because there were lessons in them all).

Who was your support circle?

In my younger days, people I met in the streets. The families of men who had an interest in me. The mothers of my peers whose hair I’d do to make ends meet. The local drug dealers cuffed me as little sis and literally took care of my basic needs and their moms gave me a place to come to. Basically, all people who I had a trauma bond with. As a healed and certified life coach, I now have an amazing support circle of women leaders and male mentors all in places I am still striving to reach.

Have you healed?

Absolutely and helping others do the same. I am a certified life coach expert focused on leadership, trauma, effective communication, relationships, and separation.

What was your lowest point?

Not having my baby and not knowing if he was okay since he was so young and unable to reach out to me on his own. I was stuck in a depression for over 6 months barely eating and not caring for myself properly.

What led you to start a business of your own?

My first attempt at business was because I needed to earn money to live. The more I kept going and learning more and more skills, I felt the need to be well-equipped to assist my clients in all areas surrounding the service I provided. I quickly learned that push for more was because that was where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to be doing. My life was rough so that I would have firsthand experience with the struggle. It became clear to me that I needed to become who I needed along my journey to help those who are in places I once was.

Tell our readers about your family life/career outside of your business.

My business is my life because it is my life purpose to meet people where they are and provide foresight to get to their next. This is who I am. A person who is sent to serve those I encounter if only for a split second, there is something there for me to give for the greater good and I am obedient. I enjoy writing, cooking, traveling, playing chess, art, water activities, and zen environments. Often found relaxing or working in quiet. I am a creator by nature so I’m always creating something for someone.

Tell our readers where they can find out more about you/your business in order to support? and  or check out my media kit here

Did you enjoy meeting this entrepreneur? If you would like a more in-depth interview with this dynamic woman, please comment here or on IG and let us know.

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Connected Woman Magazine

Connected Woman Magazine is an online magazine that serves the female population in life and business. Our website will feature groundbreaking and inspiring women in news, video, interviews, and focused features from all genres and walks of life.

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