The Art of Authentic Living

Breathe deep. Inhale fortitude and exhale freedom. Take another look in the mirror and tell me what do you see? During a deep soul searching process of self-discovery, I asked three questions, “Who are you? Why are you here? What do you desire to achieve and leave as a lasting legacy?” It takes courage to live authentically in a world of artificiality.

Brene Brown stated , “The original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language-was from the Latin word cor, meaning heart-and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.” At the center of true fulfillment is courage to pursue our deepest dreams, boldness to step outside of the boat of familiarity and bravery to reach new heights in the face of fear.


We wear a mask of inauthenticity for two reasons either to hide the pain or cover the shame. EVERY NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE IS AN INVITATION TO ELEVATION NOT CONDEMNATION OR INCAPACITATION.

We all deeply desire freedom to be ourselves. But the fear of rejection or disapproval drives us to compromise our individuality. You are only ever loved to the extent that you are known.


It is easy to skate QUIETLY around our potential, step GINGERLY over our purpose and stand APPREHENSIVELY on the edge of our passion because we are comfortable cuddling with commonality.


There must be day of reckoning when we dare to respond to the soul’s beckoning to emerge out of the shadows of someone else’s perception of who we are and what we can accomplish.

Our success is often shackled by fear of the unknown, fear of being judged, fear of not being loved and fear of our best never being good enough. To be free of physical chains but living as a prisoner inside of your body is anti-liberty.


If you were to pull out a blank sheet of paper and write a list of everything you’ve secretly longed to obtain, how many opportunities were missed due to a lack of courage? We all must combat the tiny voice of negativity whispering words of doubt in our ear to convince us to play safe and small.

Can you imagine life outside your comfort zone and envision the next level version of yourself? What are you wearing? Describe the vehicle you are driving? Who is standing in your presence as you negotiate high powered business deals? Jim Hightower, expressly believed, “The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity.”


Dr. Ruth Schimel captured the essence of courage perfectly, “Becoming courageous is the willingness to realize your true capacities by going through discomfort, fear, anxiety or suffering and taking wholehearted responsible action.” As an entrepreneur, I’ve kissed every nerve wrecking emotion under the sun. There have been days where it seemed I was floating into an abyss of nothingness. The waters that were deep enough to drown me, taught me how to rise above the waves of adversity.

Challenges provoke ideas of retreating to the banks of safety until I recall the vivid images of living stuck in a prison of limitation. I would often mutter under my breath, “There has to be more to life than this!” Everything we desire is on the other side of our inhibitions. Walking on the waters of uncertainty is filled with thrilling exhilaration.


We choose to rest on the bridge of boredom when we become intoxicated with predictability. We follow the same route to work, we visit the same friends each week for lunch, we sit in the same seat at church, school or work meetings and we wonder why were dissatisfied with the monotony of our habitual patterns. “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.” Maya Mendoza


How long will you starve your secret cravings? Dare to give yourself permission to pursue your passion! An exhilarating tomorrow is resting in the grasp of your pen. You possess the power to play by the rules you write. You have omnipotence at your command and brilliance on demand. Find out who you have yet to become because there is an amazing adventure two steps ahead that you cannot afford to miss. Until you make fear your slave, it will always be your master.





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Kristie Kennedy

TEDx Speaker, Women’s Worth and Wellness Expert

Kristie Kennedy is an Audaciously Authentic Leadership TEDx Speaker, Women’s Worth and Wellness Expert, who provides confidence and clarity coaching to visionary leaders who are ready to shift from stuck to unstoppable! She is skilled in four areas of personal development: mindset mastery, massive momentum, magnetic messaging and potential maximization. Kristie has a passion for empowering timid women who have reached an internal plateau with the ability to turn their can'ts into cans and their dreams into plans. Her life is a testament that you can shift from mediocrity to magnificence one bold action step at a time.

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