Six Tips to Help You Stay Sane in a Crazy World
By Paula McDade

The world is experiencing so much turmoil and pain right now. I wanted to give you a few tools that you can use to stay sane and hopeful through these trying times:
YOUTUBE: If you have a smart phone (and most people do), pull your car over or stop what you’re doing for a few moments and play an inspirational video. It can be any song that boosts your mood or creates a sense of peace. There are hundreds of thousands of videos on YouTube in every genre you can imagine.
PRAYER: Pray continuously throughout the day. I’m not talking about the get-on-your-knees type of prayer, but a running dialogue with God throughout the day. He’s listening and he answers back.
QUIET TIME: If you don’t have one…get one. You can’t maintain sanity when there is so much going on around you on a minute by minute basis. You can have yours in the morning when you first get up or late at night before bed. Take at least 10 minutes and just sit still, without your phone or other technology and just breathe…which leads me to my next tool.

UNPLUG FROM TECHNOLOGY: If you are on your phone 24/7 scrolling social media, reading news blogs, watching violent videos, eventually all of that will take a toll on your mental, physical and spiritual health. You must put down the phone and computer for a period throughout your day so that you can decompress.
EXERCISE: A 30-minute walk outdoors or on a treadmill does wonders to boost the mood and keep your body in shape in case you are in danger. It also rids your body of the toxins collected from stress and overwhelm.
JOURNAL: Get those feelings OUT of you and ON to paper! There is nothing worse than bottling up your anger, sadness, grief or frustration. Suppressed feelings can cause lots of diseases both physical and emotional. I’m convinced that God made journals so that we could write our prayers and thoughts for him to see.
Be good to you because there’s only one you. The world will keep spinning. Events will keep happening. You can’t be a solution if you are not whole.
Have current affairs drained you physically or mentally? How do you detox from it all and take care of you? Let us know in the comments.