We specialize in igniting young imaginations with a kaleidoscope of colorful literary adventures! Our offerings transcend the ordinary, as we proudly curate a diverse collection of captivating books exclusively designed for children of color. These are not just stories; they are vivid tapestries of culture, identity, and empowerment, woven with words that transport kids on journeys of self-discovery and inspiration. So, in a nutshell, our passion lies in furnishing young minds with these vibrant windows into worlds yet unexplored, all through the magic of literature.

Full Name Sabrina Wiggins
City/State Capitol Heights, MD
What is the name of your business? SabWig Enterprise
What state is your business registered in? Maryland
What led you to start a business of your own? Well, you see, the genesis of my entrepreneurial journey was a delightful blend of love, inspiration, and a dash of stubbornness. It all began when I noticed a glaring absence of diverse characters in children’s books, especially ones that resonated with my beloved grandson, Aiden.
I couldn’t help but think that little Aiden deserved to read stories about characters who looked like him, who shared his experiences, his culture, and his colorful world. And so, the idea of ‘Little Aiden Press’ was born. I decided that if the mainstream publishing world wasn’t offering the representation and diversity that our young ones deserved, I’d take matters into my own hands.
With each page, I turned and every blank page I filled with vibrant stories and diverse characters, I was on a mission to not only bring joy to Aiden but also to countless other children of color. In a way, I suppose you could say I embarked on this journey as a determined grandparent with an unshakable commitment to rewriting the narrative for our kids – quite literally.
Starting a business wasn’t just about personal fulfillment; it became a small yet meaningful stride toward a more inclusive literary world. So, in a nutshell, my foray into entrepreneurship was driven by love, fueled by inspiration, and sprinkled with a pinch of stubbornness to make sure Aiden and children like him could finally see themselves in the stories they read. And let me tell you, there’s nothing more rewarding than that.
What is your most popular (bestselling) product/service? Well, if I had to spill the beans on our most cherished gem, it would undoubtedly be our ‘Career Day Book.’ It’s the unsung hero of our offerings, the superstar in our constellation of products and services. This remarkable creation is the key to unlocking a world of possibilities for those eager to explore the labyrinth of careers.
The ‘Career Day Book’ is not just a book; it’s a journey, an adventure, and a compass pointing to the North Star of your dreams. Within its pages lies a treasure trove of information, inspiration, and insight, carefully curated to guide you through the enchanted forest of career choices.
Imagine a book that whispers secrets of different professions into your ears, as if each page were a door to another universe. With it, you can step into the shoes of a chef, a rocket scientist, a marine biologist, or even a professional dragon tamer (well, almost!). Our ‘Career Day Book’ is the bridge that connects the real world with your wildest dreams.
It’s not just our bestselling product; it’s a magic wand that transforms confusion into clarity, hesitation into confidence, and wanderlust into purpose. So, when you ask about our most popular offering, think of the ‘Career Day Book’ as the star on our stage, stealing the spotlight with its charm and power to ignite the flames of curiosity and ambition in the hearts of those who dare to dream.”
There you go, a witty and detailed response to showcase your bestselling product, the ‘Career Day Book.’
What products/services do you provide? We specialize in igniting young imaginations with a kaleidoscope of colorful literary adventures! Our offerings transcend the ordinary, as we proudly curate a diverse collection of captivating books exclusively designed for children of color. These are not just stories; they are vivid tapestries of culture, identity, and empowerment, woven with words that transport kids on journeys of self-discovery and inspiration. So, in a nutshell, our passion lies in furnishing young minds with these vibrant windows into worlds yet unexplored, all through the magic of literature.
Does your type of business allow you to service customers outside of your general location? yes
Do you have a brick-and-mortar location or is your business online-based? not at this time
How do most of your clients hear about you? When it comes to how our clients find their way into our literary world, it’s like a finely crafted novel in itself, where chance encounters blend with intentional forays. Here’s the narrative of their discovery:
Book Fairs: Imagine the ambiance of book fairs, where the aroma of fresh paper and the rustle of pages create an enchanting atmosphere. It’s in these bustling gatherings that many of our clients first stumble upon our literary treasures.
Meet the Authors: Beyond mere readers, we’re also storytellers about storytellers. At ‘Meet the Authors’ events, a personal connection is forged. Clients get to meet the creative minds behind the tales they adore, making the literary bond even more profound.
Our Website: Our digital sanctuary is where the magic of prose meets the allure of technology. It’s the place where our clients often find themselves lured by the carefully curated collections and immerse themselves in our virtual realm.
Amazon: In the vast marketplace of the digital era, Amazon acts as a bustling crossroads. Here, readers and seekers discover our books amidst a sea of options, and with a simple click on the “Add to Cart” button, they step into our literary world.
Tell our readers about your family life/career outside of your business. Outside of my business, I lead a fulfilling life that revolves around two key elements: my family and my passion for travel.
Family holds a special place in my heart, and I cherish the precious moments I spend with them. One of the highlights in my life is the time I get to share with my grandson, Aiden. He’s not just my grandson; he’s my little bundle of joy, my source of endless laughter, and a reminder of the simple pleasures in life. Whether it’s reading him a bedtime story, playing in the park, or simply sharing stories over a hot cup of cocoa, the time I spend with Aiden is pure magic.
On the other hand, travel is my personal escape, my way of exploring new horizons, and my lifelong passion. Whether it’s embarking on an adventure to a far-flung destination or simply hitting the road to uncover hidden gems nearby, I find immense joy in the exploration of new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes. Travel not only broadens my perspective but also allows me to recharge and return to my business with fresh ideas and a renewed sense of purpose.
In a nutshell, my life outside of my business is a beautiful blend of family moments and globetrotting adventures. These two facets add depth and richness to my existence, ensuring that I have a well-rounded and fulfilling life beyond the confines of my professional endeavors.
Tell our readers where they can find out more about you/your business in order to support? You can learn more about me and my business by visiting our website at www.littleaidenpress.com or by following us on social media using the handle @littleaidenpress.

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