Running is empowerment.
Before I begin a run, I prepare mentally. I pre-determine goals. I plan to improve my distance, time, or pace. Running challenges my physical and mental stamina.

I maintain focus throughout. Distractions affect my ability to succeed. I concentrate on the path ahead of me, my pace, and each breath. I move closer to my goal with each step.
When the run is over, I am exhausted, but I feel great because I have given by best effort and completed something. I note my progress and consider where adjustments might be beneficial. Each time I run, I reinforce my mental strength.
Running teaches me resilience and perseverance. I overcome obstacles in my path and my mind.
The practices I employ for running affect every facet of my life. At work, I possess an increased focus on each task I undertake. Foresight is an acquired behavior. I set clear goals and identify the path to completing them. I know that each task I complete is a step closer to achievement.
My work ethic is noticed by others. They recognize my ability to overcome challenges. I have a positive influence in the work environment. I take new responsibilities and I run with them.
Today, I plan to push myself further. I like testing my limits, and I frequently discover that they are still expanding.
Self-Reflection Questions:
What other exercises can test my physical and mental stamina?
- How do I cope with not meeting my goals?
- Would running with others push my limits farther?