In Her Prime : Journey One


In Her Prime

Tina Hines understands the power of transforming and applies it to her life after 50.

Tina Hines understands the power of transforming and applies it to her life after 50.

Currently, I am a life transformation specialist an intuitive clairvoyant and medium who supports women who are on a journey from hurting to healing to happiness. I provide clarity, confirmation and often connection to their loved ones who have transitioned. But before there was  Tina C. Hines, Life Transformation Specialist, there was simply Tina the executive assistant.


You see, I had worked in corporate America since the age of 17 starting out as an intern in a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company and moving through the administrative field supporting upper management. The plan was to remain a dedicated employee until retirement. However, the universe decided to respond to a deep desire I had to work in NYC.


So, after 18 years in the pharmaceutical company, I landed an executive assistant position supporting the founder and owner of a prominent magazine. While the experience provided lessons, I apply to this day, my time in NYC was short lived. The hustle and bustle took a toll on me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When something impacts your well-being, you have to choose whether you stay or go. It was then that I placed my finger on a map and decided to go. After several interviews, I landed a position that was closer to home, focused on the health and healthcare in the US, and provided all I desired in a c suite executive assistant position. Winning!!


I remained there for 11 years until approximately three years ago when I made the ultimate shift and leaped! After 30+ years in corporate America, I walked away (or as I prefer skipped) from my role as an executive assistant. That moment was one of the most exhilarating feelings I experienced in a long time.


I am now 51years young and I have discovered a voice that is louder than life. One that definitely speaks my true authentic self – unapologetically. I discovered that as much as I want everyone else to be happy, that my happiness is just as important.


I can honestly say, traveling brings me the most joy at this point in my life. Being free to travel the globe, meet new people, create memorable experiences and simply BE is very fulfilling.

For the past eight years I have hosted international retreats for women. One future desire is to relocate out of the country. To get a feel for what it would be like to live in another country, I made the bold decision to extend my stay in Indonesia. Spending 30 days in another country allowed me to submerge myself in the culture, explore, and experience what it would be like to actually live and work there. My biggest takeaway was that sense of freedom.


A woman in her prime represents FREEDOM. The responsibilities have shifted and you have the ability to do more of the things that bring you joy.


For more information on Tina and to connect visit


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