How to Get Freedom From Your Past By Healing From Abuse



How to Get Freedom From Your Past By Healing From Abuse
By Sandra Dawson

Healing all forms of abuse and being completely happy with yourself is no longer a secret. The answer is to learn to love yourself and to heal your nervous system.

I was taught as a child that focusing on myself or what I wanted and needed was selfish. I now understand that I was abused, because both of my parents were abused as children too, but neither of them ever learned to love themselves or heal their nervous systems. As a result, they passed down the abuse they experienced to their own children. They didn’t model loving themselves or meeting their needs or treating anyone in our family with respect and love including each other.

I was verbally, physically, psychologically, and sexually abused and I suffered in silence for almost half my life. I was afraid to tell anyone how I was feeling, because I was told over & over as a child to never talk about my family life. I was also afraid I’d be put in a mental institution if I revealed my inner thoughts and fears to anyone.

Today I am a Certified Trauma Practitioner and an Abuse Recovery Coach. I’m so happy to share my successes in love and life with you due to my learning how to love myself and healing all of my abuse and trauma. When you learn to love yourself, you meet all of your needs and when you heal your trauma you calm your body. The ultimate result is success and happiness in love and life.

I want to start you on your journey to healing from abuse by first defining all types of abuse so you can evaluate more accurately what you are suffering from. If you are dealing with addictions of any kind, you will identify with one or more of these types of abuse. Abuse consists of systematic patterns of behavior that are meant to gain and maintain control over you.

* One form is physical abuse which means you have been hit, pushed, punched, choked, thrown around or physically hurt in some way.

*Another is emotional or verbal abuse which means you have been criticized, blamed, put down, humiliated, cursed at, embarrassed or negatively judged.

*Another form is psychological abuse which means you have been threatened or scared by observing domestic violence, punching of walls, breaking things and throwing things around.

*Another form is sexual abuse which means you were involved in non-consenting sexual behavior.

I am so sorry you have experienced abuse like I did, and I am so happy you will be able to heal yourself with my leading edge techniques and skills. Loving yourself and healing your nervous system will transform every aspect of your life to the joy and happiness I know you are dreaming of having. This is the best way for you to complete or start your abuse recovery. Thank you for reading my article. I wish you much success in love and life.

Sandra Dawson, MA is an Abuse Recovery Coach, and a Love and Trauma Expert. My mission is to increase love on our planet by healing abuse and trauma wounds with my leading edge techniques and skills. For my complimentary gift, “5 Secrets for True Abuse Recovery” and my weekly eNewsletter (Value$97) for free, please go to my website: []

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