How to Be Your Authentic Self: 4 Tips to Follow

How to Be Your Authentic Self: 4 Tips to Follow

There are times in your life when you feel confused about who you are. You don’t know if you are making the right choices if you are happy with who you are or how to be your authentic self and leave the negativity behind you.

Luckily for you, with determination, strength, and prayers you can overcome these moments, and you can discover who you are inside, unapologetically. What are the steps that you have to take?


  1. Get to know yourself

If you want people to know you and love who you are, you have to do this for yourself first. Try to discover who you are inside, regardless of what other people think about you or the things you forced yourself to believe in order to fit a certain pattern.

Spend some time with yourself. Study what the things that you really believe in are, what are the things that make you happy and what are your true aspirations in life?  You can do this through new exploits, exercise or some type of art or dance class? ; anything works, as long as you have a good time and you find out a little bit more about your true self every day.

  1. Focus on what you love about yourself

I know this is easier said than done, but you will get there eventually. We all have flaws and if you focus on them, you will never be able to love who you really are inside. Instead of always thinking about your flaws, try to spend a few minutes every single day remembering all the moments when you were proud of yourself.

It may be a little bit difficult in the beginning, especially if you are not comfortable with pointing out your advantages. As time goes by, you will learn to notice the positive things about yourself first and put the small flaws in the back of your head. It is important to improve yourself, but you have to know your advantages first

  1. Accept what you can’t change, improve what you can

As I previously said, once you know your advantages and disadvantages, it’s time to start working on yourself. Do everything in your power to improve even a small detail about yourself every single day. This can be something small as making healthy choices when it comes to eating or something bigger such as deciding to move to a state you always wanted to live in, change jobs, take the trip you have always dreamed of, or challenge yourself to do that one thing you have always dreamed of. Work with what you have and you will achieve success!

  1. Be unapologetic about who you are

I know that nowadays, many people are uncomfortable stating their opinion if it goes against the majority. Well, that’s about to change! No matter what others believe, how they feel or how they want to make you feel, you have to be unapologetically yourself.

While it may be rough in the beginning and you may face criticism, eventually, everyone will get used to the fact that you are your own person and you have your own opinion. Don’t give up, no matter how much pressure you have to face; the only person you ever have to satisfy is yourself.


There will always be a challenge in front of you, no matter what you do. This does not matter, as long as you are confident that you will overcome any and every obstacle. It will be difficult and emotional at times, but in the end, you will always be a winner because that’s who you want yourself to be!



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Reva Hart

Life Strategist Coach

Reva Hart is a Life Strategist Coach and Childhood Domestic Violence Advocate and has had to overcome life-altering losses and changes of my own. Reva is a Business Management Professional, Strategist, Relationship Facilitator, Wife of twenty-six years, and Founder of Preddi U® & CO. Reva’s God given purpose and passion in Life is to teach, empower, and assist women. In addition to life experience, Reva is a Certified Personal Life Coach and holds a bachelor’s degree of Science from DeVry University in business management. Reva is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Christian studies.

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