How Your Clothes Affect Your Mood and Your Mind

How Your Clothes Affect Your Mood

and Your Mind

In an era where few things are what they seem to be, fashion has become one of the last remaining methods of genuine self-expression. Uninhibited, raw and deeply subconscious, our attire choices speak volumes of our inner values and character.

But our relationship with style is not a one-way street – just like our identity affects our choices, our fashionable self-expression in turn shapes our identities, our moods and self-perception included. And understanding this relationship better can give you a new glimpse into your own selfhood, and open up doors of greater confidence and authenticity.

“You can have anything you want if you dress for it.” – Edith Head

The famous Hollywood diva pinpointed the essence of motivation, and how such a simple element of your behavior can have a profound influence on the outcome of your efforts. Have you ever walked into your gym session uncertain if you can pull off that training, then put on your cool fitness gear and suddenly felt a surge of desire to beat your previous record on the treadmill?

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When all else fails – dress to evoke the most profound feeling of power, and you will have all the more chances of achieving your goals, and fitness is no exception. So, whether you’re looking to shed a few pounds, build a stronger posture or simply stay healthy, put on those cool tights and your favorite tank-top. Chances are, they will be one of the key elements of your fitness success.

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” – Coco Chanel

The next time you start prepping for that dreaded job interview, and you feel anything short of self-assured, remember this fashion icon’s famous words, and use them to craft your style. Choose those garments that embody a sense of confidence and effortless sophistication, and you will stand with your head held high throughout the whole experience.


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Think of your choice of clothes as another way of expressing your opinions, without ever uttering a word. In a professional environment, this has become possible with the help of minimalistic brands such as Third Form clothing which serve to make a memorable statement. In these challenging moments, your attire will have a crucial role in shaping your unfaltering state of mind.

“When in doubt, wear red.” – Bill Blass

Our minds work in truly mysterious ways, as there is something primal yet certain about how much our perception and actions can be affected by the color red. Numerous studies confirm that people wearing red have been rated as more prominent, attractive and successful, and that those wearing red in competition have a slight advantage over their opponents, due to the effect of this hue on the intricate workings of our minds.


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Are you eager to leave a memorable impression on your first date? Then this advice from Mr. Blass might just help you tip the scales. Perhaps a flattering, tasteful burgundy dress will help you feel more confident and sexy, while simultaneously impressing your date.

“In a machine age, dressmaking is one of the last refuges of the human, the personal, the inimitable.” – Christian Dior

If you want to negotiate like Harvey Specter, pick an attire that lives up to his famous suits. You want to wear your beliefs? Follow in the footsteps of Emma Watson. But remember that no matter what culture and society you come from, your choice of clothes can deeply affect your self-perception. If study participants wearing lab coats excelled at performing challenging assignments more than those lead to believe they were wearing painters’ smocks, then all of us are susceptible.


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Everything you wear is a reflection of your current or desired state of mind. You choose clothes that will not only be comfortable, but also make you feel like you belong, fit in, or on the contrary, feel different and unique. So the next time you open your wardrobe, take a moment, and choose something that will inspire you to smile, embrace yourself and celebrate life in all of its imperfect beauty.





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Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith is Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about organic beauty products, yoga and healthy lifestyle. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and lifestyle related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life and Ripped.

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