A Matter of Text
Shannon Morrison is a maker. She turns visions into actual bonifide content that builds brands into a viable voice in their respective genres while staying true to their authentic core. From social media to scripts, she is ready to bring your ideas and passion into fruition and connect with your audience.
What was your first job right out of college?
I worked as a teller supervisor at a bank – a job that was absolutely unrelated to my degree!
Were you always a good writer or was it a skill set you finetuned over time?

Yes, writing has always been my gift. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been an avid reader and a creative thinker. My mom still has short stories that I use to write when I was a little girl. It wasn’t until I was in the 8th grade that an English teacher recognized my potential. After reading a narrative I wrote, she pulled me to the side and recommend that I take a creative writing class as an elective. Even in high school and college, I always excelled in courses that required writing. It’s horrible to say this now, but I remember several instances when I aced exams (without even studying) only because they required essays. I didn’t know it then, but writing was my calling.
When did you first discover a need for your services?
Everyone isn’t a writer. In fact, I’ve found that a lot of people hate writing. I recognized that I could turn my gift into income when someone posted in a Facebook group chat that they needed to revamp their resume. I’d been doing this for my family members for years, so I offered to help. The individual was so pleased that she offered to pay me. That’s when a light bulb went off! I knew then that I had a service the world needed.
What has been your favorite type of project?
I love any project that allows space for me to be creative. For the past several years, I’ve been part of team at my church that focuses on storytelling. I interview people to understand how they’ve been impacted by our ministry, then develop a story board that we later use for video production. Capturing these moments has been so fulfilling, mostly because I’m able to help someone tell the world how his or her life has been changed!
How do businesses or brands and even individuals fail their overall strategy by letting their content fall to the wayside?
Unfortunately, if you don’t value presentation you’re losing opportunities to “wow” people with your product or service. It doesn’t matter how awesome your business is, if it’s represented with poorly developed content, others won’t be able to appreciate what you bring to the table. Even something as simple as proofreading a post before it’s uploaded to social media can save you some embarrassment! Spelling and grammatical errors will do nothing but distract your audience, so take the time and invest in developing great content!
What is most challenging for you – a client who is new business/brand with a basic vision or working with an established client who needs a complete revamp?
While it’s exciting to work with both types of businesses, newer brands typically require more thought and energy from the client’s perspective as well as mine. Established companies who need a complete revamp will most likely maintain some resemblance of their core values; they just need to be communicated differently.
You also sing in your down time. Any thoughts of adding songwriting or other creative avenues like invitation and greeting card writing to your many talents?
Yes! I actually do enjoy writing songs and I’m always looking to improve in this area. I sing with an amazing group of writers, so we’re planning to get together for a shed session soon. Be on the lookout for some songs from us!
Do you find that being someone else’s “social media handler” hinders you from keeping your own content fresh?
Not at all. I think being a social media handler is actually helpful. I do a good deal of research on brands that are similar to my clients, so I gain a lot of insight into trends and strategies that I can potentially integrate in my own business.
Have you ever had a project block you creatively? What did you do to get over that moment of writers block?
I experience writer’s block all the time. I find that a great way to overcome this is to switch up my surroundings. I have a home office, but sometimes I can get bored writing in the same space. So if I need fresh inspiration, I’ll visit a new coffee shop or lounge. This helps!
How do you prevent getting overwhelmed on larger projects?
Prioritization is key for me! Breaking down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks is the only way I don’t get overwhelmed and can maintain my deadlines.
What is the last book you read?
I’m actually in the process of reading two books at the same time (I frequently alternate between two so I don’t become bored with one)! The first is Dreaming With God by Bill Johnson, and the second is Believe Bigger: Discover the Path to Your Life Purpose by Marshawn Evans Daniels.
Do you find yourself reading with a critic’s eye even when reading the most mundane things?
Sometimes I can be guilty of this! But, I constantly remind myself that everyone isn’t a writer and it’s my responsibility to help others communicate in a way that best represents them or their business!
What does your ideal client need to know before seeking out your services?
My ideal client should be ready to take their business or brand to the next level and open to new ideas. That’s it! A lot of times, customers may have a notion of exactly what they need when they seek my services, but after brainstorming I’ll often offer solutions that they never considered. Helping them to think outside the box helps me ensure that my clients have a finished product they can be proud of and a great experience with my company.
Shannon Morrison is the owner of The Writing Source, LLC ,a content and copy development agency based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Want to know more? Visit her online at thewritingsource.net.