A Healthy Switch: How Transitioning to Vegan Put This Wellness Coach on the Right Track
A few years ago, Karen Moore battled through an infection that progressed into sepsis and hospital stay and lengthy recovery process. In 2017, she made the choice to alter her lifestyle and build a healthier life and researched how the plant-based diet could mesh into her current habits. She began to erase those things from her diet that no longer served her health and started on a path of loving herself enough to focus on restoring her health while sharing her knowledge and success with others.

Tell us about your eating habits/exercise regimen prior to your illness? Prior to me becoming ill they were hit or miss. I would eat any and everything without any regard to my health. Growing up in the south we ate a lot of fried foods and lots of cakes, pies, and cobblers. As far as my exercise I would embark on a fitness routine and would do great for a few months and then I would slack off and eventually lose interest.
When were you diagnosed with Diabetes? I was first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in early 2000. I was placed on medication to control it. I embarked on a diet change which helped me to get my diabetes under control and was eventually able to come off the medication. But this was short lived. When I became Septic in 2016, diabetes returned with a vengeance as my blood sugar levels were through the rook. While I was hospitalized I had to take insulin 3 times a day and pills twice a day to get it under control. Once I was released from the hospital I continued to experience complications from it, but I was determined that I wasn’t going back on medication. It took me almost a year to remotely start feeling almost like my old self. Once I reached this point I was armed with determination and will power to take back my life and my health. I suddenly lost my husband to Sepsis in 2009 and I didn’t want to go out without a fight. I realized that I wanted to live. I’m a sepsis survivor. For whatever reason God gave me a second chance and I can’t take that lightly or for granted.
Looking back why do you think that your Diabetes Diagnosis didn’t propel you into a healthier lifestyle and do you see a trend with people not taking that initial Diagnosis serious enough? As I reflect I don’t think I took my life and health serious. I did the bare minimum back then and as soon as I was out of the woods I reverted to my old habits not really giving diabetes any thought. It was very careless and negligent of me.
You have been on a Vegan plant-based diet for over a year now. What has been the biggest benefit to you health wise and also as it related to how you feel day to day? Transitioning to a plant-based diet has been one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made. I have more energy and clarity and I love being able to taste my food. From a health perspective transitioning has given me my life back. I tell people all the time that I’m still a work in progress. I’m 50 so it takes being intentional about my food choices. I had almost 48 years of bad habits that I had to reverse. It takes time. I don’t like to call it a diet it’s a lifestyle change. It’s a part of my day to day living just like breathing. To make sustainable changes there had to be a mindset shift.
Did your entire household go Vegan with you? How did family and friends respond to your change and were they supportive? No. my mother still eats the way that she always has. She has gotten better about trying some of the dishes that I make. For the most part, my family and friends were receptive. There are some adjustments that must be made for instance when you’re in social settings or go out to dinner or events where you’re practically the only person who eats plant base. But it makes for interesting experiences and I try to prepare ahead before going out.
For someone thinking of making the same change, how easy is it regarding food costs and finding what you need to maintain the diet? It’s not hard at all. You must make a choice that you want to change and be intentional about it. It’s unfortunate that to eat organic it’s very expensive but you figure out how to balance it all out. I found ways to cut back in other areas, for instance, my trips to Starbucks for my lattes. Anything that was not a necessity I adjusted so that I would be able to buy the type of food that I now want to eat.
In almost loosing my life in 2016 I gained life and this journey has had such a profound effect on me. So much so I recently retired as 20-year Wedding and Event Planner to pursue health and wellness as my new love and passion. I truly love LIFE and embrace all that it has to offer and I want other to empowered to feel the same.- Karen Moore
Is it hard to find options when dining out? This can be a challenge, but preparation is the key. If I’m going out with friends I will normally go online and check out the menu or call the restaurant ahead of time to make sure they can accommodate me. There are also several good apps available. They are great when I’m out and about or traveling and need to find food.
How do you monitor your progress? I’ve gotten Intune with my body and what it likes and doesn’t like. If I eat something that my body doesn’t tolerate I instantly can tell because I start getting weird symptoms or rashes. Although I’m plant based there are still foods out there that don’t assimilate well. This was part of the process as I had to learn my body. I absolutely love fruit, but all fruit doesn’t love me. So, I must be careful even when it comes to natural sugars. I also am no longer a slave to the scale. I used to hop on the scale every couple of days and if the scale didn’t move I would get frustrated and oftentimes just give up. Today, I eat what and how I want because I’m now giving my body the right things. I eat to live instead of living to eat. I am also an emotional eater. I had to learn what triggered me and how to manage those triggers. Food is just fuel, it provides us with energy and sustains us. Once I learned this it was a profound shift for me.
Tell us about P.H.A.T Girlz Thrive and did you try or find it hard to find support groups in your area or online when you started? P.H.A.T (Pretty, Healthy and Transformed) Girlz Thrive was born out of my need to have a supportive community of like-minded people while I was on my personal journey. I thought that it was important to have a safe space to share. It was also equally important to have support but accountability to myself. When you’re a leader you must lead by example. This forced me to continue forward because there are women who were looking up to me. Not from the standpoint of being perfect but them knowing that they had someone who was on a similar path. And we’re in this together and walking it out daily. It was the tribe and my vegan mentors who helped me to stay focused and on track. I love my tribe as it has been a huge blessing to me. Now I use it as a platform to help empower, heal and transform the lives of other women.
Tell us about being a Vegan Mentor with PETA, whether you have served as one yet and if so tell us one question someone who is transitioning typically wants to know up front. Yes, I’m still an active Mentor. We have the ability to take on new mentees as our schedule permits. So, I love the flexibility of being able to volunteer as my time allows me to do so. With us just crossing into the new year the number of new signups was astronomical. The first question most people ask is what they can eat or how are they going to get all their protein requirements. The mentor program is amazing. My Vegan Mentors was amazing, and I thought this would be a great way to pay it forward.
You’re currently working towards formally being trained in this area. Tell us about it. When will your training be complete? Yes, I’m currently enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)® where I learned innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, and over 100 dietary theories – Ayurveda, gluten-free, Paleo, raw, vegan, macrobiotics, and everything in between. I’ve had the opportunity to study with the world’s top health and wellness experts. My education has equipped me with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and prevention. I will complete my training in late February. This has been an incredible journey as I have met some amazing people from all over the world. As a result, I am collaborating with 20 other student/coaches on a book entitled Our Transformative Journey which will be released May 1st.
Many people think these lifestyle changes make them instantly healthy and sickness free. Tell them what they can really expect and how while it’s not a major cure-all, it’s a major step to wellness. Success isn’t overnight! It takes patience and lots of work. It is a process and you must be intentional about it. Transitioning takes preparation and what I think is most important a mindset shift. If you can commit to change over time you will begin to see and experience incredible results not just in your health but your overall wellbeing. Wellness takes work! 😊
What are your current goals in your own wellness plan? I have lost about 80 pounds since my transition. My goal is to lose about 50-60 more. My dream is to one day compete in a fitness competition and run a 5k, so I still have work ahead of me but it’s so worth it. I’m excited about where this journey is taking me. My story is still being written and I can’t wait to read the ending.
How do you stay motivated and encouraged in your journey? My tribe and fellow (IIN)® colleagues. Each of them has such amazing stories and we feed off each other’s energy. This journey afforded me the opportunity to meet some phenomenal people who have had a positive and inspirational effect upon my life.
If you would like more information on Karen and her Health & Wellness Services please visit www.phatgirlzthrive.com.