3 Ways to Reconnect with Your Girlfriends

3 Ways to Reconnect with Your Girlfriends

It happens. You get caught up with that new project at work. Your husband and kids need you. For every single damn thing. You might even be juggling a side hustle and 10 other things you thought you had time to do. And one day you wake up and realize you haven’t had brunch with the girls in a while. You realize the pandemic or some other crisis canceled your annual girls’ trip and that visits texts, and phone calls have fallen to the wayside.

Whether it’s your childhood buddy, college roomie, or that cool chic at the beauty salon, we cherish and let’s be honest- we need- that time away from life and its everyday routine to rejuvenate with our girls. We need somewhere to release what nerve the hubs may have stepped on recently, the latest accomplishments – or embarrassments of the little ones and that co-worker you most want to lock in the supply closet at work. So, here’s some ways to nourish those friendships and get them back on your priority list.

1. Plan an adult playdate.

Yes, we need playdates too. And with everything on our calendars, we also need to plan ahead so that nothing else gets in the way. Plan breakfast, lunch, dinner, or some fun activity either away from home at a restaurant or spa or at a home where you can get time alone. Yes, kick everyone else out. Send the significant other and the kids away for the day. By any means necessary.

2. Start having weekly phone calls.
It doesn’t matter how long or short but this is a time to hear your friend’s voice and know they are ok. Checking in is so important. When you do not communicate there can be so much miscommunication that creeps in and so many things you miss simply because everyone is putting on a brave front and you don’t see them breaking down on Facebook so you assume everything is good. Next thing you know you’re the last to know about divorce filings, job changes, and that extra 40 lbs.

3. Family time.
There is nothing wrong with including your family in your reconnection. A double date, hanging with the kiddos, and attending a book fair together are ways to get together without having to ditch the family components that dominate so much of your time. So, include them in a group trip to an aquarium, amusement park, or even a family vacation. You can fit some girl time into these activities without the guilt of leaving out the other important people in your life.

Now let’s make a plan to add these activities to your girlfriend’s to-do list and get those relationship fires lit once again. All relationships need to be nurtured. Keeping in contact with everyone in your social circle is good for your soul and spirit and helps to get your mind off of the things that you handle on a day-to-day basis. Women can often lose themselves in their careers, marriages, and life and find themselves feeling isolated and caught up in being everything for everyone else. It’s important to have balance. Now go call your friend!

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