Angel Barrino has seen endured many highs and lows in life and yet her will, praise and dedication only gets stronger. She is well trained now in dodging, jumping over and running over those things which try to hinder her and if now showing others how they too can also live a life of thankfulness that never lets them forget where they have been but doesn’t let them remain stuck there.
Tell us who Angel is outside of entrepreneurship and writing?
I am an easy going, fun-loving person who loves people from all walks of life. I enjoy spending time alone to refresh/regroup and take care of me. I have a beautiful daughter – she along with other family members, keep me motivated to press forward no matter what comes. I enjoy the beach, traveling to places I’ve never been, reading, coloring, singing and spending time with my sister friends.
SEPARATION. DIVORCE. MISCARRIAGE. TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS. STRESS. LOW SELF ESTEEM. DEPRESSION. VERBAL ABUSE. LUPUS. FORECLOSURE. PAIN. These have been keywords in your story. When you stir them all together what has been your biggest lesson? What has been your biggest hurdle on this list? Have you completely overcome the aftermath of them all and if not how do you stay motivated to dust yourself off and try again while also motivating others?
The biggest lesson is that even in the midst of chaos or disappointment you can still make it. I have gone through so much but none of it destroyed me, even though some of it was designed to do just that. My biggest hurdle has been my health issues over the last several years. I have suffered great pain, hair loss and some level of incapacity but I refuse to let it hinder me from fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. The stress of divorce and loss added to my health problems but through all of it I learned to cope even better – every experience has helped me become a better woman. I am more in tune with the concerns and hurts of others as a result of my tragedies.
Tell us about your current book, Organized Obstacles and your next collaborative project.
Organized Obstacles is the brainchild from Rhonda Nails and me. This book was created to highlight those individuals who overcame severe challenges and have become successful in life. We term it as the instructional guide to resiliency because every contributor is resilient and refuses to give up no matter what is handed to them. My next collaboration is Testify: The Praise Literary Collection Testimonials: How Everyday Praise and Worship Produced Once in a Lifetime Miracles. My hope with this project is to bring women and men together from across the world that have experienced miracles in their lives as a result of their praise and worship experiences.
This is a layered question. In the book you mention starting and closing your wellness business. What advice would you give to entrepreneurs based on your experience about the pitfalls of starting a business, what to do before making the decision to leave their full-time jobs and how to prepare to gauge sustainability before taking that major leap? In all your entrepreneurial endeavors, the highs and lows, do you feel you have defined your true purpose yet or is the real joy in the journey and finding your way To what truly feels like “home” in regards to business. Did you ever think of going back to work?
I want to respond to this from the last question and go backwards. Yes I thought of going back to work and actually did so last Christmas 2013 and it hurt me tremendously. My health issues increased due to stress; my nutrition business was already suffering which caused my stress level to increase as well – as a result I closed the physical location of my business. My evaluation in this process is to save at least three to six months of sustainable financial resources before opening any brick and mortar business My clientele had been built up prior to opening but they were not dedicated clientele so when they left, my business declined. Additionally, I had not done a sufficient job of building new clientele to allow for the loss of previous clients. My additional advice, hire an assistant or an intern to help you if you are the only employee – this gives you more time to focus on building business and less time to deal with simple, administrative tasks. I am fully walking in my purpose, I do know this. I would not change any aspect of what I have done. I am glad I waited to walk away from corporate America instead of doing it years ago when I had more financial obligation or children to rise. I enjoy what I do each day but I have learned how to manage it and streamline it so that I am most effective. I plan to open another nutrition club in the next year or two but it will be done differently – I am glad I had the experience. I know that I can do it, and I know exactly what to do in order to make it successful.
Is there a music CD in your future?
Yes there is. I have recorded three songs and will revamp this projecxt in 2015 as well. The project was delayed because it was a dedication to my aunt who passed Christmas Eve a few years ago. I had just finished the demo project and was about to deliver it to her and she passed before I could let her hear it. So I put the entire project on hold. The proceeds from my music project will support cancer research (she and a few other family members passed away from cancer) domestic violence prevention and awareness efforts and Lupus support endeavors.
What do you do to relax/have fun?
I do lots of things to have fun – laughing out loud. Mostly I love taking drives by myself, eating out or eating Sweet Frog (frozen yogurt), listening to music, going to concerts, museums, bookstores, plays, movies, bowling, girlie time retreats or slumber parties, spending time with family and friends.
Tell us about your individual endeavors and the catalyst’s that lead you to wanting to share your expertise with others. Tell us a success story in one of these where your help pushed someone into their own real life success story.
I studied some marketing courses in school as well as business management and other significant classes. I started off simply by promoting people’s events (just for fun because I love supporting people) and booking events for my dad’s quartet group. This quickly evolved into a marketing business, especially when I purchased The Praise Network. I just started supporting people who I thought needed to be heard and seen. Everything that I wanted people to do for me when I published my book or started the process of making my music project, I created for others. I had to fight hard for myself and it seemed crazy to do given the people I know and who I was married to previously. I was tired of running into brick walls so I created everything I needed to help myself and others. As a result, numerous doors begin to open. When I started coaching two years ago, I did not realize the impact my experiences and teaching really had on others. One of my clients got started this past November 2014 and I gave her a few assignments to get started – before the week was over she had already implemented everything I advised her to do and now she has her first coaching client as well as five speaking engagements for 2015 already on her calendar. That is success to me. The job of a coach is to help the client or the students achieve his/her goals and be greater than you are. Her success brings me joy because she acted and has seen immediate results.
About Simply Elevate Magazine – whew. What a blessing from God to be the leader of this team and head of magazine operations. The President of SIBN has entrusted me with numerous projects and I am so honored and humbled to head those but to be able to assume the role and responsibility of publishing a magazine is an enormous responsibility. I feel that every endeavor, class, course, program, job, assignment, leadership workshop, video course etc. has brought me to this point. I know that the Holy Spirit has taught me and enabled me to do everything I have been given to do.
The Praise Network is my heart – through this platform, which is now a full media internet broadcasting and publishing company with six radio stations and one television station, I support hundreds of authors, gospel artists and entrepreneurs from around the world.
Tell us about your immediate family.
I have 23 year old daughter, a beautiful niece and god-daughter, two nephews, six step children from my second marriage, lots of step-grandchildren, nieces and nephews from my second marriage. Both of my parents are living; I have a talented brother and two talented sisters, and my maternal grand-mother is still living – she too is my motivation for doing what I do.
I am sure there are many women who can connect with many healthcare issues. Tell us briefly about your health struggles and how this helped you get on a walk of health and lifestyle changes in order to stay strong for your life and business goals.
Suffering with chronic pain, invisible illness, fatigue, hair loss and low energy is not a fun place. These things deprive you of a quality life-style and keep you unfocused, unbalanced and depressed if not resolved. I suffered like this for over a decade and in 2009 I was fed up with feeling this way. While I am not 100% every day, I feel better than I did when I was in my 20s and 30s. I don’t tell women to use the products I use but I do encourage them to take charge of their health by 1. Discovering what is wrong in their bodies 2. Drinking higher pH water (high alkaline water) 3. Using supplements that work 4. Eat foods that do not increase or cause inflammation 5. Implement some form of activity/exercise 6. Do things to pamper themselves at least once per month 7. Alleviate or reduce stress no matter what it takes
Tell us about an accomplishment that let you know, “I am doing something right!”
This happened today (December 29, 2014). A client sent me a text to thank me for helping her as her business was starting to take off. Her message encouraged me and let me know that I need to continue what I do because often times as entrepreneurs we become unsure – especially if people do not tell us how we have helped them. This was a major encouragement for my 2015 business plan.
Love the idea of your online bookstore. Tell us about it and how can other independent artists get on board.
Indie Authors & More is an extension of Angel B. Inspired Inc., created to support independent authors, artists and artisans in their projects and endeavors. As previously mentioned, I grew weary of people having to work so hard to gain exposure and support so I created affordable ways for them to receive global exposure and this is one of them. The majority of royalties are paid to the individual and we provide marketing and promotion for them in exchange for a nominal one time investment. Interested individuals can register by going to
What is your favorite color and why?
Purple is absolutely my favorite color because it represents royalty but it also represents many of the causes I am passionate about, such as Lupus Awareness, Domestic Violence Prevention and Awareness and some Cancer foundations.
What makes you a connected woman?
I am connected first and foremost because I serve God by serving others. Helping people to tap into their purpose, potential and passion is my passion and purpose. I live to help others unconditionally; as much as God has loved me and blessed me I desire to give back to others.
For speaking engagements, what are your focus topics you specialize in?
I focus on divine purpose, tapping into gifts, overcoming low self-esteem or depression, developing coping skills, business development, toxic or abusive relationships and how to get out of them or deal with them, women’s empowerment, marriage, divorce, singles and relationships as a whole, forgiveness and restoration.
Where can readers reach out to you for more information on your and what’s next with Angel B?
My main website is (find links to alternate sites and social media including Facebook and Twitter there)
What’s next?
A marriage to my modern day Boaz coming soon – no specific date yet (Laughing out loud). My music project, my book collaboration, continuing current endeavors (including a joint book tour with Rhonda Nails for Organized Obstacles) and Praise Conference 2015 October 24 – 29, 2015 in Nassau, Bahamas. I serve on the board of directors for The Heart for Lupus Foundation and I will also be launching my chapter of the Wealthy Sisters Network in 2015. My life’s purpose and mission is just to be a vessel for the Kingdom of God. He is my reason for doing everything I do, first and foremost, and I am humbled He chose me for this time to birth everything He has placed within my hands.I will also be revising and launching His Purpose, My Praise again to celebrate and commemorate its 5th year in publication.
Anything to add?
Yes, always remember “Purpose does not negate where you have been, it prefers to focus on where you are going.” ~ Angel B.
About her Books:
Organized Obstacles – The Underdog: the one who was misinterpreted, misunderstood or mistaken. This Anthology is a collection of real life stories from those who share their unwillingness to become trapped in what society said they “should Have” been or “could have been.” They refuse to remain at the bottom. They refuse to take average as the norm. They beat the odds, they overcame and they blazed their own path where there was not one. Available on Amazon.
His Purpose My Praise -A reflection of the author’s life message as it pertains to relationships: particularly dating, love and marriage. She transparently discloses her choices and the consequences that followed; in addition she outlines her relationship with God in the midst of decisions which have impacted her spiritual walk. Ms. Barrino eloquently displays forgiveness,
acceptance and responsibility in this powerful story. Her understanding of God’s Word and her spiritual growth have been impacted by not only local pastors and ministers in her community, but also by Dr. Myles Munroe, Bishop T.D. Jakes and Joyce Meyer to name a few. Available on Amazon. (Edition also available in Spanish)
Answers may have been condensed for clarity, relevance and length. All CWM interviews are conducted via email and presented as is otherwise. To read in print go here.