
WHO IS SHE? – Theresa Randleman

Theresa Randleman, CEO of T. ROSE Entertainment, LLC

Since 1999, Theresa Randleman has truly appreciated the power behind helping our youth achieve their limitless potential. Ms. Randleman previously administered grant funded programs for Lansing, Michigan area youth, providing empowerment sessions, six week educational and career planning programs, mentoring workshops and more for the Lansing Housing Commission. She also produced several girls conferences entitled ‘Daughters of Divine Purpose’ for young ladies between the ages of 11 and 18. The conferences’ purpose was to provide information and guidance to each attendee for living a healthier lifestyle through health, hygiene, finance, etiquette, education and self-esteem workshops.

Currently Ms. Randleman is the Founder and CEO of an Internationally-recognized entertainment firm; but her passion to empower youth has remained a priority. She has volunteered as a planner, programmer and a regional director for numerous youth oriented nonprofit organizations, from the local level to international organizations. She has sponsored numerous youth for programs and workshops offered by nonprofits along with being a sponsor for nonprofit organizations that have held empowerment conferences and more. Ms. Randlemans’ youth and program sponsorships have crossed over to many states including but not limited to Michigan, Georgia, Florida and New Jersey.

In accepting the role of Director for Lasting Impact, Inc. Ms. Randleman believes that as we empower others, we empower ourselves, and that joy and laughter are two of life’s most precious gifts. Therefore, she aspires to continue to apply her passion to help enrich the lives of our youth.3
For more info visit www.t-rose.com

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