Carol Sankar is an international high level R&D business consultant & real estate investment expert who focuses on strategic implementation strategies to assist today’s established business owners and high level executives. Mrs. Sankars’ business and wealth tips have been featured in publications in Finland, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and the USVI. Her international client-base are established executives, entrepreneurs and business owners who are seeking new and innovative methods to up-level their businesses.
Carol hosts a variety of training workshops, live and virtual events world-wide on a variety of topics relating to success, revenue and leadership. She has been featured in numerous magazines, radio shows, articles and conferences; including a recent features in Madame Noire, Entrepreneur.com, TEDx, The Steve Harvey Show, CNNMoney.com, Daily Worth and Essence Magazine. Want to know more? Visit www.carolsankar.com.
All info from www.carolsankar.com.