Have you ever done your own makeup only to end up looking like you were auditioning for the circus? Or worse you didn’t realize it until you saw the photos from the event you attended. Every woman doesn’t have the luxury of bringing in a professional makeup artist every morning to start her day. Women juggle home, kids and their careers or businesses and learn quickly how to do their own makeup (or go without) in order to get through the day. And sometimes we run into some mishaps. CWM spoke with Professional Makeup Artist Necia Boston about the beauty mishaps that top the list.
5. Wearing a Foundation “Mask”– Wearing the wrong color foundation and not blending it correctly can lead to the dreaded foundation line on the jaw. This can be avoided by finding the correct foundation shade.

Choose three to four shades and test their color on the cheek (not the arm/hand/neck), look at the shade in the natural light outside if you are having a hard time deciding. The next step is to make sure you blend the foundation down the neck somewhat since our face/neck/chest are often different colors. Blending down with a sponge will give a graduated, seamless edge, and more natural coloring.
4. Clumpy Mascara – A clumpy “spider leg” lash disaster can happen in the blink of an eye. To keep this from happening wipe excess mascara off on the side of the container opening and wiggle the applicator through the lashes from base to tip. You can also apply your first coat and comb through the lashes with an eyelash comb, let the lashes dry, and then apply a second coat and comb one final time.
3. Lip Liner – Often ladies choose a shade too dark for the lipstick or gloss color they will be wearing. This can be resolved by choosing a shade that is close to the shade of lip-color to be worn.
You can also avoid this by lining and filling in the entire lip with the lip liner, then applying the lip-color of choice.
2. Overdrawn Brows – While sculpted brows are in, ladies should stick as close to their natural shape as possible. Stay away from using powders or pencils that are darker than their natural hair color. Typically, black should not be used. Start with brow powder and an angle brush for a more natural look.
1. Trying to Carbon Copy – While watching YouTube videos and makeup tutorials are very beneficial to learning new techniques, it is important to remember that we are all unique and because of this it is imperative to make our makeup work with our features.
Be sure to watch makeup being done on someone that looks like you or has similar features. It is okay to take bits and pieces from a tutorial and incorporate into your own routine.
Necia Boston is a Licensed Esthetician, Professional MUA, and owner of BAABS Boutique & Beauty Bar in Greenville, NC. For more information on her, services and product line visit www.baabsbeauty.com.

Great Skin Care Products – Not enough time to do your makeup? Great skin is a must!
Great Mascara – One that lengthens and adds volume will create
Two Go-To Lip Colors – One neutral/every day and one for fun. Either a gloss or Lipstick.
Thank you Renee for your kind comments. Necia is indeed excellent and her expertise to CWM is invaluable!
Necia has never steered me wrong about makeup tips (and I need lots of them since I don’t wear makeup often). She also does fabulous makeovers for special occasions. I highly recommend her shop to everyone!!