Three Ways to Get Yourself Off the D List

Three Ways to Get Yourself Off the D List by Jennifer Urezzio

We are all familiar with the phase “the D-List.” According to, the D-List is a group considered below all others, considered below all standards.

Without realizing it, most of us are putting ourselves on the D-List. How are we doing this? By the words that we are using to describe ourselves, by the thoughts in our heads and by our choices.

Here’s how it works. We are being our bright, shiny selves and start to manifest our hearts desire and then we move into sneaky auto-pilot thoughts and patterns. Thoughts that include the following words:

Three Ways to Get Yourself Off the D List
Three Ways to Get Yourself Off the D List / Photo by Abigail Keenan

deny, disclaim, deprecate, demote, delude and doubt. We make choices that discount, deceive, devalue, degrade, dodge and disrespect ourselves.

I don’t know about you, but I really dislike (look another d word) being on the D-List. It has created (and I still wind up on the list once in a while) chaos in my life, bad relationships, money challenges and exhaustion.

I believe there are three steps to moving yourself off that D-List and into knowing, accepting and receiving more.


As humans, we can spend a lot of time exploring all the reasons we are the way we are; our parents, our teachers, painful experiences, and that boyfriend that never understood us. Sometimes all that exploring of our inner world keeps us from really experiencing a connection that breaks down all that pain and sorrow.

I believe to alleviate suffering we need to consciously connect to ourselves, to the Divine and to others. There are a million tools to create a conscious connection with yourself and the Divine. The easiest one I know is to simply ask for that connection, “Divine Intelligence create a conscious connection with my Soul and my higher power (Universe, Tree, Mother, Father, God, Divine, etc.).”

Then just be in that. Don’t worry if you don’t feel anything at first. If you practice connection every day, don’t let pride stop you from connecting in a deeper way. That means trying new ways of connecting, whether it is sitting down and having a conversation with the Divine, or writing a prayer or by hanging out in nature. Relationships grow when you find new ways to be intimate.


We are living in a 7-second world. Everything is instant. If we slow things down, it gives us an opportunity to understand more of the situation, actively participate and react from a place of consciousness not auto pilot.

So allow yourself three seconds longer before you respond in a situation. Allow yourself to really hear what’s going on in your head (not listen or believe it, just hear it). Notice how you are feeling and be aware of that voice somewhere inside of you that is contradicting you placing yourself on the D-List and allow that voice to get louder.


I don’t know about you, but I have a rich fantasy life. What’s cool about my fantasy life is a lot of those situations that I spend time envisioning have come true. So let’s put that imagination to work for you.  Notice when you are using that powerful manifestation tool (your mind) to place yourself on the D-List and pause and come up with an A-List scenario.

Spend a little time each day exploring the A-List. What are you accomplishing? How do you feel? Who surrounds you? What are you experiencing? Keep your mind busy with picturing your greatest.

We are often our worst critics. We can spend hours of our day doubting and discounting ourselves. You put yourself on that D-List and you can get yourself off!



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Jennifer Urezzio

Jennifer Urezzio specializes in helping people connect – to themselves, to each other, and to the Divine. She founded a new paradigm, Soul Language, which provides guidance for understanding our true nature and tools for accessing deeper levels of awareness. This new insight into how the Soul expresses itself is being embraced by top healers, lifestyle coaches, and CEOs all over the world as a method for helping people recognize their purpose and live from a place of power and truth. Jennifer is the author of two books: Soul Language – Consciously Connecting with Your Soul for Success and A Little Book of Prayers, both available on Amazon. To learn more visit:

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