Last year in the U.S., more than 5.4 million new businesses were started, a 37…
Tag: business
“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman But the search to…

Regina Robinson is an Award-Winning Global Speaker, Best Selling Author, and Inner Confidence Strategist who is widely known for engaging, motivating, and equipping women with the tools to unlock their inner confidence…
DeKesha Williams jumped into entrepreneurship thinking her hard work alone would launch, grow and expand…
Girlfriend, there are levels to this. The term “overnight success” isn’t as swift as…
Whatever Happened to the Heroes? By Linda Hancock When I grew up, heroes…
Teenager De’Shaia Ventour has taken her creative talents and turned them into a business move.…
Coach Shanelle Calvin took the leap to owning her own business and never looked back.…
La Detra White is not only a wife, mother of two, and President and CEO…
Now PR PEOPLE and ASSISTANT EXTRADIONAIRES and those that hire them, get out your pen…
LaTonya Taylor turned turbulence into triumph. As a child in Richmond, VA, LaTonya was raised…
Wendy Nicole Anderson is business consultant/coach for emerging women entrepreneurs. Based in Atlanta, she is…
Sign up and get your profile set up now in the CWM Business Directory now…
There are certain best practices that we all can learn from various business gurus who…
Billie Bowe is the President and CEO of Benchmark Consulting Services, a human resources consulting…
As a consultant to many businesses, no matter the size, a fundamental gap continues to…
Do you know a business or life (any genre in either) coach who truly embodies…
WARNING: Men Beware, This Article Is for Women Only WARNING: Men Beware, This Article Is…
It’s Just Business-It’s Not Personal : Just because you are not charging your clients “enough”…
Kiersten Kindred is an author, public speaker and founder of Kindred Communications, a full service…
Never let someone use money or referrals as a bargaining chip for respect for your…
Imagine returning to pick your son up from daycare only to find him bruised. What…
What is iReport? iReport is a way for you- the audience – to potentially get…