Do You Need A Personal Strategy For Receiving?  

Do You Need A Personal Strategy For Receiving?  

Several years ago, I was in the post office waiting in line. A woman will a three seat stroller, which was loaded with packages was trying to open those heavy post office doors. I asked her if she needed help and she looked at me and said, “Nope, I’m fine.”

She obviously was not fine. She obviously did not have it all; she obviously needed support.

"To begin the road to being both a great receiver and giver, you must have a personal strategy for receiving." - Jennifer Urezzio
“To begin the road to being both a great receiver and giver, you must have a personal strategy for receiving.” – Jennifer Urezzio

If this woman was saying no to support when she clearly required it, where else in her life was she not receiving?

Now, imagine all those places in your life that you really want to receive and then ask your Soul this question:

What is in the way of you receiving support? Here are some of the possible reasons:

  • We don’t ask for it
  • We ask for support from the wrong people
  • We are asking to be supported in a non-supportive way

The theme behind all of the above reasons is simple: we believe we are not worthy. It is remarkable to me how this belief has created so much disharmony in our nation and in the world.

We believe that we must fight for our worthiness, we must prove it, we must take it and we must demand it. The truth is, feeling and understanding that you are worthy is a well-spring inside of you.

When you tap into it, it allows you to create miracles in every moment and in every situation. Would you like some examples of individuals that truly embodied this feeling of Divine Worth? Martin Luther King, Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and others.

To begin the road to being both a great receiver and giver, you must have a personal strategy for receiving. This is a strategy for how you are going to get things and how you are going to give from the overflow.

So many of us give because:

  • We want to get
  • We want to be loved
  • We want to be of service

Creating a Personal Strategy For Receiving

So how do we go about creating this plan for personal receiving? The strategy has three parts:

  • Creating a core belief around receiving and giving
  • Creating appropriate boundaries
  • Creating ongoing consciousness

Creating A Core Belief

Most of us are giving and receiving based on some limiting belief. Some limiting beliefs are: you need to give to get, not good enough, and receiving equals pain.

What we often forget is that we can change or determine what we want our core belief around giving and receiving to be.

I suggest you sit down and ask your Soul what insight it can provide for creating a sustainable belief around giving and receiving.

One of the most sustainable beliefs is:  As I Give I Receive. In utilizing this as your core belief, you must understand how to give from what you do have, and to remember not to look for the receiving, but know that you will receive back and not always from the channels you think.

A sustainable core belief in the body feels light and airy. Any thought that feels icky and sticky is an untruth you are telling yourself. Universal truths feel like air and can even place you in a feeling of neutrality.

If you noticed, I haven’t once mentioned money. If you are having trouble receiving money, that is just a symptom of the bigger problems in your receiving.

Creating Appropriate Boundaries

The easiest way to create an appropriate boundary when it comes to giving and receiving is to be conscious of your feelings before making a commitment.

If you say yes to something and you feel overwhelmed, resentful, angry, or if you are always giving and not receiving, that is your clue to sit down and have a conversation with your Soul to understand why you are saying yes to this situation.

Saying yes when you really mean no in your heart will create an unbalanced giving and receiving pattern in your life and in your business.

Creating Ongoing Consciousness

Our Souls are always expanding so our capacity to give and receive is also growing. One of the ways I expand my consciousness is with a simple question: If I knew I was loved and supported, what would I say, do, express, be, give or receive in this situation?

This question allows me to see where I’m feeling separate or unsupported and opens my mind up to the possibility of a new avenue of receiving.

We are receiving all the time, whether we understand it or not. We spend a lot of time focusing on all of the things that we don’t have instead of concentrating on what we do have and how we can create a strategy to open ourselves up to more giving and receiving.

If you are interested in learning more about this subject…Jennifer is offering a special class in the month of January to create your own personal strategy for receiving.

If you are interested in learning more about this subject…in January Jennifer’s Soul Expedition Academy Class Creating a Personal Strategy For Receiving is open to all. To learn more about this virtual group you can find information on by clicking this link.



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Jennifer Urezzio

Jennifer Urezzio specializes in helping people connect – to themselves, to each other, and to the Divine. She founded a new paradigm, Soul Language, which provides guidance for understanding our true nature and tools for accessing deeper levels of awareness. This new insight into how the Soul expresses itself is being embraced by top healers, lifestyle coaches, and CEOs all over the world as a method for helping people recognize their purpose and live from a place of power and truth. Jennifer is the author of two books: Soul Language – Consciously Connecting with Your Soul for Success and A Little Book of Prayers, both available on Amazon. To learn more visit:

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