
The Other Side of Fear

Joan Randall today is a founder and CEO of her own company. Her daily life is filled with empowering women. After retirement, she fully embraced her passion of helping women move from a place of pain onward to a place of powerful. But Joan’s life was different once. She was one of the women she now helps to overcome. Then trapped in a marriage to a man who abused her physically, verbally, psychologically and financially for 7 years, Joan finally found the power within herself to leave where she once thought her only option was murder suicide. Joan, along with her two daughters fled her abuser in the middle of the night and even with doubts and homelessness, she preserved with the encouragement of her children. Her faith began to fill those empty places within her. Today, Joan is a Coach and Author and happily married-proving that your healing is right on the other side of your fear.  

Did you have a plan when you left?  No, I did not have a plan when I left. The plan I had was “how to leave safely” and that is what I was prepared to do and I did, although things did not work out as I had planned them. The bottom-line was that I got out safely with my children. I was uncertain about what would be next but that was the least of my problems at the time. I had 2 guarantees when I left the abusive home; 1) I would stay with my older sister until I could find a place, and 2) I had a job waiting for me.

IMG_3031Down the line you find yourself homeless with two girls you have to provide for. What were you afraid of at that time? Six months after staying with my Sister, I moved into my own place. However, it was not too long after that I found myself evicted. I was afraid of the unknown. I did not know how I was going to substantially provide for them and keep them safe at the same time. Although I had a job I knew that I was unable to support my family on $7.50 an hour, when rent and other bills had to be factored in. I was at a loss. Hope evaded me! I fell into a deep depression, but every time I looked into the eyes of my daughters, I knew I had to fight to find a way out.

What was your next move? I swallowed my Pride and asked for help from Friends and Family. I was able to borrow enough money to use as a deposit for a cheap one-bedroom apt. I went out and got 2 additional jobs. Ultimately I worked a fulltime job, then I worked a part-time evening job and I also took on a weekend job. I worked 7 days a week to make ends meet. It took a toll on my children as they were always left alone. My older daughter being 7 years her sister’s senior, took on a caretaker role for her sister. She would later resent it.

Was there any aftermath or backlash from family or your ex-husband? Life was very difficult. I contemplated going back to my abuser because I felt like I had let my children down. I took them from a home and brought them to the streets. But my oldest daughter became my ROCK and she begged me never to go back and kept telling me that things will get better. I believed her. My family was supportive of me and when my Mom heard of my struggle she moved from New York to stay with me so she could help me with my daughters. My ex threatened to find me and take the children.

“My life is one of triumph, resilience and faith. I was broken and became brave, I was victimized but became a victor. I was stuck forever as a survivor until I figured out how to start thriving and that is the essence of living a whole life victoriously.”

How long before you had your first moment of feeling things were getting better? Do you remember your first day of feeling stable? Did your ex-husband help you at all financially with the children after you left? About six months after moving in to the new apt and my Mom moving in to help me, I began to feel stable. I worked tirelessly. My fulltime job was like an escape from reality and I loved it. I put my all into that job and soon after I was being recognized for outstanding service. Shortly thereafter I got a promotion and it significantly increased my pay. As a result, I quit the weekend job and went on call with the part-time job. Within another eight months, I was promoted again and this time to a salaried position.  I no longer needed the part-time job. I finally felt like my life was changing for the better. My ex refused to support the children and never did.

Tell us about starting with Macy’s and how accomplished you felt retiring 25 years later knowing where you started? I went to work for Macys because I wanted to spend some time away from my abusive Husband. It was a part time job that turned into full time. Macys allowed me to keep my job when I escaped my abuser to a different state. That really gave me hope as I was contemplating leaving. Although I started as an Associate making $7.50 an hour, my efforts and hard work was rewarded and I was promoted through the ranks. Several promotions throughout my career landed me in the ultimate role of Vice President/ Store Manager and after 25 years, I was able to retire fully satisfied and proud of all the accolades and awards received throughout my tenure.

Tell us about Victorious You and the services it offers. And without giving away too much can you share one tip from your Strategy for “Finding a Way Out”?  Victorious You is a Faith based Company that I founded to help Women who find themselves stuck, as a result of difficult circumstances, to go from Broken to Brave, Victim to Victor, Survivor to Thriver in order to live their best life Victoriously. I provide one on one Coaching, Workshops and Seminars. The most important tip from my finding a Way Out Strategy is recognizing that YOU have a CHOICE and how you choose to use that, is the key in determining the next STRATEGIC move.


Tell us about your radio show and how can people tune in or possibly replay online if outside of their area? My radio show is called Survive 2 Thrive. It comes on every Saturday at 2pm on WGIV The Soul of Charlotte Radio. It is an internet Radio Station similar to Sirius XM and can be accessed anywhere in the country or the world. Just download the FREE TUNE IN App and search WGIV and listen in on Saturdays @ 2pm. I post copies of the show on my Facebook fan page weekly.

Tell our readers about your Retreat and how they can get more information. I am doing an International Event in Jamaica, November 11-13 2016. The event is called Survive 2 Thrive International / Portland Paradise. This event is an Inspirational and Empowerment event, that will address Domestic Violence Awareness, Educational Awareness, Giving Back, A Fashion Show, A Musical Concert and a One Day exclusive Retreat. We want to provide resources and awareness of how to survive 2 thrive despite difficult situations. Information on this event can be found on Facebook @ Portland Paradise Weekend or Survive2Thrive International Conference.

For more information on her endeavors please visit joantrandall.com.

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Connected Woman Magazine is an online magazine that serves the female population in life and business. Our website will feature groundbreaking and inspiring women in news, video, interviews, and focused features from all genres and walks of life.

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