Where should I start? There is so much to unpack in todays episode of this #rentalliving series. Let me say first that I don’t think all apartments that call themselves “luxury” are trash, but I think you must be cognizant that those that don’t live up to the title do exist. So let me fill you in on what has happened since our last episode.
The Painters
Yes, they are still painting. In fact, me coming home yesterday to a freshly re-painted door if what led to this update. This would be the 3rd time they have painted on or around the door. They initially painted it black and because they paint like someone who wears a size 2T shirt, they just sprayed black everything…including on the white trim. The 2nd trip (after being told they were finished) involved then painting the trim white again. During this trip, which we got no heads up about- they dropped paint on my mat. They happened to be still there painting when I came home from work and let’s just say I think they soon realized the error of their ways—only after I pointed it out of course.
When I tell you that they have dropped so much paint all over the grounds and not cleaned it up or put down anything to prevent I, it would be hard for you to fathom that they were professionals or that anyone besides a slum lord would ever hire them to paint their nails, much less their homes or businesses. I had to have a 5-minute debate about the paint on my mat and why they could indeed clean it off now versus waiting until it dries as one of the workers initially tried to tell me. They spoke in Spanish amongst themselves, and I was on my way out, so I just snapped photos and walked away. Miraculously, they had gotten it off before I came back about 30 mins later. They had dropped paint all over the sidewalks and left paint in areas where they didn’t tape off properly. (See photos)
Today when I came home and they had painted yet again (they left the wet paint warning on the stairwell) and when I went to push my door open, I realized they had painted my door yet again as I stared down at the paint smudges on my fingertips and the paint, they had spilled on my bug guard, the door handle and yet again on my mat. They had taken my wreath down (I assume) and left it lying beside my door and I was confused at first thinking it had fell down or gotten knocked down because I had several large package deliveries outside my door at the time. I just pulled my wreath inside and didn’t bother hanging it back up. The door was so sticky to the touch still. Again, not professional and definitely not upgrading anything or adding anything to this denote this luxury living experience. The apartment office was closed one day recently for Employee Appreciation. I had to chuckle out loud.
I can’t even tell you who the painters are because they don’t even have professional trucks with signage on them. Just look like a bunch of random raggedy painters driving around in serial killer vans and trucks. Yeah…
Boom. Bam. Run
So, I finally put in a noise complain about all these running and loud thuds I was hearing. I was sure the noise was coming from above me since I live on the first floor. I was also convinced it had to be a dog because no one is letting their kid make that much noise. And I hear a dog barking sometimes, so I thought it’s got to be that. One day when I was working from home, I realized I was over it. I had been putting up with it in the evenings when I came home but this day, I was just sick of listening to it . So, I put in a complaint. They said they would handle, and I didn’t hear anything back, but they had said to let them know if it continued. It did and a week later I responded to let them know it was still happening. The officer person’s next response was that she had talked to the resident, and she was elderly and had no pets. *INSERT SHOCKED FACE. I apologized for connecting the noise to the wrong apartment, but I said its coming from somewhere so maybe beside me. She said no one in my whole unit of connecting walls had a dog. Now, I’m like whose dog do I hear barking all the time? She also added if someone had a dog-against policy of having them registered with the office- that they wouldn’t be able to find out until March when they did some random inspections. I then asked if they could just send out a general email/notice asking people to be aware of their noise levels etc. She stopped replying after that.
I have since opened my own investigation and determined it’s the neighbor above me on the 3rd floor. Now I have never lived on the first floor in a complex before, so you tell me if noise normally carries that far. And why wouldn’t Ms. Elderly be complaining – other than the fact that her light is always on inside like she’s not home often. All I know is every time this parent/child combo comes home the noise starts as soon as their front door closes. I didn’t bother contacting the office again. I have resigned myself to focusing on getting to the end of my lease. I unsubscribed from their emails, and I just now treat it like a hostage situation and in order to maintain my peace – and freedom from prison- I have to ignore them like they ignore me. You can’t make people care. This is a really expensive prison but at least I get work release. If this pandemic housing pricing doesn’t subside soon so buying a home doesn’t require you to sell your organs or to have an Only Fans account, I don’t know what many renters will do.
Taking Out the Trash
Now to round out my day, I get a violation notice from the Valet Trash people. I know, I know. What did I do right? Well apparently, I did not secure/tie my trash tightly. To be honest I am not sure if I just forgot to even tie it all together because I was rushing to put it out. Remember all the packages I mentioned getting, well I went right into unpack and put together mode when I got home. And so, I think I may have picked the bag up (it was stuffed with bubble film and tape from the packages and just forgot to tie it twice like I normally do and just sat it in the trashcan. Then when I realized it was time to put the trash out, I was trying to get a couple boxes broken down and out there so I would have less to take to the dumpster on my own. I also was dinged for having boxes they deemed as not small (everything with valet trash has to be light and small per policy). My mistake.
Where the audacity comes in is this is the same company who knocks over and throws your trashcan at your door when they come, that has come early- before the set timeframe and left my trash outside and who I saw throwing trash over the balconies to the ground floor- again early) without even looking to see if someone is walking by. I didn’t run up to their truck and give them a violation ticket and I pay I believe around $27 dollars every month against my will for the service because its mandatory. Valet trash is great when it works however, the fact that they make you do it and then you have to feel obligated to put some trash out to feel like you’re getting your monies worth is the real scam. I am thinking the valet trash business boom came about from having residents who either were super nasty and just had trash all outside their door or who complained about having to go all the way to the dumpster every time they had some smelly trash. I really don’t know but again, it’s a service I pay for but get dinged on but yet there is no one to handle my complaints if I had them. I guess next time I see them tossing bags and arriving early or throwing trashcans I should call their corporate office too. And then they can forward it back to the driver. And then he can come to my door and say it’s not true and that there is nothing he can do and then just start ignoring me.
You see where I’m going here.
Have you had similar experiences where you live? Ever lived on the first floor? Share in the comments your rental living experiences so we can all have a laugh….or a good cry.
#luxuryapartments #raleighnc #rentalliving #apartments