Lynsi Eastburn, MA, BCH has been assisting women all over the world in their journey to motherhood. She is the founder and creator of HypnoFertility, which has pioneered proven methods in assisting those struggling with infertility. Based in Denver, Colorado, Lynsi has a global reach and capability to see clients all over the world. Let’s find out more about her groundbreaking programs.
Can you tell our readers what HypnoFertility is and how it differs from other fertility treatments?

Sure, I’m happy to. HypnoFertility is the hypnosis-based program I began developing many years ago with the purpose of supporting both natural and medically assisted fertility. It is the original HypnoFertility, though I have in recent years renamed it 3Keys® HypnoFertility to distinguish it from the generic use of the word hypnofertility that has been steadily increasing over time. The name was inspired by the three keys to conception—the crux of the program—which I received in meditation nearly 30 years ago, prior to the conception of my youngest child. Fertility-specific hypnosis helps to clear brain fog and sharpen intuition, to ignite or finetune instinctive awareness, and to diminish excessive levels of stress, among other things. 3Keys® HypnoFertility is not just hypnosis though, it is a multi-faceted, solution-focused process designed to tap into and reignite the inherent fertility that is a biological element of every woman. I use my own unique blend of science and spirit to help clear the subconscious mind of any blocks, reframe destructive thought patterns in the brain, and to tend the fundamental light of a person’s heart and spirit.
3Keys® HypnoFertility is different from other modalities in that it focuses on the subconscious mind. Though we are thinking creatures, the subconscious is ultimately the predominant part of the mind, and it always wins out over the conscious mind when the two are in conflict. Unfortunately, we often don’t know we have a conflict until something like infertility shows up in our lives. This is when we realize that what we want is not what we are getting—often despite doing everything possible to attain it. Or when something that should work, doesn’t. The subconscious mind is also the protective part of the mind, so although someone may consciously want to become pregnant, they may have experienced things in their lives, that they might not even be aware of, that have caused the subconscious mind to block it. This, in turn, can impede reception of the full benefits of other treatments. The hypnotic process helps to align the conscious and subconscious minds, often by releasing blocks or ingrained negative beliefs or patterns. This is something other modalities don’t typically address. Meditation is often recommended to women trying to conceive, but those with busy minds or who have trouble relaxing tend to have difficulty with it and can get frustrated. Hypnosis differs from meditation in that there is no need to clear the mind or sit perfectly still or follow along as with guided meditations. And relaxation is not essential to the efficacy of therapeutic hypnosis, though hypnosis can certainly facilitate relaxation. It can also help with meditation skills and enhance experiences for those who do meditate.
Though it differs from other modalities, HypnoFertility is complementary to them. This includes traditional western medicine as well as healing arts practices such as naturopathy, acupuncture, nutrition, yoga, and so forth. I think of HypnoFertility as the missing link, it basically ties everything together. It helps a person to become more grounded, centered, and balanced, thereby enabling them to receive the most benefit from anything else they may be doing.
Was there a specific case/client that led to you creating 3 Keys® HypnoFertility? Did you face a lot of resistance initially?
There wasn’t a specific case, though an early one does come to mind. I worked with a woman who had a needle phobia and was having a really hard time with IVF. She had already had a failed cycle and that had only compounded her fear of needles. After her first session with me, she had what she called a night-and-day response—no problem with the injections, she felt in a much better mood despite all the medications that had been wreaking havoc on her, she felt more optimistic, and she didn’t have any pain with procedures that had bothered her before. She asked if she could continue working with me throughout the rest of the cycle, which she did, and ultimately got pregnant with triplets. You don’t see a lot of triplets these days, this was more than 20 years ago; IVF treatment has changed a lot over the years. Being pregnant with multiples is considered high risk and the more babies you have, the higher that risk. I had several clients with triplets at one point, but I haven’t had any for many years now for that reason. However, this client was thrilled to be having triplets and was aware of all the risks. She continued working with me throughout her pregnancy and we did birth hypnosis to support her mandatory cesarean section. One issue with multiples is premature birth. I was able to help keep those babies in much longer than expected, which was a huge benefit, and my client recovered more rapidly from the surgery than would be expected. I heard from her a few years later, and she told me that her babies did not have any of the developmental issues associated with triplets. She credited that to the work she did with me, to what was to become 3Keys® HypnoFertility.
There was a lot going on at that time, I had many women come in to see if I could help them to get pregnant—many of them having been given a zero per cent chance from fertility clinics. And I was able to help them, in fact women were getting pregnant naturally even though they had been told they were not candidates for IVF. I wouldn’t say I faced a lot of resistance per se. Clients were very open to HypnoFertility and loved the process right from the start. In the medical world my clients’ successes were often labeled anecdotal and dismissed, but that didn’t matter to me. I knew there was something incredible coming together. Hypnosis wasn’t associated with fertility back then, but it was well recognized for its effectiveness with stress reduction, lowering anxiety, pain control, relieving various phobias, and myriad other issues that women dealing with infertility are struggling with. I was already helping people with those issues, and I was also working with childbirth hypnosis, so I knew fertility hypnosis warranted serious attention. I did an extensive search, and I couldn’t find anything in books or on the internet about hypnosis to enhance fertility, nor were there any classes or techniques available for hypnotherapists. So, I set about to change that.
I’ve always cared about women being able to have the children they want so much. Even as a child I worried that women who truly wanted a baby might not be able to have one. It just meant something to me; I don’t know why. I didn’t set out to create HypnoFertility, I feel like it set out to create me. It’s definitely a big part of my life’s purpose. I have two sons and they are the absolute world to me; I can’t imagine being denied the immeasurable blessings of having them, of being their mother. I want this so much for the amazing women who so desperately wish to be loving mothers, and I can’t even describe the feeling, the gift, of actually being able to help.
Tell our readers about a success story that particularly made an impact with you?
I had a client several years ago who contacted me when she was 40 years old and wanted to get pregnant. As much as she wanted to however, she had an ingrained belief that 40 was the cutoff and that she was too old to have a baby. There is a lot out there about age, we hear of “geriatric” mothers and “old eggs” and that type of thing, and this can really impact the subconscious mind and cause various blocks. In this case, my client had been flying all over the place between Australia and the U.S. bouncing from one fertility clinic to another, faithfully doing acupuncture and Chinese herbs, practicing fertility yoga, taking multiple supplements, adhering to a strict fertility diet, and doing everything she could possibly think of, yet still all her IVF cycles had failed. This poor woman was extremely stressed, frustrated, and feeling like she was reaching her breaking point when she came to see me. She was getting ready to start another IVF cycle but was feeling pretty hopeless about everything. It quickly became clear as I began working with her that, beyond needing help with the stress, emotional devastation, and everything else she was experiencing, she also had a substantial subconscious block that was preventing her from conceiving, and that she wouldn’t conceive until we released it. I was able to help her with all these issues and her IVF cycle was successful. She gave birth to a little girl at age 41. But I love this story because it goes far beyond that. My client got back in touch with me a few years later because she wanted to do IVF again but was afraid that she was “definitely too old” at this point. We did a couple more sessions and, before she got a chance to set up her IVF cycle, she was pregnant naturally. She gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby, her second little girl, at the age of 45. No IVF necessary.
Can you give us an estimate of how many certified therapists you have in the US or globally and are they searchable from your website for women who may want to find one in their area?
Over the years I have trained hundreds of HypnoFertility practitioners; I’ve taught all over the world. Unfortunately, between the lack of regulation in the field and the increasing common use of the word hypnofertility, I began to find that all sorts of people were doing all sorts of things and calling them hypnofertility. Consistency was seriously lacking, and I’d put so much time and energy into my work that I didn’t want to see it watered down or confused with something it was not. To protect its integrity, as of 2021, I require any practitioner who wants to be associated with me—past-trained as well as new students—to complete the enhanced program I have instituted as well as pass a rigorous examination. They also must complete annual continuing education courses and remain connected with me through the professional membership community I have created for them. These folks are committed, invested in themselves and their clients. I think of them as the crème de la crème. They are certified as 3Keys® HypnoFertlitists and are the only practitioners in the world qualified to be on the professional directory you will find on my website. This work is an immense part of my life purpose, and I am dedicated to it heart and soul. For this reason, I am doing the best I can to ensure that there are quality options available for people who desire to experience the authentic HypnoFertility I have nurtured from its inkling. That’s not to say that others aren’t good at what they do, that other hypnotists can’t help with infertility, only to distinguish a very specialized method from others which may be loosely applied or completely generic. Fortunately, this work may be done by distance (by phone or online with Zoom or other similar platforms) as well as in person which makes all the 3Keys® HypnoFertility specialists on the directory accessible to everyone.
You have vast experience in healing arts and hypnotherapy. Was this something you had training in early on or something you developed an interest in after seeing a need after?
I’m an intuitive empath and have always had an interest in the healing arts, complementary medicine, spiritual topics, and that type of thing. I’d read all about reflexology by the time I was eight years old and had learned quite a bit about astrology from my grandmother, great aunt, and an older cousin by that age as well. I went on an overnight school trip when I was nine and ended up soothing some of the homesick kids to sleep just by quietly talking to them. I was counseling one of my friend’s mothers about her marriage difficulties when I was seven, and at 14 when I spent a week in the hospital for knee surgery, I did some numerology for the nurses on my floor and soon had nurses coming from all over the hospital to see me. It’s always been such a big part of me, I just love all this stuff. I trained in meditation, a little bit of hypnosis, and various forms of energy work in my early 20s and was teaching Usui Reiki at 25. I did my formal hypnotherapy certification in 1998 and immediately began working at the Chicago-area hypnosis school where I had trained and also opened my first practice. I had joined forces with my husband Drake in private practice in Denver by the end of 1999, and not long after that the fertility clients began first to trickle and ultimately pour in. So, really it was both. I was well-versed in the hypnosis world as HypnoFertility began, but my interest in the fertility piece quickly took hold as soon as I realized there was such a need for it.
You have authored three books. Can you give our readers a short summary of each book title/topic?
Sure. My first book is called “It’s Conceivable! – Hypnosis for Fertility” (2006). After several years in the field, I wrote this book to let the public know on a larger scale that hypnosis is a viable option to help with infertility. I talk about hypnosis and how it works, how it can help. I have a few case studies in there which outline some of the techniques I use with clients and basically give the reader an idea of some of the issues I’ve worked with and their outcomes. I released a second edition in 2017 to bring the book up to date with all the changes in the medical world and fertility technology, new options, and treatments that weren’t available before.
My second book is “The 3 Keys to Conception – Pregnancy Against All Odds” (2013). This book chronicles the evolution of HypnoFertility. As I mentioned earlier, I have continually refined the process, but it has evolved organically as well. This book delves more into the spiritual aspect of infertility, spirit babies, the three keys to conception… and how it’s all connected. In very basic terms, the three keys to conception are: meditate, listen, and trust. I go into depth as to their meanings and applications, and also talk about my own spirit baby experience with my son—which virtually started it all.
My third book, the second edition of which was just released, is called “Waiting in the Wings – Introducing the Pink StarLights.” I’ve worked with spirit babies all along, but in more recent years a new generation of spirit babies has been coming through to me. These precious little celestials are supreme lightworkers who emit a distinctive energy signature beyond others we have known, and their vibrational frequency resonates only with certain human beings. They have their own purpose, and they choose their parents accordingly. Typically, their parents—mothers especially—endure an arduous fertility journey, but it is a necessary part of aligning with these particular babies. They call themselves the Pink StarLights and I was guided to write this book to help them share their message and connect with their parents. It introduces the Pink StarLights to the world and explains their purpose. Pink StarLight hypnosis journeys to help connect with them are included as well.
What is one way that women can change their mindset to align with their fertility goals and pivot around any negative imbalances that could be hindering them from reaching the finish line in their journey?
This is going to be short and to the point. Stop listening to other people. This is a personal journey—your journey. Recognize that it is sacred. Too much input or conflicting information can cloud your intuition, knock you off balance, deplete your energy, crush your self-esteem, trample your hopes, exacerbate doubt, instill fear, stifle your creativity (you are creating a baby after all), and cause all sorts of unnecessary harm that can prevent you from reaching that finish line. Shifting your mindset and aligning with your fertility goals doesn’t have to be complicated, but it is essential to take time for yourself. To breathe, go within, take a walk-in nature, meditate… read a good book, enjoy a bubble bath… anything that helps you to feel grounded, centered, peaceful, and empowered.
Have you always had a desire to help others?
Yes, absolutely. I’ve always cared about people, animals, the earth, etc. I’m highly sensitive to any pain or turmoil and want to help in whatever way I can. I guess being an intuitive empath has a lot to do with it. I’ve been drawn to the healing arts and also to the field of psychology. I’m a problem solver by nature and I think it all goes together. To be aware, to care, to try to understand, and then to help find solutions.
What overall message would you convey to women who experience fertility issues and who may feel like they have exhausted the paths toward motherhood?
I see the infertility journey as an initiation, and initiations aren’t fun. But in these cases, they are a necessary part of the parenting preparation needed by some of the babies being born at this time. These awesome beings are going to be what I call the new people. They’ll eventually be the ones in power; they’ll be the ones caring for the earth, caring for others, facilitating the immense healing that is needed now. These kids need intelligent, open-minded, flexible, spiritually aware parents who are accepting of things like energy work, hypnosis, meditation, holistic healing, etc., who are supportive of education and life purpose, and who are not attached to old ideas, mainstream beliefs, and the old and shifting paradigm of judgment, oppression, abuse of power. You have what it takes and not everyone does. Had you had your children easily, you may never have delved into all that you have discovered throughout your fertility struggles. And this is so needed. You are so needed. There is more to the world than what we have been taught, well beyond the five senses. Be open, be receptive, know that nothing is hopeless, and nothing is absolute. The mantra I teach my clients is: “My baby is coming to me in just the right time and in just the right way.”
What’s next for you?
Since its inception, it’s always been my dream to elevate awareness of HypnoFertility and the benefits of hypnosis to help women to get (and stay) pregnant, to bring that knowledge to critical mass. So, this is a dream come true for me. Also, a lovely and very spiritual woman I’ve been working with, Wakaba Taitano, has translated everything and over the past year or so has been making 3Keys® HypnoFertility readily available in Japan. That’s exciting, and I believe Germany is going to be next at that level. I’ve revised my original HypnoBirth program and co-created 3Keys® HypnoBirth with my dear friend and colleague Hayley Middleton. It makes for a seamless transition for clients from fertility and pregnancy to birth and postpartum. I really love the blend and the flow. We just launched the practitioner training for it this year and there will be more of those classes. Moving forward, I’ll continue to see private clients and to teach 3Keys® HypnoFertility. I’m working on a few projects, including setting up future retreats, with some spiritual fertility doctors and healers of various specialties. I’m sure I’ll write more books down the line. And of course, I’ll be focusing on the Pink StarLights and their mission, helping their parents to connect with them, and continuing to share their message and incredible light with the world.
Anything else to add?
I’d just like to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to talk about this amazing work! I truly appreciate your time. And I appreciate all the enlightening information and supportive energy this magazine provides to women everywhere. The world needs more of this.
How can readers find out more information about you, your products and services?
You can find my books on Amazon and find out more about my services on my website:
Facebook: hypnofertility
Instagram: lynsi.eastburn