We must play the hand of life that we have been dealt. So that got me to thinking about my current season in life. No doubt, some of you are in the same season. If you have not arrived at it yet, fear not, no worries, keep living….you will! It is fondly known as “salt and pepper.” Yes, I am talking about hair. Now let me put this disclaimer out there upfront! I am not being critical or judging any other forms of hair styling, adjustment or alteration that one chooses to don. This is just a transparent reflection of my personal journey as an African American woman, my hair woes and the lessons I have learned. I hope it will speak to your spirit and encourage you in some way.
Now some of us feel some kind of way about this season. I am no different. When I first started to show hints of gray, my tendency was to pluck those unwanted strands of wisdom, right out of our head! Foolish! The day came when that was no longer working so I dabbled in the next set of options. I tried coloring, which lasted all of a week each time and was money wasted! Wisdom and strength (gray hair) prevailed as it resurfaced more profoundly each time I tried to cover it with color. A very brief stint with a weave and a wig proved to be almost comical. I am physically active on a regular basis and the sauna action occurring underneath all of that weave and wig was unbearable! The lesson I learned! My gray has earned its status and it won’t be disrespected by color, weaves or wigs! It’s like it was saying “My journey through life will not be colored, covered, or otherwise hidden because you don’t like how it looks! “As long as you are living and breathing, so am I so deal with it (that’s my hair talking)!” I then began to think about that. The parallel between my hair journey and my personal journey through life.
I then began to embrace this season because I realized it is somewhat of a badge of honor.
Just like gray hair, it has taken resistance, persistence, survival, strength, and courage to get to this place in my life. There are some battle scars but by the grace of God, He has seen me through! That should be celebrated and embraced, not covered and shunned.
Those of us who have lived long enough to earn these strands, have been through some things. We have learned some things. We have played the hand that has been dealt us, and we have persevered! Do you doubt yourself? The fact that you woke up this morning, and are somehow in the position to read this means you have journeyed through something! You have made it thus far in this season of your life (whatever season that may be)!
Each of us, at some point in life, must embrace our own presence, holistic beauty and the natural being of who we are. We must embrace it and not be concerned about how it may look or what others think.
You have been given strength, perseverance, resilience to endure your seasons of life. I hope you will embrace each season that you are in and all the beauty, strength, resilience and perseverance that is within you!
Be encouraged.