Coach Shanelle Calvin took the leap to owning her own business and never looked back. Now she is coaching other’s on how to discover their purpose and make it happen.
How did you get started in business?
My first business was in 2009. I was furloughed at my job with the American Institute of Architects. Although we still had a job, we lost two months of wages. I had to think quickly and use the knowledge I had to bring in revenue. I have a marketing degree and for years I had helped friends with their businesses. There businesses had always profited as a result of my advice, so I was pretty confident in my skill set. I never considered consulting until the recession hit. I found a niche which was helping business owners network in person and online. I was attending the social media club events so I had a network. I also understood both marketing and software which helped me.

How did other’s feel about your transition into entrepreneurship?
I live in a quiet flat in the Museum district. I like a quiet space to unwind and get sufficient sleep. I got mixed reviews about being an entrepreneur. Some people were excited and said with my work ethic they knew I would be successful. Others were cautious, called me crazy, and tried to talk me out of it. I had to learn that what other people think shouldn’t matter more than what you know is true. I could have stayed in the workforce and lived a “safe” life but I chose to take a rockier road which allowed me to build a business. In the end I chose myself.
Did you ever have any regrets or thoughts of going back to work?
No, I don’t think I could go back to a traditional work environment. I enjoy the freedom of my business and how fulfilling the work is. Owning a business does send you through a number of emotions and can be frustrating at time. I do miss some of the benefits at times like free event tickets, and of course fringe benefits health insurance.
Any hiccups initially when getting started?
The first thing I struggled with was the isolation. I was not used to working from home and it was getting to me. I wanted to share my experience with other women entrepreneurs that were building businesses. I went to networking events searching for likeminded women, but didn’t find many of them. This led me to start my first training series for women called “Building Your Business”. It was interactive training that helped women learn, connect, and grow together.
Tell us about Success Coaching?
Success looks different for everyone. During our coaching session, I use a five step process that starts with prayer and ends with a custom success plan.
Who is your ideal client ?
My ideal client has seen some success in her career, and wants to transition to a profitable business. On paper her life looks great, but something is missing. She knows she is called to greater but can’t figure out how to get there. She wants to make an impact, and serve at a higher level. She has an impactful story to tell, and wants to bring her whole self to her business.
And your Signature Talks?
My presentations combine real-life stories, business training, and interactive events that connect with the audience at a personal, intense and individual level. My signature talks are:
- Balancing Faith and Business
- Developing an Authentic Leadership Style
- 5 Ways to Increase Productivity in The Workplace
- The 5 Step Formula for Increasing Revenue
- The 5 Step Formula For Facing Fears
- Networking Like A Pro
- Moving from FREE to fee
And lastly your Mastermind program?
My mastermind sessions are idea parties which allow you to solve problems via crowd sourcing. The facilitated sessions focus on emotional and money blocks, spiritual practice, and business problems. Each participant is given a workbook, and a follow up business coaching call. .
Seven years in, are you where you thought you would be goals wise now and where do you hope to go in the next seven years?
My business took a different direction than I originally intended. I started out consulting on social media which led me to start the FREE training sessions. I don’t cover social media at all anymore. So much has changed since then. Those FREE training sessions led me to public speaking and radio. During speaking gigs people would ask me to coach them. I didn’t see myself as a coach until years later. I am excited about where my business is. I have digital courses, will be training overseas in the fall, and have written a devotional. This is much further than I thought I would be and each year the stakes get higher. In the next seven years I hope that I will be training and speaking more overseas, will have a community of faith based entrepreneurs accessing my digital courses, and hope to have a series of devotionals.
Who is Shanelle Calvin at her core and how does she “connect” with other women and get them to rise up and succeed?
I am a sensitive nerd that thrives off of teaching others, sharing my faith, and helping people realize their potential. I am able to connect with other women because I am speaking from experience. I am not a guru, so I am approachable. I help women learn how to embrace their unique talents, bring their whole selves into their success strategy, and realize their dreams.
How can readers reach out to you?
They can find information on my new website or find me on social media at:
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