CWM : Embrace Your Differences
Now you know this title will be followed by pure comedy. So if you are overly religious and bathe daily in holy oil then this isn’t for you. Do not look for something to be offended by and then try to come for me. Now let’s be clear. I love the Lord. I consider myself a Christian and grew up Baptist and consider myself more non-denominational now but who cares. I am no where near perfect and I could do a pop-up in anyone’s church and see what it’s all about…well not that Westboro Church thing…ummm yeah I don’t do crazy or cults or people who protest at funerals. In fact, those are the people I would point at and in my best eye roll pronounce that “THEY NEED JESUS!”
Any who, you know I work solo here. I am the janitor and the Editor. Now mind you I work from home and enjoy strolling casually through the home in my PJ’s all day but that’s neither here nor there. I do it all dangit! That’s the point so stay focused.
So even though the blog is…well how can I say this nicely without hurting its cyber feelings. Well CWM doesn’t keep the lights on if you know what I mean. It’s extra. It’s secondary. But I love it. It’s just not shall we say “Fiscally responsible for my wellbeing and excessive desire to shop.” I have not mastered the monetization game on that end but it does what it does ya dig.’
Anyway, I have to do features and interviews. I love feature women I come across and even those I consider colleagues and clients. Moms, coaches, or Survivors. So I needed to buckle down and get some requests out because honestly June and July was a hot mess. I literally had I think 5 people not turn in their interviews on time, go AWOL, have PR and assistants from hell or just repeatedly lie to me. So I was kind of over it but well the show must go on.
I was on a productive mission tonight and set up three feature prospects and went ahead with my overzealous and confident self and completed the interview questions for each before even sending the request for an interview. I didn’t feel too well earlier so I was trying to get something done because working on my book was definitely not going to make the grade before bed. It’s late and I go ahead and shoot out all my emails. And the first response I got, almost immediately, created this blog post greatness (just agree with me here).
This is the response I got:
Hi Alegna (yes I know the name is wrong don’t message me to death pointing it out)
Thank you such much for offering me the chance to feature in your magazine. Unfortunately, I am going to decline because my outlook and style is in direct conflict with you Biblical quote referencing decency and order. I promote sexual freedom inside and outside of marriage and I’m openly anti-religious. I don’t think we’d be a good fit.
Thanks again for thinking of me.
#Whelp. Yeah. I. Well. I. Never mind.
I replied and explained how the scripture came to be included in my email signature (a shoo-fly to late invoice payers who carry the seal of excellence) and thanked them for their honesty and response and noted my understanding of their beliefs and this being out of their comfort zone yada yada yada.
What I wanted to say was, but my questions were great! I mean I got to be funny, serious and use profanity all in one interview for goodness sake! I needed answers to all my questions! It was going to be epic I tell you! (again just go along with me here and nod in agreement).
But I didn’t say that. So now I sit here down to 2 and hoping no one else jumps ship because if they do, I am back on duty tomorrow trying to do it all over again. And I’m tired. And sleep deprived this week (like every week). But I’ll get it done.
So now that I have made you laugh (or feel slightly perturbed at my attempt to do so) I will end with a motivational quote or something “inspirationish”. *crickets I have nothing so here is a little quote from funny man George Carlin:
“Religion is like a pair of shoes…..Find one that fits for you, but don’t make me wear your shoes.”
Find your joy, get connected and DO YOU! And that’s ok.
Has there been a time to had to say no to a project because your beliefs didn’t align? Share in the comments.