Eyelash Extension Education & Services

Full Name LaCrecia Steward
City/State Tyler, Tx
What is the name of your business? Lifestyle Lash Academy
What state is your business registered in? Texas
What led you to start a business of your own?
There was a need for proper and legal lash education in East Texas.
What is your most popular (bestselling) product/service?
320 Hour Eyelash Extension Specialty Course
What products/services do you provide?
Eyelash Extension Education & Services
Does your type of business allow you to service customers outside of your general location?
Do you have a brick-and-mortar location or is your business online-based?
How do most of your clients hear about you?
Word of mouth and social media
Tell our readers about your family life/career outside of your business.
I’m a mother of 2 adult children, ages 27 and 20, and a Hunni (grandmother) of a beautiful 1 (almost 2) year old girl. I enjoy networking at beauty industry events & business conventions. I’ve met so many amazing people that I’m grateful to call my friends. I also love hosting events. Whether it’s solely about beauty, business or both. Having something where new entrepreneurs can gain knowledge on how to get their business started, recourses and where the seasoned ones can pour into them…THAT’S MY LANE!
Tell our readers where they can find out more about you/your business in order to support?
Facebook-LaCrecia Steward, Lifestyle Lash Academy, The Media Den
Instagram-@lash_artisan_ @lifestylelashacademytx @elitelashconvent

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