Author and Advocate, Iselyn Hamilton-Austin’s strength and love for others shows up every day. Whether practicing as a family pediatric nurse practitioner or working towards her mission of giving and support, as a breast cancer survivor with her non-profit to assist other women, Iselyn is making her mark in life and on paper with her series of children’s books.

How long have you been a Nurse?
I have been a nurse for 43 years!! Wow thinking about that makes my head spin. I started that journey at 17 years old graduating as an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) from high school and then continuing to do what I do today as an ARNP (Advance Registered Nurse Practitioner)
Why Pediatrics? What passion did a career in healthcare nurture?
I love all things kids, from birth to young adult and always have. I have taught classes for teens at church, organized mother daughter retreats and more. Healthcare nurtures my passion for empowering and educating young women and their mothers, to see and live a better life and to help them learn how to navigate life using tools they are equipped with.
Fifteen years ago, you were diagnosed with breast cancer and subsequently had chemo and radiation treatments. At the time, what were your initial feelings once you got the final diagnosis? Did you have a strong support circle?
My initial feeling was what the hell!! I don’t have time for this, I got stuff to do and this is not it. But I had to make time, and it allowed me time to reflect on where God was taking my life. The funny thing is all I did was add on more things to do because I started a nonprofit to help other women diagnosed with breast cancer. It certainly didn’t slow me down.
I did have a strong support system. Although my family didn’t live near me, my close circle of friends never wavered and was there every step of the way.
Tell our readers about your non-profit and how you aid other women in the community in order to encourage early detection by having regular mammograms as well as assisting these women with medical bills they may incur due to their diagnosis.
I started a nonprofit I’M A SURVIVOR INC, and for 6 years organized a yearly fundraiser to raise funds to assist underinsured and non-insured women obtain mammograms and financial assistance with utility bills, co pays, groceries, and sometimes rent. I partnered with a mobile mammogram unit owned by a woman to get mammograms to women who had transportation issues. I have since relocated to South Carolina from Tampa Florida and am praying on restarting that program where I currently live.
Many women ignore and overlook signs and even miss their yearly mammograms-even after a prior battle with cancer. Why is it important for women to take care of themselves, their wellness and be their own best advocate when it comes to their healthcare? What would you say has been the biggest change/improvement in dealing with a breast cancer related diagnosis since your own battle?
Many women ignore and overlook signs for many reasons but the main reason I have found is because of fear. Some women think ignoring the issue makes it not real and they then do not have to face any of it. If I do not get any other message across it is that early detection saves lives. Having breast cancer is thankfully no longer the death sentence it used to be, with all the strides in treatment and early detection, surviving breast cancer is now the norm. It is so important to take care of ourselves and advocate for our health because our families need us. Women have always been and will always be the backbone of families.
The biggest change/improvement I have seen since my diagnosis is the strides made in early detection and treatment modalities that are saving lives while increasing the quality of life and decreasing the harsh side effects of the treatment. It was difficult enough to deal with the diagnosis physically, but the physical changes on your body has its mental effects as well.
When did you start writing and what was the inspiration for your books? Where can they be purchased?
My first book, Mimi, Me Maw, Yaya, Gaga, Nana, Granny, Big Mama and Me was published October 2021, the sequel Christmas with Mimi, Mema, Yaya…. was published in November 2021. Both books capture the joys of grand motherhood from multicultural perspectives.
My third book Different Than Me is scheduled to be published in the upcoming months. The books are available on amazon or on The inspiration for the grandmother books was my own grandmother. The books are an ode to her and the imprint she left on my life and the legacy she left behind.
The Different Than Me book was inspired by a coworker who is Caucasian and has an adorable African American granddaughter who is the love of her life. The book is about how love is love regardless of race or ethnicity because love can be Different Than You.
What do you want your legacy to be and reflect?
I want my legacy to be one in which people remember me for the inspiration I was to them. I want to be remembered for never giving up or giving in and living this life grace under fire and still pushing forward no matter what. I want to be remembered for living my amazing life even through the times that were not so amazing. I want my life to reflect on knowing that surviving and thriving in this life is about why you live, how you live and the manner in which you live.
What is our advice a woman recently diagnosed, awaiting a diagnosis or dealing with a recurrence? How do you balance it all?
My advice is to surround yourself with a team that is going to support your vision for the terms you want to live your life by no matter what that might be. Your medical team needs to respect your decisions, your family and friends also needs to respect your decisions and support them, because at the end of the day you have to live life on your terms. And most importantly of all NEVER apologize for living life on your terms.
Balancing it all can be tricky at times, but I try to make a purposeful effort to spend time with people I love, doing the things I love and carving out some quiet time to reflect and keep things in perspective.
Tell our readers how they can find out more information about you.
Readers can contact or learn more about me on FB @Iselyn Hamilton Austin
IG @iselyn51, or visit my landing page at
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