“A few years back, I was working as a health coach, successfully teaching nutrition to dancers at The Joffrey Ballet School in New York, and Alonzo King’s Lines Ballet in San Francisco. I had a full coaching practice. My life felt like it was “on track.” I was finally an entrepreneur. In a city I loved.
But have you ever had the feeling that there’s something more? You just can’t put your finger on what it is? Or known you were meant to be doing something else, you just don’t know how to get there?
While I loved what I was doing, very slowly, and without my realizing, it began to feel like something was missing. And the louder the feeling, the more I felt like I was pushing a boulder up hill, on a hot day, in Texas.
It’s not that I didn’t love health coaching. It’s not that I didn’t love my clients.
But I wasn’t in love with it. You know that feeling you get when you are totally on fire and alive in your work? That feeling was gone…”-Excerpt from kristendomingue.com/about-me. Does this sound familiar..want the know the next phase of this story? Well head on over to kristendomingue.com.