Connected Woman Magazine, in coordination with ALEGNAMEDIA , was a proud sponsor of the 2015 Tween Star Awards (www.tweenstarawards.com) held in October. The Tween Star Awards is an annual event with a mission to empower , acknowledge and celebrate young girls as well as celebrate other women who are doing the same in their own communities. This year’s host city was Raleigh, NC and Connected Woman and TSA Founder Shekina Moore presented another successful event where women and girls were highlighted, honored and praised for their empowerment of other females in their communities. Recently, CWM interviewed Mentor and Community advocates, Dr. Daphne McQuarter (TSA’s Mentoring Star of the Year), Tori Knox, Aisha Martin, Brandi Matthews, Darlene Thorne, Deanna Hamilton, Denise Wiggins, Dr. Gretchen Torbert and Letonia Page, who along with Shekina are planting seeds in our young girls and building up more awesome women to continue their passion.
Tell us about your family life?
DAPHNE – I am the mother of two amazing girls and grandmother to one awesome little guy. In addition to being a mom to my biological girls I am the mother of countless of other girls that I work with every day. God and Family are

the most important things in my life. I am the founder of I Am Her Voice; a non-profit organization that advocates for girls who have been sexually trafficked or sexually assaulted on college campuses. I am motivated through the girls I serve. I believe every girl desires the right to freedom, the right to live in a world free. She has a right to go to school and not fear being snatched off the street. She has the right to go to school and not fear being sexually assaulted. Every girl deserves the right to have a voice.

TORI – Being a single mother of two boys 18yrs and 11yrs of age has definitely defined my life in a nutshell. Being an entrepreneur is great, don’t get me wrong. I love what I do for a living that allows me to fulfill my passion. But, my purpose is to be a daughter to God first, a mother to my children. When talking about my home, you will see me light up and truly shine. My home is my first and greatest assignment. I look at my home and family as a haven, a place of life and meaning. My boys are actively involved in building my ministry and business which is a major win. People who are close to me and my sons attest that we have our own language in a sense. From secret handshakes, to having major outburst of laughter from our silly jokes. I must say, I’m forever grateful that God taught me early in my success how to balance it all. I sum it all to be Love, Life and Legacy.

AISHA – I have been married to Ricardo Martin for 7 years and together we are blessed to be the parents of two talented and tenacious children who are already on course to be future leaders. Both of my children are talented and well rounded with a passion and natural gift for STEM. The qualities I see in my son Shai are those of a budding engineer and I will continue to fuel that passion in him. As for my daughter Sade, she will be one of my greatest accomplishments of what Girl Power can do! We are a family that prays together and plays together, so our house is one of love, forgiveness, laughter and fun.
BRANDI – FAMILY! My fondest memories include loading up in my dad’s 1960 Dodge Dart Slant 6 (I doubt you could find this model anywhere now ) , which we would affectionately call, “Old Blue” and we would ride to see the Christmas lights, summer vacations with fried chicken and loaf bread for snacks. I remember late Saturday nights play family games like Uno and Trouble, having to wake up early Sunday morning to get hair pressed and styled, dressed, and be to Sunday School ON TIME! We were always taught that FAMILY was important and you stick by one another. I

was taught from my dad how a man is supposed to treat a woman. He often told me how beautiful I was and how much he loved me. My mother taught me how to be “lady like” always cross my legs, say yes ma’am and no ma’am. She instilled in me lessons that I will pass down to my daughter. She was and still is my Superwoman. My parents supported both my brother and I, taught us how to pray, work hard, and taught us to never take anything for granted, “Always be thankful because it could be worse”. I am truly thankful for FAMILY!
DARLENE – Loving wife, coaching mom, sister friend, pastor, counselor and mentor are just a few of the hats I wear these days. With two children, running my own business and by my husband’s side as we are in process of planting a church in Clayton, NC life is very full and that is before I walk out of my own home! Our oldest son Kevin, II is a junior at Howard University is explosive on campus studying acting and Kennedy, our daughter is an Olympian in the making; a freshman, attends North Carolina A & T State University on a track scholarship as a hurdler. My husband is president of a manufacturing company in Kinston, North Carolina and is the Pastor of Grace Worship Center in Clayton. Our foundation is a relationship with God and nothing we do happens without Him already paving the way.

DEANNA – My family is everything to me! I met my husband, Brian, in the DMV only to find that we were both from North Carolina. So, when his job transferred him back to NC, it was like heaven. We enjoy life on what we call “Hamilton Hill” with our 3 children: Elijah, Jessica, and Sidney. It’s a very busy time for us now. Elijah is a Senior in High School and getting ready for college and Jessica and Sidney are in the 4th and 2nd grades respectively with their own social calendars. Our family is very rooted in our faith and we very much integrate that part of our lives throughout our entire world! Brian and I are very fortunate to have a great support system. Our parents help us tremendously with the children and they show up in every way for our engagements. I can’t imagine life without all of these pieces.
DENISE – My family life is pretty simply considering it’s just me and my husband; my kids are off in college.
GRETCHEN -I am a mother of two children, my oldest is named Karston and my youngest is named Abigail. I am
married to my rock and my strength, Mr. Torbert. They all think that I am a Bibliomaniac because I absolutely love BOOKS! I enjoy learning and the best knowledge is often obtained through a book. I finished my doctorate degree in Curriculum and Instruction. I am currently writing book number 29!
LETONIA – Family life is exciting. There’s never a dull moment at “home. “ Having a young child at home brings so much laughter and

keeps me on my toes. As a military family, we move around every few years so we are afforded the opportunity to experience new places and meet so many people.
Describe your mentoring work with females in your community and about what motivates you.
TORI – Where do I begin? Mentoring our society of girls, teens and women brings out the answer to my “Why” in life. Why I was created and destined to pass the torch of life to our next generation. It motivates me because I can see beyond “Now”. I can see how the seeds that I sow are a harvest that will impact our world. One girl, one teen and woman at a time. The Posh Women’s Institute is more than a vision, it’s a revolution. Posh has a known motto that we teach our society of women,” Change a life, Change the world”
AISHA – As a Christian, I believe in the power of tongue. Therefore, I believe that one of the major reasons that girls don’t pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers is because they don’t believe they’re smart enough to do so and they continuously speak that. So, my mentoring begins with changing mindsets. My mother is and always has been my biggest supporter. She always told me not to settle for average, because I was above average and could achieve anything I set out to accomplish. This is my motivation whenever I speak to girls who say that they hate math or science, boys are better in those subjects or they CAN’T do it. I have overcome many obstacles during my STEM career and I continue to excel because I speak positivity and success over my life with conviction. I am persistent and consider it a challenge when someone tells me that I can’t accomplish my goals. It is my desire to ignite a passion in girls all over the globe to excel in STEM subjects and dominate those professions. My non-profit organization Fems4STEM was birthed as a result of this desire and my ultimate goal is to be the change I wish to see in this world.

BRANDI – My work is simple. I put in work. Often time’s people think this work is glamorous. It is definitely not for the faint at heart. I say it with a smile on my face, but it is the truth. I normally hold weekly organized sessions were I meet with my beauties to discuss things like self-esteem … to education… budgeting.. Appropriate dress and attitude. We have adopted a highway in the community in which we take great pride in beautifying the community we live in. I quickly realized that the work is 24/7. Being a relationship coach, a tissue, confident, coach, and cheerleader and so on. I wear many hats when it comes to my girls and I wouldn’t change a thing. You never really know if you make a difference. However, I was given a glimpse when one of my former members came back to volunteer to help do for others what I did for her. I am motivated by the results, the sisterhood, the lifelong friendships that my girls make with one another, the excitement of embracing your imperfections, learning how to love every bit of you. That is what I get to see daily.
DARLENE – Our responsibility is to listen and obey. That is why I am so grateful for the opportunities I am afforded to spend talking with the young ladies in my community one on one. They share with me their struggles that they feel they might not be able to share with their parents. As an author, speaker and business owner of a health and wellness company (Total Life Changes). I do this while making time talking, praying and encouraging young ladies. I spend most of my time talking with these ladies one-on-one. It has been a privilege to speak into the lives of these young ladies. When I’m not on the sidelines, in the stands cheering for my daughter and the other team members on the track I get the privilege of listening to some of the young ladies share their lives with me. What I have realized is that in the everydayness of life that’s where true learning takes place. It is those teachable moments that makes a difference in someone’s life.
Just recently while in a restaurant one of the young ladies I have known for a while but had not seen for sometime pulled me aside to bend my ear. She shared with me her dreams and struggles and asked me to pray for her. Those are the humbling moments. Those are the times that I feel God is showing me that I am on the right path and I felt like that at the Tween Star Awards celebration .
DEANNA – Mentoring, in my opinion, is the heartbeat of any thriving community! I feel so passionately about the subject that I wrote a book about it entitled, The Great Mentor: The Story of Ruth and Naomi. I wanted demonstrate what a good mentor/mentee relationship should look like, so I used the book of Ruth in the Bible to do so. I also host a television show, The Great Mentor, where we highlight great mentors in the community, business, and Ministry. They share the importance of mentorship and the impact that great mentors have had in their lives…but most importantly, what they are doing to pay it forward.
Mentoring women and girls is very fulfilling to me. Why? Because there were so many women who took me under their wing as a child and adult to lead me down the correct paths. Currently, I mentor women who are working mothers and very successful in their chosen careers but have a strong desire to do more with their lives in business, community, and/or ministry. The college-aged young ladies that I mentor are looking for guidance on their chosen career paths. They are trying to avoid making the same mistakes that a lot of us made in college…choosing a major only to find yourself miserable and unfulfilled. This group of ladies is also planning for their plan B before their plan A gets in full swing! Why would they do that? They understand that the chances of them becoming wealthy working for someone else is slim, so their already planning for their exits before their entries!
Mentoring these ladies is so fulfilling and motivating to me! Every time I get a phone call or email, or text about how many more steps they are to their goal it makes my heart skip. They make me want to do more, and be more! There’s nothing like being the company of such high achieving woman and girls. It confirms that I am doing EXACTLY what I was put here to do: SERVE WOMEN!
DENISE – I mentor girls every Tuesday, giving them encouragement and structure, the motivation comes from waiting to see them excel to their highest potential, I see so many girls falling by the wayside because they don’t have that someone to speak into their life.
GRETCHEN – I currently have a non-profit organization, Zion’s Daughters that helps young woman to value who they are and reach their optimum potential through recognition and dedication to their crafts.
LETONIA – God has blessed me to be in a position to help fund many projects geared toward empowering young girls. I am motivated just in seeing the fruits of all the time and commitment that is put into this movement of empowering our young girls. As a mother, I am especially motivated by my daughter, knowing that everything I do and say impacts her.

Dear Award Recipients,
I am proud that you have been awarded a Star Award. These awards are given in recognition of your exemplary track record in the commitment to empowering young women and girls. Thank you for all you do to make a difference in the lives of our youth. You have been an inspiration to many and we wish you all the best in the future. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!
To your success, Shekina Farr Moore , Ed.S. / Tween Star Awards Founder
Shekina Moore receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award
Tell us about your education/career.
TORI – My educational background began with cosmetology. I loved school and always advanced academically. But, for me, I wasn’t built for college after graduating high school. I chose one of the best schools in the District of Columbia and was accepted to Dudley Beauty College where I learned practical and technical skills to become an entrepreneur and own my private label cosmetics and hair care line. After advancing in cosmetology, I didn’t stop there. I began to broaden my education in a unique area of cosmetic dentistry. I went to Northern Virginia Community College to pursue my career as a certified dental assistant and practice management specialist. Throughout the years I began to construct my own product line for cosmetic teeth whitening called G.L.E.A.M Smiles Whitening. Education is extremely important to me, but, I also believe that I represent a great number of women that did not pursue traditional means of education through college institutions. I love that I have accomplished successful businesses and a ministry without it to demonstrate that whatever direction you take, give your all, exceed limitations and nothing will be impossible for you. My journey is amazing, I not only accomplished my dream of launching Posh Cosmetics, I’m currently formulating Posh Hair care line for our re-launch in 2016. I’m excited about pursuing my education, I’m preparing to earn my master’s degree in Christian counseling. Traditional or unconventional educational goals, I encourage every reader to go the distance and never look back. Own your stripes, you earned them.
AISHA – I was primarily educated overseas and this afforded me the opportunity to view myself and others that are from diverse demographics with a different perspective. I have a B.S. in Biology and have completed all coursework for my M.S. in Forensic Science. After graduating from undergraduate school, I was blessed with the opportunity to work at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Emory University and the Georgia Public Health Lab. I am currently employed as a Molecular/Microbiologist at Baylor University in their Biochemistry lab and I am actively pursuing a position as a Forensic Biologist. Ultimately I plan to obtain certification to teach Science and bring my message of female empowerment in STEM fields into the classroom.
BRANDI – I was not always the smartest student, I didn’t always sit in the front, and I didn’t get straight As. But, I always applied myself and did the very best that I could. I knew what would happen when I got home if I didn’t. I complete high school in 2004. Went on to North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University (NCAT) where I majored in Criminal Justice with long term goals of going to law school and becoming a judge. After a year there (very fast passed), I decided it was best that I come home REGROUP and try again or (start OVER). I attended Wayne Community College and later transferred from Elizabeth City State University as an Honor Graduate obtaining my Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. After graduation I moved home to help in the family business. Wanting to follow my heart, I was blessed with an unforeseen opportunity to teach in higher education, becoming a Human Resources Development (HRD) Instructor for the Continuing Education Department at the College I once attended as a student. Later, going back to school to receive my Master of Arts from Liberty University in Human Services Counseling: Crisis Response and Trauma. Once, “he” pops the question somewhere in between traveling, enjoying being married, and preparing to be a mother I will go back to school for my PhD (smile).
DEANNA – After obtaining my BS in Economics from North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, NC, I immediately matriculated up the ladder in corporate America. I spent many years in the telecom industry before I made the more to one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world as a Sales Representative. I absolutely loved my job, but I decided to make some changes and jump into full time entrepreneurship when I became pregnant with my oldest daughter. It was a time in my life when I had to weigh my professional life and my family life and which was going to take the highest priority. The family won! It’s been over 9yrs now, and I haven’t looked back. Today, I’m an Author, Conference Speaker, Coach and Mentor to women, and I even hold a prestigious position in a direct sales company. I am a believer that we can do anything! We just have to do it!
GRETCHEN – This is my 15th year as an educator. I am currently employed in Rockdale County School District. I have served as a trainer of teachers in best practices in all four core subject areas; provide professional development and data interpretation. In addition, I have served as an Academic Data Coach, Mathematics Specialist, English of Second Languages teacher and a Gifted/ High Achievers teacher.
LETONIA – Professionally, I wear many hats. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and a Master’s of Public Administration. I am also a certified relationship and life coach. My education coupled with my experience in healthcare, grant writing and human resource management lends itself well to brokering sponsorships, partnerships and contracts with various organizations. I understand the importance of relationships and financial forecast to any thriving organization.

After giving so much of yourself, how do you unwind ?
DAPHNE – To unwind I spend a lot of time with my family. I also love to cook.
TORI – Unapologetically, I am a simplistic woman. I love to wrap in a shawl when it’s cool or great spring weather, curled up in my favorite chair, with a cup of hot tea while my favorite instrumentals are playing in my headset my son bought me. I love instrumental music. I compose and produce music with my oldest son, so, when I really need a breather, I hide away, play my own tunes and rest. When I really need a major break, you’ll find me in another city or state, checked into a really nice hotel for a weekend getaway.
AISHA – While I don’t consider mentoring and empowering girls to pursue STEM careers to be work, I do know the value of rest and relaxation. So, I always make time to unwind by spending time with great friends and family, traveling, attending plays, concerts, festivals or reading a great book.
BRANDI – “Unwind” what is that you speak of. . For me, I am happiest when I am serving others. When I do manage to steal a couple of moments away to myself. I find that I am often lonely. The quiet is often too loud for me. I do enjoy snuggling up with my almost 2 year old Peek A Poo, Chyanne, watching Golden Girls, grabbing lunch or dinner with my dad at our favorite restaurant or having a girl day shopping and laughing with my mom, watching my Goddaughter walk which leads to running and hear her say “mommie” (she is 15 months) who I love as if she were my own, and of course grabbing a movie, working out, and traveling with my boyfriend.
DEANNA – Unwind? What’s that? Lol! Ironically, I found it easier to unwind when the kids were smaller and their bedtimes were earlier! Now, I really have to make a plan to “unwind” which usually involves me leaving home. Whether it’s getting away with a friend or colleague for lunch or leaving with my husband for a weekend getaway. I appreciate those times that I’m able to getaway…whether it’s for 1hr or 48hrs, it’s much appreciated!
DENISE – I unwind by taking a short trip to the beach- that’s one of my favorite places.

GRETCHEN – I spend my time painting, creating, crafting, writing, and reading to replenish myself and to be restored.
LETONIA – Reading, traveling and relaxing with family.
How will you continue to spread your message and make a mark in your community and beyond?
DAPHNE – I will continue to spread my message and make my mark in the community by continuing to be a voice for women and girls and providing them with every opportunity available to them that will allow them to overcome the challenges of life and provide them with the resources that are not easily accessible to them to excel in society.
TORI – I will continue to make my mark through the community with our vision that God has given to build and establish The Posh Women’s Entrepreneur & Leadership Academy. We have not broken ground as of yet, this year I see major breakthrough and magnificent strides ahead. Our international tour is where we are now enrolling our girls, teens and women into our Posh Society. We are developing state wide hubs and local centers where women will become certified iCampus Queens. The I Am Posh Culture and Creed represents women of virtue and positive influence. P.O.S.H represents a woman that influences by being unashamed to be Poised Original Sophisticated Honorable. We are executing our blueprint and launch for our new line of uniform wear, cardigan collection and polo shirts. Posh is a household name and standard that we believe billions of girls, teens and women will represent, while actively wearing our label.
AISHA – As a Biologist and Certified Girls Empowerment Coach, I will continue spreading my message and making a mark in my community by empowering girls to reach their full potential. Whether it’s speaking at schools and/or conferences, I will continue to use whatever platform is available to encourage girls to become the next Mae Jemison or Grace Hopper. I have officially launched Fems4STEM and my vision is to close the “gender gap to innovation,” by engaging girls from underserved and historically underrepresented communities through early exposure to S.T.E.M. education and specialized mentoring.
BRANDI – I intend to do actually what I have done to get me to this point. See I understand that to whom much is given much is required. I know that if I be faithful over this few that God can take that and multiple it beyond my wildest dreams. Yet, I am satisfied where I am. God has sent me some dedicated volunteers, a supportive mom who travels on this journey alongside me and he has given me a pure heart in doing this work. That will leave its own mark. No glitz no glamour. JUST ME!
DARLENE – A Heart After the Father Ministries will be the medium that I use to speak to more young ladies on a broader basis.
DEANNA – As long as I have breathe in my body, I will use my message to influence women and girls to live to their fullest potential. The best way to tell them, is to show them. We all must continue to commit ourselves to our higher calling. We were all put here for a reason, the sooner we find out why, the sooner we can get to work!
DENISE – I am putting together a retreat for our girls, my group is growing because they are sharing the hope that.
GRETCHEN – As A Vibrant, Transparent, Heartfelt, Young and Successful Author of nearly 30 books, who is a Life Coach, Humanitarian, Educator, Philanthropist, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Model, Actress and Motivational Speaker while reaching the hearts of everyday people to give them inspiration through motivation.
LETONIA – I am a firm believer in leading by example and being an example. Someone is always watching. I will continue to be a positive example to the women and girls I am called to impact. I will continue to market and support organizations such as B2F Girls and the Tween Star Awards in any capacity needed.
What do you see as the biggest hurdles girls and women face today?
DAPHNE – The biggest hurdles girls and women face today are primarily related to gender and living up to the expectation what they should be.
TORI – Girls, teens and women face diverse hurdles on a daily basis. It’s been my belief and experience that fear and low self-esteem are the core strongholds that keep many women of diverse cultures and backgrounds stagnated. I don’t share a place in a feminist movement, however, I do believe that women still have major strides to conquer in the marketplace, corporate sector and economy. More than ever, we must continue to educate and empower our society of women of all ages so that we can merely stop competing for placement, yet, take dominion in our given spheres of influence. When must gain the woman power that eludes jealousy, envy and competition. I know, for certain, we can impact our society far beyond expectation if we break down the barriers. Until unity happens, we will fight a continuous battle that yields little increase versus immense prosperity in life. We can overcome the hurdles, but we must be willing to confront the issues transparently.
AISHA – One of the biggest hurdles that many girls and women face today is a lack of self worth. Negative imagery in the media can affect how girls and women view their bodies because it tells them their value is based upon their outward appearance. It also perpetuates stereotypes, especially as they pertain to STEM professions. As Ginger Wange, SciGirls’ STEM Development Manager so eloquently stated “women perceived and projected in the media as being bad at math and science, and this reinforced stereotype has discouraged young girls from pursuing STEM. To change how millions of girls think about STEM, we need to change the way media portray women.”
BRANDI – This may sound cliché. But, I believe the BIGGEST hurdle that girls and women face is SELF ESTEEM. They lack SELF CONFIDENCE. I will go further to say WE lack self-confidence. Any woman that says she has not looked at the next woman and compared herself in any shape form or fashion is not being honest. However, don’t get me wrong. I can look at the next woman and say “Girl you got it going on” and mean that genuinely and still have a thought…”is she prettier than me?” I was told how beautiful I was by my parents, by my father, even by my brother. So that lack of male influence was not the issue for me. It was something that I had to soon discover for myself and I have to be honest. That road to self-discovery came later on in life.
DEANNA – Women are still not being paid as well as their male counterpart for doing the same work. Women are still not as well represented in potions of power in major boards in corporate America and government. Women of color are even further behind. We must continue to teach our girls that they are responsible for their own happiness and success. They should not be waiting to marry rich, but to be rich, and this doesn’t necessarily mean monetary wealth…although that should be included. We’ve got to take more responsibility when it comes to our personal finance. We can’t leave financial decisions in the hands of others without proper understanding as to what is going on. There are still so many doors for us to open and ceilings for us to break. I know we are up for the challenge. We’re women and we can do anything!
DENISE – I see lack of communication lack of stability and self worth, that’s why I stress so much with my girls that we have to reprogram the mind.
GRETCHEN – Validation is what is missing for women and girls…everyone wants to know that they matter and that they are being valued.
LETONIA – The biggest hurdles girls and women face today are low self-esteem, not knowing our worth and “playing small.” So many other issues stem from this that have long-term effects.
What resources do you feel are lacking in communities in response to the needs of young girls and women?
TORI – Funding for city and state centers or institutions that house programs that truly work to engage our community in the area of leadership, accountability, skill set and giving. When proper principles are taught effectively we are ensured to see a manifested result of promised and favorable outcomes.
AISHA – Communities have a limited amount of extracurricular STEM activities for primary school age children if any at all. There are very few primary schools that focus on STEM and even fewer women who teach STEM subjects and/or mentor. In order for girls to see themselves in STEM professions, they need to have visible role models who look like them.
BRANDI – My personal opinion I think that the lack of Role Models play a major role in the needs of our young girls. We need more women to get out in front. To walk into their purpose. Go and take life by the horns so to speak and show the young ladies following that it is possible. I young girls are exposed to a lot of things a lot earlier than I was. It is so easy to get sucked up if you don’t have anything that’s securing you and holding you down. Mothers being Mothers. I love that my mom used to tell me. She said I will be your friend but I am your mother first. It took me some time to understand that enough to appreciate it. I GET IT NOW! I am glad mama said NO. I am glad mama said not until your 16. I am glad mama said you better be home by 1030. I needed those disciplines. Little did I know then that it would make such an impact? As far as programs, the programs are there. We need more WOMEN to stand up!
DARLENE – Because a lot of our girls deal with self-acceptance and other insecurities, I believe we can assist our girls in embracing the village concept. There are mentors, coaches, teachers and real front row people that want to see them succeed. With the right systems , a safe haven where our girls will not be afraid to ask for help. We can help create that safe environment for them to seek us out. In my opinion, there is a necessity for more exposure of programs like F.I.E.R.C.E. Girls that “empower girls with healthy body image, esteem, and leadership tools needed in a global marketplace.” Programs like this and others cannot be successful without other women. I believe there are more women with a vision to see beyond themselves to reach our young girls to prepare them for a successful future and to use their positive influence to make a difference in a girls’ life. If each one reached one and showed the value of paying it forward while giving back, what a difference it would make in the lives of our girls for they are truly “Our Girls”.
I am presently working on a program entitled, “Slaying the Goliath’s in Your Life”, a series that examines five areas in our lives that war against us in our quest to fulfill our calling and a battle plan to win against one of our worst enemies, ourselves. My intention is to make the sessions so they may be duplicated and others can take it with them to their communities and make a difference where they live. We are our sister’s keeper.
DEANNA – The communities are in need of more women, like Dr. Shekina Moore, who are committed to the success of our young girls and women. We also have to start grooming our young girls to be leaders at an early age. Not all of them will find success in sports or the boardrooms, but success is still belongs to them. They just need the people in place to nurture their God-given gifts. We all have a part to play in making sure that our girls grow to be productive and fulfilled women.
DENISE – Lack of women helping in the community to empower.
GRETCHEN – Great mentors that will not judge and be transparent with their own process….this is what is missing in the world today for girls and women.
LETONIA – Financial resources are lacking to fund programs to enhance positive body image, self-esteem and leadership qualities in young girls.
Tell us about any endeavors that may be of interest to women and girls that you would like to share with our readers?
DAPHNE – There are many opportunities to get involved. For the holiday’s I Am Her voice Has an adopt a girl project in which you have the opportunity to adopt a sex trafficking survivor for the holiday season. You can also always sponsor a girl at a safe house program with her basic necessities or you can sponsor a college student. Lastly we nudge every woman and girl to get involved with the I Am Her Voice March On Washington October 1, 2016 in Washington D.C. for more information on how to get involved feel free to email us at info@iamhervoice.com.
TORI – I am excited about our tour, Posh has always been active with soliciting support from our community through street campaigning. In our opinion, that’s community. Engaging and working with our neighbors. Building requires unity and support. My new project, The Empowerment Book, Girls edition, Teen edition and Women’s edition is the source of our leading campaign. The new iEmpower department will be launching in 2016 with our elementary, high school, college and corporate tour. The iEmpower Kids Network™ will require the help of our community to become certified iCamp Queens and volunteers. We are looking for invitations to your next event or partnership opportunities.
Contact us: poshrocksinc@gmail or girlriseup@gmail and www.theposhinstitute.com
AISHA – My website www.fems4stem.org, Facebook page and Instagram are all live and updated on a regular basis. I will continue to highlight STEM opportunities such as scholarships, grants, fellowships and camps as they become available to me. I am in the process of joining forces with local Girl Scout troops to bring STEM activities to them and help those girls earn their STEM badges. I also have plans in the works to extend my mentorship internationally and procure laboratory equipment to assist in specialized training.
DARLENE – For more information visit www.facebook.com/dhthorne . Find me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dhthorne or reach out via email: darlene@darlenethorne.com.
DEANNA – It is my desire to continue to highlight great mentors who are doing a great work by way of our many media outlets (web, print, television, on-demand, etc). We are looking to help as many women as possible live their best life and build their best business. My team and I will be traveling all of the country sharing just how powerful women really are! If you would like to join us, please visit us at www.DeannaHamilton.com or email us at info@deannahamilton.com.

GRETCHEN – I am the Founder and CEO of Zion’s Daughters, Inc. a non-profit organization that was developed to inspire and celebrate women through the lens of short interviews. I use the platform of Zion’s Daughters to constantly seek great pioneers that have impacted the world in a dynamic way whether they are innovators, entrepreneurs, dreamers, visionaries or change agents. As I seek out these people, I look for opportunities to engage in personal development opportunities through literature, circumstances and positions. I have creatively overcome many challenges by zoning into my dreams and operating directly in my purpose. My purpose is to inspire and help others to know what they are ultimately here on Earth to do. As a humanitarian and philanthropist, I reach out to the community to save the lives of others in amazing ways. This allows me to help others to better their lives in different capacities and to encourage them to live a life that is promising towards a future of hope and success.
Ph.D. Testimony!
My degrees are really not about me but to bless HIM, to give HIM glory. I was told years ago that I would never finish high school but to GOD be the glory! After getting my high school diploma, I started college, then I was told, I would never finish college- so I pressed on and got my two year associates degree, then I pushed on and got my four year degree but not in 4 years…it took me 7 (the number of completion). I could not decide between interior design, art, theater, being a lawyer, doctor or an actuary…so I decided to become an educator. Then, I got hired to be an educator a week before I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree; needless to say GOD was trying to develop the testimony. Then HE SPOKE clearly and said keep going I have more work for you to do….so I got my Master’s degree and then HE said keep going I still have more work for you to do, then I got my Specialist’s degree and then HE said don’t stop just yet, KEEP GOING! I yelled back, REALLY??? HE said, YES. I obeyed and said, OKAY, HELP ME JESUS! So I started my Ph.D. and I thought I was learning the language French, Spanish and a plethora of other languages all at once…But the Holy Spirit kicked in and made it easy. Learning, researching and writing became easy…a gift from GOD, whatever I needed HE provided. Then, GOD said do not stop get your Certified Holistic Life Coach Certification- so I did! Looking back, it really wasn’t about the Ph.D. or getting the other 6 degrees it was about the journey, the TESTIMONY! Only JESUS….I am writing several books that will include parts of my testimony in it, but the biggest piece to all of this was Philippians 4:13, plus many more scriptures! I gain, I hurt, I healed, I cried, I laughed, I died to self and now I live for HIM and only HIM, leaping into destiny! In addition to my educational endeavors, it is my mission to serve and inspire others.
Readers can obtain more information and/or reach me at www.drgretchentorbertphd.com.
Follow or Connect with me on Twitter @ DrGretchenPhD , Instagram @DRDIVAGIRL , Facebook @ Dr. Gretchen Torbert, You Tube @www.youtube.com/drgretchentorbertphd , and Linkedin @ www.linkedin.com/in/drgretchentorbertphd.
LETONIA – B2F Girls offers various free development workshops for tween girls. Please take advantage of them.
Anything to add?
AISHA – First Lady Michelle Obama said “If we’re going to out-innovate and out-educate the rest of the world, we’ve got to open doors for everyone. We need all hands on deck, and that means clearing hurdles for women and girls as they navigate careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.” I have taken this charge seriously and I am actively looking for volunteers from various STEM backgrounds to assist me with Fems4STEM’s mission of empowering, inspiring and equipping a nation of girls with the knowledge, skills and confidence to be global STEM leaders. I have also partnered with SciGirls as a member of SciGirlsConnect a broad national outreach effort to encourage educators, both formal and informal, to adopt new, research-based strategies to engage girls in STEM.
BRANDI – I am truly thankful and humbled by this opportunity. I often times think “why me” and I have those around me to challenge me to think “why NOT me?!” Being chosen for SERVANT work is one of my most prized gifts. One in which I thank God for. Thank You to the magazine for bringing awareness to WOMAN and Shekina Moore for being the PROTOTYPE!
DEANNA – Many thanks to Dr. Shekina Moore and the Tween Star Awards for presenting me with the Mentoring Star Award. God is truly blessing the work of her hands and I’m grateful that our paths crossed. I would also like to thank Connected Woman Magazine for allowing me to share on such an incredible platform! Keep shining and showing our young girls and women what shining stars they truly are!
Thank you to all the ladies for being exemplify wonderful examples of women who are on a mission to empower young girls. Want to get involved? Contact each of these powerhouse mentors for more information on how you can help in your own communities. For more information on the Tween Star Awards visit www.tweenstarawards.com and for more information on its Founder visit www.shekinamoore.com.
Thank you Connected Woman Magazine & Tween Star Awards for this recognition. I am now even more “Inspired to Empower!” I also salute all the women featured who are making a difference in the lives of our girls.
Wow! Am I dreaming? Is the November 23rd issue of Connected Woman Magazine that I’m featured in really out?! I am so ecstatic and very humbled by this recognition. Thank you Connected Woman Magazine and Shekina Moore for this honor and for recognizing the work that I do to empower girls, especially in the area of STEM. Thank you for shining a light on my organization Fems4STEM and for celebrating women. I am eternally grateful and I am “Inspired to Empower!”