The job market, depending on your area of expertise and the level of experience and/or training you have. can be difficult to navigate. While some look for new jobs randomly throughout their career, some may be trying to make moves due to a financial crisis or toxic work environment, which may be adding to the pressure of finding alternate work fast. Today’s workplace is filled with in-office and remote work or a hybrid of both and many are opting to have the option to live wherever they want and report periodically to an office or not at all. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are the new office meeting and, in this economy, saving money on a commute is top tier for some. No matter where you are in your career or job search, you need to prepare for the upcoming new year of opportunities and hurdles. CWM sat down with HR expert Constance Jones, President and CEO of Harris-Jones Staffing & Recruiting, LLC, about her work, what has changed and what to expect in the upcoming year.

How would you in summary describe the biggest changes in hiring and staffing over the last decade?
The realm of hiring and staffing has been on a marathon of evolution. With the shift from paper resumes and walk-in interviews to LinkedIn profiles and Zoom calls, we’re dancing in the future! The heartening silver lining is the rising emphasis on diversity, inclusion, and the adoption of technology in recruitment.
In your opinion, do you think it’s going to be easier or harder for employees seeking new jobs to find new opportunities in the upcoming year? What factors play a major role in this?
The crystal ball of job market predictions reveals a compelling mix. Despite the unpredictability that looms, certain fields like technology, healthcare, and the green industry point towards abundant opportunities. The decisive factors? The pace of economic recovery, upskilling and reskilling, adaptability, and a good drop of resilience
Where did your interest/career in HR begin?
My journey into the HR world began during my retail days working for the big 3 retailers Target, Walmart and Sears, where the magic of connecting talent with opportunity first bewitched me. Standing at the crossroads of corporate needs and individual dreams, my mission took root – to create a world where talent isn’t overlooked, and businesses thrive.
When consulting, what would the highest-ranking problem that you encounter over and over with the businesses you assist?
Other than the analog vs digital struggle, one pressing challenge encountered recurrently is a reactive rather than proactive approach to talent acquisition. Businesses often scurry for talent when a need surfaces instead of nurturing a pipeline along the way.
How can our women readers who either as employees or CEOs of their own companies with staff, level up their hiring and staffing practices so they stand out to attract quality employees?
To attract quality employees, it’s time to become the ‘Employee’s Choice.’ Foster an inclusive culture, embrace flexibility, skill up on the latest HR tech trends, and craft an engaging employer brand. A diverse and happy team beams out an irresistible employee magnet!
Is a part of your consulting speaking with the current employees so pinpoint not only what they can do better but what they are doing wrong?
Absolutely! It’s like getting to the pulse of the organization. By understanding their experiences, we can better diagnose areas of enhancement and celebrate what’s working well. Remember, it’s just as important to identify opportunities for growth as it is to celebrate successes.
What are some top industries that seem to have a consistent flow of positions and staffing needs to be met?
Healthcare, tech, finance, and construction have a heavyweight champion’s appetite for talent. These sectors are like bustling HR kitchens, constantly cooking up new roles, adapting the recipe to market trends, and savoring the flavor of innovation.
How does your firm assist with training and team management?
Our role goes beyond staffing to nurturing talent. Through customized training programs and effective team management strategies, we assist our client organizations in molding an empowered workforce paving the road to collective success.
When you started your company, was there a particular problem you had identified that you were trying to solve?
I founded HJ Staffing to address the gap between overlooked talent and the quest for diversity, HJ Staffing sprung from the seeds of empathy, passion, and a vision to shake up the hiring landscape with a fresh, progressive approach.
How can senior leaders improve their in-house HR departments and recruiters who may not be meeting the needs of the organizations they lead?
Senior leaders can boost their in-house HR by fostering an inclusive, learning-centric environment. By investing in people analytics, nurturing talent pipelines, and empowering HR with advanced tools, organizations can make giant leaps towards staffing excellence.
What other services does your firm provide and where can someone find out more information?
We’re more than a recruitment firm. We partner in your success journey via consulting, training programs, team management tactics, and more. To discover the universe of HJ Staffing, head to our website and hjstaffing across our socials.
Do you have any upcoming projects, services or events you would like to promote?
Since opening our new office; we’re reigniting our Career Readiness Training for young adults. For our entrepreneurial spirits, we’ve got a fresh, sharp course on mastering Government RFP responses. Enhance your skills and seize your success, all with HJ on your team!