
How a Mere Haircut Significantly Transforms You As a Person

How a Mere Haircut Significantly Transforms You As a Person
By Leena Singbal

“A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.”

We often associate a person’s hairstyle to his/ her persona. Call me prejudice but I find women with short pixie hair, extremely bold & sexy!

Here’s the thing – When I’m really upset, I am best left alone. I lock myself in the room for hours and won’t even feel hungry. I was going through one such rough day when all I wanted was to run away from everyone and escape the situation. I didn’t want to face the reality and the only way I believe I could have escaped it was by indulging me in a makeover.

This is exactly what I did!

Got a haircut. Got the damn hair chopped which had grown out of proportion, just like my agony.

*Nervous* I was chopping my hair after a whopping 18 months.

Would the hairstylist do justice to my follicles? Would he be successful in giving me my much-needed makeover? Would he help me forget all my worries, at least for some time?

“Cut it short, really short,” I said sternly, maybe for the first time in my life.

He sprayed some chilled water on my tresses. Aah! Nothing compares to this feeling, I said to myself!

And then he slowly started chopping my unkempt mane. I anxiously looked in the mirror only to see a timid me. Unsettled, unstable & tormented. Unable to recall the last time I laughed out freely or enjoyed to my heart’s full content.

As he cut a few strands, I felt light. I felt better. As if my agitation was severed.

As he shaped my tresses and my appearance changed, I felt the change in me.

I felt stronger.. From within.

He then started shaping my hair in steps. Few strands at a time. He smothered some serum in them. By this time I had almost surrendered myself in his hands and could trust his scissors blindly.

I could feel my life moulding in something beautiful as my hair started falling in place. With each strand he chopped, I felt empowered. I felt my life come back.

Getting a haircut, by itself, is an insignificant indulgence; but it does transform you. You exude confidence and revive your vivacious side. Somehow, you gather the courage to face the world, the harsh realities waiting outside the salon.

No, there is no science. No, I don’t have any logic or datasheets to prove to you.

I am sure a hairdresser senses when a woman walks in and is looking for something beyond a haircut. Maybe, it’s our way of shedding off the extra emotional baggage we’ve been carrying along all the way. A catalyst, that helps us find a new life, instead of just a new look.

An hour later –

I look in the mirror. A stronger me stares back – more sultry, bold and beautiful. I walk out of the salon with confidence writ on my face.

Like what you read up there? Then hit me up on my blog – https://fashionokplease.com

I pen down personal & beauty posts on my blog. If you like what you read, come down on my blog – https://fashionokplease.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Leena_Singbal/2501461




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