Our LinkedIn Optimization service is the undisputed champion! With our 32-point assessment, we ensure clients harness every feature on the platform. Boosting visibility, connecting with decision-makers, and maximizing income become second nature through this meticulous process!

Full Name Andrea Grant
City/State Fredericksburg, Virginia
What is the name of your business? Grant Consulting Group
What state is your business registered in? Virginia
What led you to start a business of your own? The desire to be my own boss and create multiple income streams has always fueled me. This passion intensified during and after the recession, seeing clients lose homes and, tragically, some even taking their own lives due to unemployment struggles. I am driven by the need to showcase to my son and others from historically excluded groups that living your dreams boldly and purposefully is not only possible but essential!
What is your most popular (bestselling) product/service? Hands down, it’s our LinkedIn Optimization service! With a 32-point assessment, I ensure my clients leverage every feature on the platform. Boosting visibility, connecting with decision-makers, and maximizing income become second nature through this meticulous process!
What products/services do you provide? Our LinkedIn Optimization service is the undisputed champion! With our 32-point assessment, we ensure clients harness every feature on the platform. Boosting visibility, connecting with decision-makers, and maximizing income become second nature through this meticulous process!
Does your type of business allow you to service customers outside of your general location?Definitely! With over 15 years of experience, I’ve been providing services to clients globally.
Do you have a brick-and-mortar location or is your business online-based? While some clients prefer in-person interactions, my business is structured to support clients seamlessly from any virtual setting and platform.
How do most of your clients hear about you? It’s all about word of mouth.
Tell our readers about your family life/career outside of your business. Tell our readers about your family life/career outside of your business. I’m a special needs mom and was the caretaker to my disabled veteran father for six years. I love cooking, traveling, writing, researching, music, fresh flowers, and taco-flavored sunflower seeds. My favorite colors are red and black, and win or lose, I’m a NY Giants football fan.
Tell our readers where they can find out more about you/your business in order to support? Discover more about me and support my business via LinkedIn and Facebook. You can find me on LinkedIn at Andrea N. Grant, and the company page is Frustrated To Fulfilled. Join my Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/221460122425931, and follow me on Instagram at @frustratedtofulfilled. For additional details, visit www.gcgfulfilled.com.”

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