Empowerment: A Source of Relief, Strength and Vitality by Rosina S. Khan

Empowerment: A Source of Relief, Strength and Vitality


Empowerment: A Source of Relief, Strength and Vitality
By Rosina S Khan

cwm empowerment woman

What actually gives you empowerment? It is going the extra mile, being kind to others, appreciating yourself and others, the power of believing in positivity and not paying attention to backbiters. How will it help? As the title says, the end result will be peace, harmony, strength and vitality.

Going the extra mile: Doing just what is needed doesn’t always pay off. You need to go the extra mile. For example, writing a book: you can’t just proof edit and send to your editor and publisher. You have to do the extra work. Review, review and review it all over again from all angles. If you are a good writer, you know what I mean. As it goes: “NO PERSPIRATION. NO DIAMONDS.”

Be kind to others: So many of us are going through stressful and hard times. Anyone you meet, be kind to them. Being kind sends positive energy through the world and it returns back to you 10-fold. So next time you meet somebody, smile, say hello and be kind. You yourself will feel cheered up. On the other hand, God/Divine Source/Higher Power will reward you to a great extent.

Appreciate yourself and others as well: Don’t wait for others to give you approval or appreciation. Work passionately on a task- any task for that matter- and you will know you have done it well to the best of your ability. You can be your own coach and your own cheerleader. At the same time, never cease to appreciate and compliment others including your colleagues, family and kids. It will make their day and it will make your day to see them happy and showing them that they are loved. It enables you to stay in a state of relief, peace and harmony with others both at home and workplace.

Believe in affirmations: Have a list of affirmations handy always. Too many a time we lose our cool and mess everything up. In these moments and other spare times, go through your list. It will bring you back to your old real self and make you realize the reality actually happening and most of all, you will be reminded of positivity every time. You will focus on good things, think positive thoughts and do good for your neighborhood and workplace and humanity at large.

Too many a time negative thoughts will seep in. Ignore the inner critic and immediately concentrate on something else, just anything and gradually transform it to a positive, lovely thought.

Detachment from backbiters: Why do naysayers, backstabbers and critics say what they say or do what they do? It is simply because it makes them feel adequate. Why would you want to pay them attention? Simply focus on your purpose and do it quietly. When you come out with flying colors, those negative people will just be backbenchers and exclaim, “I don’t believe it!”

So do you get my points? Could I reach across you? Pay heed to what I just summarized. There is no way you won’t be empowered, feel happy and get the mojo of life.

Rosina S Khan has authored this article emphasizing how empowerment can be felt, giving you serenity, happiness and strength.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rosina_S_Khan/2054435



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