My company specializes in leadership emotional intelligence training and wellness programs. Whether you’re a small business or a big player, we’ve got your back. Plus, we’re all about crafting and curating events that bring good vibes to both ends of the business spectrum. We’re your go-to for boosting emotional intelligence and wellness in the workplace!

Full Name Cheya Thousand
City/State Jacksonville, Florida
What is the name of your business? CT Wellness Co.
What state is your business registered in? Florida
What led you to start a business of your own?
CT Wellness Co. came to life because I went through burnout not once, not twice, but three times in a decade. Crazy, right? Well, it made me become the go-to person and resource I wish I had when drowning in chaos, desperately searching for balance and harmony. The struggle was real, let me tell you.
Now, here’s the deal—I’ve been on this wild journey, and I’m living proof that finding that balance is doable. It hit me hard to share the message and lessons I learned with others. CT Wellness Co. is my way of saying, “Hey, you’re not alone, and you can beat burnout!” Let’s spread good vibes and ensure nobody else feels stuck in the chaos. Cool, right?
What is your most popular (bestselling) product/service?
“Holding Space for Self” is hands down my top-notch service and go-to workshop. It’s not just a workshop; it’s also the title of my first book. In both, I spill the beans on time management tricks, setting healthy boundaries, and dishing out various self-care practices. It’s like a one-stop shop for all things personal wellness!
What products/services do you provide?
My company specializes in leadership emotional intelligence training and wellness programs. Whether you’re a small business or a big player, we’ve got your back. Plus, we’re all about crafting and curating events that bring good vibes to both ends of the business spectrum. We’re your go-to for boosting emotional intelligence and wellness in the workplace!
Does your type of business allow you to service customers outside of your general location?
Yes, we support customers all over the world via online tools such as zoom and other video conferencing tools.
Do you have a brick-and-mortar location or is your business online-based?
We are primarily an online business with an office for our local event services.
How do most of your clients hear about you?
Word of mouth is our superstar when it comes to clients discovering us! Referrals have been the secret sauce for spreading the word about CT Wellness Co. It’s all about the good vibes getting shared around.
Tell our readers about your family life/career outside of your business.
Beyond my business hustle, I’m about soaking up moments with my family and friends on our travel adventures. But that’s not all – I’m deeply engaged in my community and church. Running Worth Pursuing Inc., a nonprofit based in Jacksonville, FL, is a big part of my life. We’re on a mission, you know? As a 501(c)(3), we focus on tackling hunger relief and raising awareness about mental health and well-being in our local community. We make it happen with our monthly feeding event, serving around 40-50 meals. Oh, and there’s more – I’m a weekly volunteer at Eleven22 and host a Bible study group. Keeping busy, but it’s all for a good cause!
Tell our readers where they can find out more about you/your business in order to support?
Please connect with my business by visiting for speaking, leadership, and workshop services and to learn more about our mindful blindfold dinner events in the Jacksonville, FL, area. Also, connect with me on LinkedIn at

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