There is much that goes into the successes-or failures of a business and life. Everything is definitely not all peaches and cream and while many upsells you on the benefits and sugarcoats being “next level”, there can and most likely will be hiccups. In her new book, CEO OF MY SOUL, Entrepreneur Nicole Cober, Esq. details her journey and lessons through it all and how she still came out on top. CWM recently chatted with her about her upcoming book.
“In all seriousness though, there is no healing when you are exclusively blaming others.”-Nicole Cober, Author of CEO OF MY SOUL
How did you come up with the title? It’s a great title, right? LOL! It’s a double entendre, which I adore. I (literally) was the CEO of my first business called Soul…Day Spa and Salon. I had the title from the moment I began writing, but towards the end of the book, and that chapter of my life’s journey, the meaning was wonderfully figurative and poignant–which is that there is power within us all.
Who is your target audience? I think my story will naturally resonate with women both young and old, who are consciously on a journey to grow and have balance in their lives. I also think those who are interested in entrepreneurship and the struggles that small business owners have will enjoy the book as well.
How long did it take you to gather all your thoughts and experiences into this body of work? How did you feel when it was complete? I started writing this book in 2010, when my business closed. I wrote and wrote and wrote. I had an outline and obviously knew the elements of the story. But I struggled with its structure. I wasn’t sure if I wanted it to be more of a “how-to manual” or more of a personal memoir. Within the last six months however, I found a book doctor who really helped me answer certain questions about how to integrate those two genres. I’m very happy with the result.

What was harder, sharing business or personal hurdles? The personal hurdles, hands down! I think business failures are more “communal” meaning that you can look to outside factors such as the economy or financing as contributing factors to why you failed. When you “fail” in relationships, multiple times, you really have to stand up all alone and take the hit. So I really did feel very vulnerable about exposing myself to criticism in that area.
What is the last book you read? “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. Lots of Aha moments in it for me. Also, “A Purpose Driven Life” was truly the catalyst for me to finishing the book and going out to help small business owners and empowering women.
Do you think you will write more in the future?I’m sure I will. I feel that I have about three books that will be more manuals than memoirs: 7 Tips on Business or Relationships or Parenting. I also will be conducting seminars around the country to follow up on the lessons in the books. Personally, I think “CEO Of My Soul” is really a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But, if I keep living and having authentic experiences that I believe can assist others, I’m open to the possibility.
What overall message do you want readers to get from your book? Love God, Love Yourself, and Love Others… In that order. That’s my message. I think women in particular tend to be very self-sacrificing in their lives, and are made to feel guilty about having real healthy relationships with themselves. There’s a point in the book where I pointed out how Maya Angelou, in one of her last interviews before she died, cried joyfully at the notion of God’s love for her. It caught her off guard and was humbling to her! That realization hit me too. Deeply. It filled me up. It filled any void or self loathing that I had within. It was transformative and gave me the power to truly love myself. With that experience, I am able to love others from an authentic place instead of a needy place. I would love for my readers to receive that message.
CEO OF MY SOUL will be available for purchase on MAY 2, 2016. You can pre-order the book NOW via Amazon here. For more information on the author and book release visit To purchase the “CEO of My SOUL” Coffee Mug (pictured) and other items also visit the website. You can also get a free excerpt (I did and loved it! ) there as well.
BOOK SYNOPSIS -Small business consultant Nicole “Nic” Cober, Esq. knows the sobering statistic: Nearly 80% of ALL small businesses fail. She knows it because she’s lived it. This is her story.
She built her first business, Soul…Day Spa and Salon, to be a community staple in the DC metro area, with a flawless local reputation and national media acclaim. She felt like she had it all: a successful business, a beautiful family, a dream house…and a Benz to boot! But, after nearly ten years, her personal and professional lives collided and crumbled. She divorce(s) and eviction notices, all while raising two boys.
Through it all, Nic kept her head held high, and she came back from defeat stronger than ever. Losing Soul, the business, was a catalyst to reconnecting with her own soul through self-love and her faith. Now, she wants to share what she has learned with unflinching honesty, sister-wit, and vulnerability to help her fellow “soul” sisters and small business owners achieve their dreams and avoid some of her pitfalls without sacrificing love, family, or happiness. In CEO of My SOUL, Nic shares the perfect blend of valuable business advice woven together with true accounts of relationship struggles, family triumphs, and self-reflection.
The book is a practical and personal how-to guide for entrepreneurs, but it’s also much more than that. It’s an invitation to join Nic on a personal journey: a spiritual quest for self-love and fulfillment.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR – Born to blaze trails, Nicole Cober’s entrepreneurial spirit was cultivated as the owner and operator of Soul Day Spa and Salon, a spa and hair salon chain that served as a revitalization catalyst in a burgeoning area of the Nation’s Capital. Over the course of nearly ten years, Soul would be acclaimed for its ingenuity, five-star quality service, and avant-garde branding.
Having come full circle in her exciting professional journey, Nicole currently blends her entrepreneurial, business, and legal prowess to offer a distinct suite of services as the Principal Managing Partner of Cober Johnson & Romney. Affectionately known about town as “The Lawyerpreneur”, she takes the concept of business consulting a few steps further, providing a blueprint for gaining business clarity, portraying and positioning authentic brands, and legally protecting those brands, intellectual properties, and creative works. She empowers start-ups and local small businesses to reach their full potential with her creative effective branding and growth strategies.
A zealous advocate for her clients, her experience spans a broad spectrum of industries, including entertainment, beauty, creative, and cosmeceutical. She is also a mentor for SCORE and an instructor for the “Emerging Leaders Initiative”; both programs are affiliated with the Small Business Administration.
Further, Nicole is a sought-after media influencer who provides her expertise to an array of local and national media. Nicole is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley and Howard University School of Law. For her full bio visit
All book/author info from
Our review: I was able to get my copy during the pre-sale and once it was available I dived right in. I enjoyed Nicole’s honest and transparent ride through the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur while simultaneously dealing with life. One thing was abundantly clear at the end. We all make mistakes. We all have things going on behind the scenes that many will never be privy to. The grass isn’t always greener nor is it always real grass. But we have to keep going. Keep fighting another day. Not giving up on our goals, dreams or love. The rough patches make us stronger and smarter and as long as we are learning and growing so does our wisdom to not repeat the same mistakes. You will feel encouraged in your own “mess” and motivated to dig yourself out and try again!
Edited 04.18.16 9:46 PM