5 Secrets to Raising Today’s Daughters Dr. Shekina Farr Moore As a parent you may pride yourself on raising an upstanding daughter but make sure you’re keeping the lines of communication open…

Featured Contributors to Connected Woman Magazine www.connectedwomanmag.com
5 Secrets to Raising Today’s Daughters Dr. Shekina Farr Moore As a parent you may pride yourself on raising an upstanding daughter but make sure you’re keeping the lines of communication open…
What would our communities look like, if depression were not a factor among its citizens? How would our families be impacted if everyone was mentally healthy and whole? In May 2006, one…
This year I am experiencing a greater level of expectation and excitement, but I have to be transparent. I’m more than a little intimidated by what God is showing me about the…
We all go through things – even hard things in life. At times, we need a roadmap to help assist us in getting back on track. There have been times in my…
Yes, indeed, 2016 is here! I don’t know about you, but I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. Neither am I a fan of those dated old new year’s catchphrases…
There are certain best practices that we all can learn from various business gurus who have headed, founded or consulted for fortune 500 companies. Thankfully, many of them have written books to…
When I first heard the phrase “work spouse” about ten years ago, at first I thought it referred to an actual married couple that just happened to be working together. Then I…
Billie Bowe is the President and CEO of Benchmark Consulting Services, a human resources consulting firm located in Freeport, The Bahamas. Billie is the Founder of the Coco Chanel Principles of Business…
As a consultant to many businesses, no matter the size, a fundamental gap continues to cripple organizations time and time again and that is poor customer service. I’ve written numerous articles on…
I never saw myself as a negotiator, even though in my previous work I was negotiating all the time! Now that I run my own HR management consulting firm, I quickly realized…
WARNING: Men Beware, This Article Is for Women Only WARNING: Men Beware, This Article Is for Women Only By Billie Bowe My inspiration for this article came from a book I read…
Building a Brand Others Can Believe In People come to me all the time with questions about branding, image and marketing. Branding is more than your logo, color scheme, website and marketing…