Benefits of Strawberries – Antioxidant Fruits

Benefits of Strawberries – Antioxidant Fruits
By Susan Katchur
Discover benefits of strawberries for skin! Strawberries are in season from late Spring to early Summer. They can be eaten various ways. Eat strawberries with salads, cereals, oatmeal, cakes, pies, ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies or in other ways.
Regular or organic strawberries can be found at your local farmers market and grocery stores. Picking strawberries at a strawberry field can be a fun activity with family and friends. Check your local listings for a strawberry patch near you.
BENEFITS of ANTIOXIDANTS: Antioxidants are chemical compounds or substances that inhibit oxidation. They are the body’s friend. They seek out, neutralize and destroy free radicals that cause havoc on the body. Free radicals speed up the aging process by breaking down collagen and reducing oxygen levels in cells. When free radicals overcome antioxidants, aged or poor skin conditions may develop such as wrinkling, pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions.
ANTIOXIDANT FRUITS: strawberries, apples, oranges, plums, red grapes, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, mangos, pears, bilberries, cantaloupe and more. Antioxidant fruits improve skin condition and boost the immune system.
BENEFITS of VITAMIN C: Strawberries have an especially high content of vitamin C. Vitamin C has anti-aging properties. Reduce appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and blemishes. Improve skin elasticity and regenerate new skin cells.
SALICYLIC ACID: Strawberries contain salicylic acid, a natural and gentle exfoliant for skin. Eliminate build-up of dead skin cells. Lighten skin, reduce dark under eye circles, attack damaging free radicals. Fight acne and pimples. Fade acne scars and blemishes. Improve overall complexion.
ALPHA HYDROXY ACIDS: Destroy free radicals. Lighten and fade age spots, acne scars and blemishes.
ELLAGIC ACID: Protect against the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Reduce the appearance of slight hyperpigmentation. Heal damaged skin. Promote youthful appearance. Prevent hair fall or thinning hair with vitamin B5, B6 and ellagic acid.
NATURAL ASTRINGENT: Strawberries are a natural astringent and anti-inflammatory. Reduce under eye puffiness.
ACNE RELIEF: Strawberries help to reduce acne break-outs. Vitamin C, Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Salicylic Acid help clear acne and reduce oil from skin.
FOLATE: Regenerate and produce new skin cells.
DIETARY FIBER: Eliminate toxins.
SKIN CARE TIP: You can find homemade face masks recipes using strawberries, online, but use with caution. The salicylic acid in strawberries may be too drying and harsh for sensitive skin. Never apply a face mask to skin before trying a small spot test first. Check to see if skin reacts. Rinse with cool water and discontinue immediately if skin reacts poorly with redness, inflammation, itching, burning or other irritation. Contact your medical provider, if needed.
Here are a few of my favorite homemade smoothie recipes. They are easy and quick to make. You may want to try them too! Sometimes I add vegetables to my smoothie recipes such as spinach, kale or carrots. Smoothies are delicious drinks! I like to experiment with foods by making my own homemade recipes. I find the combination of foods just right for my taste. You can too! Have fun with antioxidant fruits and vegetables. Make your own homemade smoothie recipes!
Coconut Water, Strawberries, Blueberries, Kiwi, Pineapple, Mango
Almond Milk, Strawberries, Banana, Blueberries, Raspberries, Almond Butter
Orange Juice, Strawberries, Banana, Blueberries, Apple
Homemade Skin Care Tips:
Growing Strawberries:–qBgtbU
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