I take pride in offering comprehensive pre-litigation legal services tailored specifically for business owners. From navigating the complexities of entity formation to meticulously crafting and reviewing contracts, handling settlements and negotiations with finesse, and safeguarding intellectual property through trademarks and copyrights, my commitment extends to covering the spectrum of legal needs. I am here to provide the legal backbone that empowers businesses to thrive and succeed.

Full Name Lauren Morgan, Esq.
City/State Jacksonville, Florida
What is the name of your business? Activated Law
What state is your business registered in? Arizona
What led you to start a business of your own?
The journey to starting my own business was born out of a realization that there was an unmet need among business owners, one that my current company wasn’t fully addressing. It became a calling to step up and fill that gap, to provide a level of service and support that goes beyond the conventional. This venture is not just about entrepreneurship; it’s about a genuine commitment to making a meaningful difference in the business landscape.
What is your most popular (bestselling) product/service?
Our standout service, a personal favorite among our clients, is centered around trademarks. It’s not just about safeguarding businesses and their brands; it’s about creating a shield for their dreams. I take pride in guiding them through this process, ensuring protection, and helping them turn their vision into a successful venture.
What products/services do you provide?
I take pride in offering comprehensive pre-litigation legal services tailored specifically for business owners. From navigating the complexities of entity formation to meticulously crafting and reviewing contracts, handling settlements and negotiations with finesse, and safeguarding intellectual property through trademarks and copyrights, my commitment extends to covering the spectrum of legal needs. I am here to provide the legal backbone that empowers businesses to thrive and succeed.
Does your type of business allow you to service customers outside of your general location?
The nature of my business transcends geographical boundaries, allowing me to extend my services both internationally and nationwide. Whether my clients are around the corner or across the globe, the essence of what I offer is designed to reach and assist businesses wherever they may be. It’s not just about the reach; it’s about making a positive impact on a broader scale.
Do you have a brick-and-mortar location or is your business online-based?
My business is entirely virtual, embracing the digital landscape to connect with clients worldwide
How do most of your clients hear about you?
Most clients discover my services through referrals and speaking events.
Tell our readers about your family life/career outside of your business.
As a digital nomad, I blend my family life and career by embracing remote work. My entirely online business allows me to travel internationally and across the country. This fuels my creativity and enhances the services I provide to entrepreneurs and business owners.
Tell our readers where they can find out more about you/your business in order to support?
For more information and to show support, visit activatedlaw.com or follow @activatedlaw on all social media platforms.

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