Are You Consciously Evaluating Your Life or Are You Full of Judgment?
I’m a reality TV junkie – which most people find very strange about me. They often ask why. The main reason is because I really am fascinated by the human mind, how we communicate (or not), and truly interested in how we process our experiences.

Watching reality TV is proof that we are all on our own channel, meaning we are all in our own Universe. Often we bring our judgments, our experiences (good or bad) and beliefs into every interaction with other human beings.
That got me thinking…since we often don’t have a politically correct filter in our heads, the judgment that we bring to our own lives must be overwhelming.
So I began to notice more what went on inside my own head, especially around what I was creating in my life. The shade* I was brining was enormous. Of course, the answer to my situation came through reality TV with this comment, “I didn’t like my circumstances, so I changed them.”
When deciding to change your circumstances, you must evaluate where you are and what choices have created that situation. Neutrality is the key to consciously evaluating your life or your creations so real transformation can take place.
Move From Judgement to Neutrality
The first step is to stop making it all about you. If your life is not going the way you would like, all it means is that you are not embodying three major principles:
- Source is good (whatever you call Source)
- Source wants you to be happy
- You deserve to be happy
It doesn’t mean that you are unworthy, bad, broken or any of the other six million reasons we can make up in our heads.
So the first step is asking yourself how can I move from judgment to neutrality?
Making Way For The New
There is a silver lining in every cloud. Your job is to see the silver lining. What usually happens is that we focus on what went wrong to find the solution. Love always trumps judgement. So…what went or is going “right” in your world or with your projects, and how can you utilize that energy in those areas of your life that are experiencing a lack of flow?
Modify And Maximize Your Power
Stop giving it away. We often use our power to focus on our defeats, our insecurities and our failures. Start modifying those beliefs that are contributing to you not receiving what you want and maximize your power and the power of the Universe.
I believe we can do this all by asking (it’s just the way we ask that is important). Here’s a starter question that will help you modify and maximize, “How can I be open to letting go of those beliefs that are undermining what I desire and utilize and accept the power of Universal support?”
I don’t know what those answers will be for you, but I know they will be astounding. I suggest keeping a notebook of what you feel, hear and sense when you ask that question and what opportunities come your way because of that question.
In order to receive more, we get to transform our lives (and creations) so that they are full of life and totally supported by us and the Universe. This is an ongoing process, and when you let go of judgement, it all becomes a lot easier.
* The Urban Dictionary defines shade as: acting in a casual or disrespectful manner toward someone/dissing a friend.