She’s in Business: Are You Living or Merely Surviving? by Quandra Adams

“Most people have done all they’re going to do in life. They raise a family, make a living, & then they die!” –Les Brown

Nothing has anything ever incited a sense of urgency for living life on my terms like this statement! Where is the excitement, thrill, & the passion? Just making a living is a problem, & ironically enough, it doesn’t allow you to really live does it?

My favorite college professor said this, “there are three kinds of people: the ‘haves’, ‘have nots’, & those that ‘have to.’” Like most people, I was a part of the “have to” crowd. I had to get up every day, clock in at a job that didn’t afford me the lifestyle I wanted, clocked out tired & grumpy with no time left in the day to do anything for myself other than go to bed, & repeat yesterday all over again tomorrow. Since I had to, I was a wage slave who was owned by my job and was told when to come, when to go, the amount of money I was worth, and when I would get paid. I figured out quickly that I was surviving & not living. Most people are drifting aimlessly through life hopping from job to job never taking time to think about how to live from their passions.

Imagine the possibilities for your life if you worked when you wanted to, but doing only what you love & for which you have a passion. How much more could you accomplish not only for yourself, but for your family & the world? We are here to express ourselves in the most fulfilling way possible that will bring joy to everyone in the world, & you cannot do this from a place of “have to”. It has to come from a place that allows you the freedom to create, without inhibition, in order for you to tap into who you really are. There are gifts inside of you, bestowed upon you from the most high, and when you use them, it is an outward expression of God’s love for others to enjoy and be inspired by.

Are you currently thinking about leaving your 9-5 for an entrepreneurial endeavor? Quandra can help with the transition here.

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Quandra Adams

Suffering many setbacks in Corporate America caused Quandra Adams to build her own empire instead of helping someone else build theirs. She is dedicated to showing entrepreneurs how to transition from their 9-5 to CEO of their own companies. Although she holds a BA and an MBA, her messages come from the prestigious school of the Hard Knocks. Find more information on Quandra at and email at

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